Why Won't Nancy Pelosi Do What She Claimed she would do. . .only One discussion and hasn't given on Anything, so How is Victor Avila Racist? Is she reading Mueller's Report? The gig is UP Nancy!

in #sotu6 years ago

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Why won't they compromise as the President has been willing to do?

See a clip at the end that shows evidence of Dem leaders like Nancy Pelosi asking for the government to be opened so they can negotiate, but then has Only had one meeting and continues to impeded justice and protection according to other government workers.

Pelosi isn't even doing fraction of what President has done and given up in an effort to protect people like those he spoke about in his SOTU. A speech for the history books, but will msm acknowledge it?

That's okay, President Trump isn't trying to appease a media based on fraudulent, deceptive reporting practices. No, We the People have got us a Man who stands for God and We the People.

I believe it's quite evident Why they hate him so much. They show their disdain for us Daily as they sit behind their Own walls in their mansions above the rest of us peering down.

Sort of how Nancy did constantly as our POTUS gave his speech on all the good he and the White Hats have accomplished. Greatness! And in the wake of it all, what did Nancy keep doing? Shuffling papers.

I would say That is apt as she is a Paper pusher. As our President pointed out, she and her other paper peddlers voted for a wall before, but now that it stands to crumble the platform of the DNC and expose the hateful, self serving lot they are, they oppose the protection for people like Jamie Zapatos. Friend to retired border agent Victor Avila?

Victor Avila speaks of his friend in the clip below. This is who he was and how he was killed.

Jaime Zapata as an Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent who was ambushed and murdered by the Mexican criminal group Los Zetas in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. He was one of the two agents that were ambushed in a part of the country that is increasingly under the influence of drug violence. Zapata's death is the second highest-profile killing of a U.S. agent in Mexico—the first one was Enrique Camarena, an undercover DEA agent who was tortured and murdered by the former Guadalajara Cartel.

he served on the Human Smuggling and Trafficking Unit and in the Border Enforcement Security Task Force.

Two U.S. Homeland Security Investigations special agents, Jaime Zapata and Víctor Ávila, were traveling from Laredo, Texas to Mexico City on an assignment for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.As they drove through the northern state of San Luis Potosí, the agents noticed two SUVs following them down Highway 57, a four-lane, federal highway from Mexico City to Monterrey. The two vehicles that came up behind them were at a high rate of speed, and were described as driving "aggressively," according to agent Ávila.

One vehicle passed the agents’ Suburban, while other gunmen started to fire at their vehicle, and eventually rammed them off the road. As one of the agents rolled down the window to inform them that they were U.S. diplomats, the agent recalls how one of the gunmen got off his vehicle, with a rifle in his hand, forced the door of the agents’ car open and shot point blank at them. When Zapata shifted the vehicle into park, its doors automatically unlocked.

The Zeta gunmen pulled open the driver's side door and tried to drag Zapata out, but he fought them off, managing to re-lock the doors. The agents, however, managed to crack the windows to talk with the assailants and identify themselves. The agents hoped to reason with the gunmen—as many as 15 of them—who surrounded the vehicle. According to congressman McCaul, the agents said "We're Americans, we're diplomats", and the response from the drug cartels was bullets.

The gunmen then fled, and Ávila was able to use his cellphone to call for help. Dying, Zapata managed to put the car in gear and drive away before collapsing at the wheel. Soon afterwards, a Mexican federal police helicopter arrived where the two agents were. Ávila was shot twice in the leg, and was later sent to a hospital in Houston, Texas. Jaime Zapata, however, gravely injured from three bullet wounds, died before the authorities could aid him with medical treatment. According to federal sources, the ambush took place at a fake military checkpoint established by the gunmen, who were dressed in camouflage uniforms and armed with machine guns.

As witnessed in This story, criminals don't abide within the law, it becomes the job of those who are sworn to protect us. . . to do so!

Why are these conditions okay to these Democrat leaders obstructing the safety of citizens both in Mexico and in the United States? What is their goal in allowing this to continue?

According to CBS News,

Not a day goes by that Amador and Mary Zapata don't think about their son Jaime, a Special Agent with Immigration and Customs (ICE).

"I think about a young man with a loving heart who loved fishing, who loved family and friends," said his mother Mary.

Other Angel families with loved ones killed by illegals held a demonstration at the border and called out for help from President Trump. Do these Dem leaders Really expect him to just ignore them and turn a blind eye? Allow more to come across unvetted to harm and murder.

This reported by Gateway Pundit,

One of the speakers at the border event was Mary Anne Mendoza, whose son Sgt Brandon Mendoza was killed by an illegal alien on the day after Mother’s Day in 2014.

“We are fighting so that no other American family has to feel the pain and the grief that we do,” Mendoza told the Epoch Times.

