SpacePoW - Stage 1 - Installing the Panels

in #spacepow7 years ago (edited)

Two things are of utmost importance when you think about putting up a system in space that will harvest the power of the Sun and put it directly to work into bitcoin mining machines.

  1. Cost to put all of it in orbit
  2. Cost to update mining hardware periodically


First is being solved right now by SpaceX and Blue Origin. The price to build a rocket and put it in orbit if this rocket is destroyed during launch phases turns almost anything related impossible. SpaceX and Blue Origin have now prototypes that allow for multiple launches and landings.

Second is also related to the first being more like the extra amount of income needed to make the system sustainable.

After that, comes the price for building the panels. Regular panels are surely not appropriate to be put in orbit. Surely they show the way.

Japan has a very advanced project on collecting energy from the Sun and beaming it back to Earth. Although there are losses in the process of transmitting the energy to Earth it is still a very good promise.

Now, the main argument for mining in space is: there is absolutelly no need to transmit any amount of energy to Earth. All the energy will be consumed out there, to power up as many miners as can be set to work up there. The more the merrier! It can power up the whole bitcoin mining system.

You might ask, what about centralization? It would not be centralized if the project is crowdfunded and the software is open-source. Period.

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