Revising Policy on Upvoting Comments on my Posts...

in #spam7 years ago

This is why we can't have nice things... Seemingly when trying to upvote all the comments on my posts an alarm was raised throughout the lands beckoning to folks that easy money was afoot if they just spammed some meaningless "good post" or "keep it up" or "thanks for sharing, plz follow me" bullshit comment on any one of my posts...

* Facepalm *

Should have seen this coming, at first I was just voting up everything all willy-nilly, but the more I look at it the more it's obvious that monetizing the monotonously canned "good post bro" created that trend. Rewarding the filling up of the blockchain up with garbage or "fluff" comments was a lapse of judgement in my part and from this point forward I'll no longer be rewarding generic "good post" comments on my posts. Highly encourage everyone else to follow suit and see if we can correct this on a community / social level before we get over run by spam scum. Personally I don't want this for our community.

It's All on The Blogchain...

Generally it's wise to go and check out peoples comments on other blogs.. more often than not you'll realize they are just going around posting absolute rubbish comments with little to no substance, information or value. while not outright declared war on this behavior yet will certainly be slightly less accepting or lenient on this sort of thing on the future.

Now if you'll excuse me I need to go get everything back up to shape and get back on the coding flex! Thanks for reading folks. Have a good week.


for Witness!


The use of comment bot seems to be on the rise. I have been writing the need to write quality comments for great authors who spent hours to write their articles. It is only right to make comments after reading. If nothing better to say, I really may just read and upvote an idea if I support it. Thanks for highlighting this! We agree with this post greatly!

I feel the same. A comment may be more valuable than voting alone and occasionally gets a good comment string going.

I've noticed that too.. Seems they make a list of comments and just randomly bot stuff in hopes of prize... Damn shame really. :/

You are right.. I am also face the situation... How does solved it?

By ignoring them or possibly flagging them if they are spamming all the time.

Por que. You mean I missed an easy opportunity for a massive upvote by spamming some trash comment. NNOOOOOO my steemit career as bad commentor is coming to an end . . .

In all seriousness, though it sucks because I want to reward comments to get more comments and interactions on my posts, at the same time I know it would just increase those type of comments as well.

lol, I was reading that in a theatrical voice in my head right off the start.. Well done.

Yep, you feed beggards they don't learn so well. :/

Better to teach a man to fish if I remember correctly.

here I noticed that people put their own posts link in comments section also , ans sometimes post a same comment on many posts ,

Yes, this link spamming is a problem I see as well.. People are lacking manners. :/

beside manners, they are spoiling the atmosphere of @steemit

Hello si.r..thanks for ur good help me grow too steemit n pls fallow my blog n... if yiu like sir can vote my post..

#sorrynotsorry #fallow4fallow #lickingwhaleballs

Speaking of balls, maybe you should start relying to spam comments with dick pics.

I can tell most of my comments are the copy and paste ones. In the beginning (well let’s be real, I only joined last week) I figured at least a comment is a comment 😂. I think we see these things on all social media platforms though. I know that good, thoughtful interactions pay off more in the long run, but people are going to have to realize that for themselves.

Perhaps the most annoying is the ones where people post an entire investing disclaimer in the comments. I have noticed though that their reputation has started to fall. I have not downvoted anyone yet as I feel i am rather a small fish but there is no doubt there are scams running on the comments that go beyond just be annoying.

Yup it for sure has begun I have seen it on a few peoples posts so far. But we as the creators of posts have the ability to choose what we support and don't support by the value of our upvotes on those comments.

For myself and for others we have started to really select valued comments and give them a higher rating and if its just a flat out "good post bro" not even upvote it at all and in some cases even flag it if its really flat out spam/bot looking.

Great thing about steemit is we control our own little communities in the overall massive community.

Count me in for ridding steemit of this new trend and not rewarding such comments we need to keep the community strong and truly engaged.

Generally,this kind of actions new steemians does the most may be due to some lack of information they have about the platform.
Big steemians who got a significant following must share some educative points about this platform at least once a month that can control the situation rather than flagging a new one out.

Think we could end the problem by mass downvoting such comments and starting a movement to scare them off? Would be worth the try.

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