The Dragon Has Landed!!!

in #spacex6 years ago


Alright, I should clarify, the dragon I'm talking about isn't as cool as the thumbnail would lead you to think, but its timing might be. The SpaceX Dragon launched last week on its way to the ISS and it just arrived this morning. What was onboard? Well for one, a Death Wish. Death Wish brand Coffee which is supposedly the world's strongest coffee, but is it any coincidence that the ISS was delivered a death wish being surrounded by Anunnaki fleets? Plants and other mission-based items were also included in this delivery INCLUDING an AI robot. An AI in space? This can only spell disaster. The Crew Interactive Mobile Companion (CIMON) is a nearly spherical droid built for the German space agency (DLR) by Netherlands-based aerospace company Airbus. It is powered by IBM's Watson system and can see, hear and talk with astronauts.


Yikes! I don't even think a mother could love that face! I sure wouldn't want that creepy thing staring at me every morning when I wake up!


I mentioned something about the timing of this launch before, as day by day, the red dragon; Nibiru, gets closer and closer to our planet. You can see the world being ripped apart by huge fissures, a massive uptick in earthquakes, and volcanic activity increasing, as well as floods and other catastrophic or strange events worldwide! If you aren't right with God, it's the best time you do so. He's on his way riding his mighty red dragon!

Nearly all religions believe we are presently in the "end times", that period of history when the world will undergo divine judgment, followed by the establishment of the everlasting Kingdom of God that is reserved for the chosen.

Most believe the Messiah will come just prior to this judgment, offering the people one last chance at salvation. Lord RayEl is that prophesied Messiah. Though "faith" is important, we will still provide evidence of his divinity.

God bless.

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(I claim neither credit nor ownership of the above image and or any video content)



The AI in space...all I can think of is Hal!

Nibiru is getting closer and closer and I am feeling the physical effects of it upon my head. These migraines are getting worse!

Get that thing away from me! No thank you!

I want a robot!

The acronym doesn't match the name very well at all. Makes me wonder if it actually stands for something else.

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