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RE: CATALONIA IS SPAIN: some politicians want an illegal secession from Spain, ILLEGAL FAKE VOTING!

in #spain7 years ago

Thanks for the mention @freedomvigilante. Let me clarify my position on these types of secessions. The California example I mention here is not to say that I wouldn't at the end of the day respect the wishes of California to take a vote and attempt secession. If that's how I came off, I apologize. My primary reason for wanting to leave if they secede is because I disagree with the direction the politicians here are taking California. They want to institute a mainly socialist totalitarian state and I don't want me or my family to starve to death like is happening in Venezuela right now, along with countless other socialist experiments gone horribly wrong.

I however don't condone what the U.S. government would do in retaliation, but it would happen nonetheless, and I wouldn't want to be stuck in the middle of that mess either. Whether it be peaceful or violent, I'm out.

What Spain is doing to the Catalans is an atrocity and I denounce it with every fiber of my being. I am a peaceful person and I see no justice in jackbooted thugs attacking people for simply expressing their opinion about how their community should be governed. If I lived in Catalonia, I would have recommended against secession for similar reasons to California, but I in no way condone the violent suppression of their movement.


You got it wrong when you talk about the "atrocities" there have been no atrocities. The police had the judicial mandate to seize all materials related to the illegal poll so they went to comply with its orders. What they found then was people trying to prevent the police to do the work that the judges had told them to do.

They used the elderly and the children as human shields, the same tactic that ISIS uses.

The police had no chance but to start removing the people that were preventing the law being applied with proportional force. The multitude tried to attack the police because police was trying to use minimal force so the multitude felt empowered. But when that happened the police didn't have another chance than to step up and use proportional force against the multitude. The same that happens in the USA when the police find a multitude attacking them.

I'm interested to know what media outlets do you watch that have made you get that wrong interpretation of the facts.

I didn't say "police," I said "Spain," which means I think that Spanish authorities are in the wrong here. The police are just following orders. It may be "illegal" to do what the Catalan pollsters are doing, but they aren't harming anyone and they certainly didn't initiate these interactions with the police. Unjust laws are written all the time.

Voting illegally if there is a secession in Spain is doing a great harm to democracy, to all the spanish people including themselves.

Police took proportional force to comply with the orders the received from the judges (not from politicians) to make law prevail.

The Spanish authorities are certainly in the wrong here.

But the police still could chose to follow commands or not.

This is why I don't respect the blind following of orders. It so obviously leads to bad things.

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