Another speaker at the rally was Agnes Gibboney, a legal immigrant from Brazil whose son was shot and killed in 2012 by an illegal alien gang member who had previously been deported.

“We’re calling on all Americans to support President Trump who’s fighting hard to keep his campaign promise to build the wall,” Gibboney said. “We need to build the wall so we can prevent the needless loss of life at the hands of illegal aliens.”

Why are the Dem leaders so opposed to President Trump and those on the side of good stopping the MS-16 members? Why were they allowing them to pour into our country in the first place?

Why did Obama and Eric Holder put weapons willingly into the hands of drug cartels?

Are things Not adding up with these leaders who are associated with the DNC?

Here is a recent story on what really goes on at the border including another young man who lost his life as he followed our laws, but an illegal didn't have to because people like Schumer, Pelosi and other Dem leaders obstruct a proven way to keeping our people protected.


His name was Pierce Corcoran. His Angel family lost him at the young age of 22 years.


Hear a paramedic on the border tell the horrors he sees from children being forced to make a harrowing journey, one in which many parents Do Not accompany, but child traffickers lie and claim to be parents. Parents willingly send their daughters Knowing they will be raped. They give these children birth control pills prior to sending them. This Must be Stopped!


And last but not least, officer Singh, whose life was also recently taken while he served in his community as a protector, a police officer killed by an illegal who had been caught and let go by the Dem leaders predatory catch and release program propelled by traitorous individuals like Brown, Pelosi and Schumer. Singh left behind a young wife and baby.


Far more stories of law abiding citizens being preyed upon and harmed in a senseless manner so that Dem leaders can attempt to propel forward their Trump hate.

  • Their hate of a president who has greatly strengthened our economy.

  • Brought unemployment levels for everyone including minorities to the lowest it has been in decades.

  • Made the peace with North Korea that neither Clinton, Bush nor Obama could make. Obama pretended that it was Impossible, yet here we are. . .that WW3 the Dem leaders were threatening us with, letting us know it was looming over our heads. ..those pictures where Obama signaled a Tsunami and those CIA photos depicting our demise. . .No More. Not on Their watch, on the watch of a president We the People elected in spite of their cheating and them Laughing in our face about him having a chance. I would say God interfered to stay their cheating and lies! Remember, they told you She would win.

  • A president who doesn't just talk about people being incarcerated for unjust periods where the crime Does not fit the sentence as we have those Protecting criminals residing where they should not be in places of power, but actually getting people Out!

People like Alice Marie Johnson, whose sentence Trump commuted last year.

Matthew Charles, a Tennessee man who was among the first prisoners released under the First Step criminal justice legislation Trump signed in December.

  • A president who has actually Done something about our taxes even though it's "Breadcrumbs" to Nancy Pelosi who has enjoyed making her millions through insider trading and deals We the People are not allowed access to.

See evidence here


  • A President who restores value to We the People through better trade deals. Actually fights for us, stands up and says No to other countries benefiting While taking advantage of us!

  • A President who will fight for the rights of our most innocent population and say It is Wrong for the Dem leaders to continue allowing these children to be trafficked, sexually exploited, tortured and abused. It is Wrong for them to take a life Unborn, and now as if that Wasn't Enough. . .Northam speaking about killing Out of the womb. Only speaking of the right of the mother, but taking away the rights of a life we are Sworn to Protect!

I can go on, but the last is the Crux of it all isn't it? It is why Patriots, White Hats, Qanon, Qarmy and our President work so diligently Each day! Committed to ending these predatory practices against the innocent.

God says in Proverbs 31:8-9

Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.

9 Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.

Isaiah 1:17

Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.

Deuteronomy 27:25

Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person. And all the people shall say, Amen.

Proverbs 17:5-6
Whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker: and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished.

6 Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.

Psalm 94:21

21 They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood.

Exodus 20:13

Thou shalt not kill.

Leviticus 24:20-21

Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he hath caused a blemish in a man, so shall it be done to him again.

21 And he that killeth a beast, he shall restore it: and he that killeth a man, he shall be put to death.

See a clip that covers the lies and hypocrisy of Dem leaders.

Evidence their statements are false.

Hear about lives lost do to these Dems open border policy which they used to Not support.

Evidence the Dem leaders are choosing to be self serving, rather than protecting the rights of We the People and rather than doing the Will of We the People.

Hear Victor Avila talk about the death of his friend, Border Patrol Officer, Jaime Zapata.

Zero progress, even though Nancy Pelosi stated, "open the government and we'll negotiate.

Evidence she has Not kept her word. Only One meeting thought even other Dems are asking for More meetings.

Pelosi purposely obstructing justice and blocking progress.

Trump is the first to say he Wants to bring more immigrants in. . .the Right way. What is wrong with that all of a sudden? Why are Nancy and Chuck suddenly changing their tune? Who's interests are they now serving? Why are they Not concerned about these people being harmed and killed?








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