China To Set Up Moon Base In Just 10 Years

in #space5 years ago


Reading about all the cool stuff that is happening on the space exploration front gives me great joy and I have waited for this kind of speed and effort for all my life. Ever since I was a child I felt like we humans are not doing enough to explore the cosmos.

Now however, it seems like we are doing good. More than good actually. With private companies and government space agencies all focused at expanding the human race to other planets and moons, the space dream was never better, at least in my opinion.

We keep hearing about SpaceX and its achievements, as the media covers that really well and there is an almost fanfare like following for its launches and missions. The involvement of Elon Musk is definitely one of the reasons why.

Anyways, other agencies are doing a phenomenal job as well and the latest news comes out of China. It seems like they plan to be the leaders in space exploration and research with their numerous missions in the coming decade, one of which is establishing a moon base within the decade.

Moon Base


Right now, the only permanent presence of human beings in space is that on the International Space Station in the low Earth orbit. But in the coming decades, that is poised to change as we'll have humans living permanently on the Moon and Mars.

China for example, is planning to set up a scientific research base on the south pole of the Moon and that too by 2020. That's just about 10 years from now. It sure is a highly ambitious and optimistic goal in the face of tons of unsolved challenges regarding habitation on other worlds.

But China's plans don't end there. They're also looking to send more lunar probes this year, after already having sent a rover to the far side of the Moon in January. Also on the list is an uncrewed mission to Mars by 2020.

They also want to replace the International Space Station with one of their own, called Tiangong or 'Heavenly Palace', by 2022 as the ISS is set to retire in 2024. In fact, the process of building it could start as soon as next year. To top it all off, they are also planning to launch an asteroid exploration mission.


Great article and enjoying your content. Did you mean 2030? I think if this looks likely to happen it will trigger the next space race like the US had with the USSR. Do you have any references we could look at for this story?

Oh yeah sorry, I meant 2030. Fixed it.

Yes, I agree. We are at the cusp of another space race and this time it will be more interesting because more countries are participating and for the first time in history, private companies are involved too!

For references, check this link out:

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I'm a doubter that they will have a permanent base on the moon in 10 years. They don't have the rockets for it at this time and it's very expensive.

Yeah, 10 years seem a little too early. But who knows if they have surprises in store.

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we are living in an age that was science fiction not to long ago....
what is that Chinese saying: may you live in interesting times (lets hope its not a curse this time)

That's for sure! Our lives today would be like sorcery to people from only 50 years ago!

I still find it weird to start seeing stuff that I was reading in Sci-Fi books as a kid

Oh yeah! It's definitely weird :D

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