Sodium fluoride

in #sodiumeflouride6 years ago (edited)

Not many people know that sodium fluoride is highly toxic in large amounts but no one knows how many small amounts add up to being toxic and cause harm or death...


Sodium fluoride is a chemical by product of the aluminium and fertilizer industry and is added to the water supply in the false claim that it is good for your teeth when in fact it is bad for your teeth. It is a rat poison and a deadly neurotoxin that attacks the central nervous system and leads to serious health problems that the authorities cover up and demonize anyone who says otherwise.


It affects the teeth, bones, brain, and the thyroid gland and lowers IQ and is linked to cancer. A public warning on all toothpaste says if more is ingested than is used to clean the teeth then seek medical help or get in touch with a poison control centre immediately.


Fluoride is a poisonous waste by-product that is classified as a poison and is not allowed to be dumped into the earth. Fluoride is the main ingredient of Prozac and Sarin nerve gas and it has been proven to make you docile, stupid and subservient when given over a period of time as the soviets do in their prison camps.

Fluoride is a deadly poison and is known to be so by the authorities that put it in your water as a way to control you by dumbing you down...


This is what I've come up with from reading many articles about sodium fluoride and would like to leave you with more reading material from the internet and is called: Earth Friends...

Images from Pixabay


I would like to point out Wales does not put it the water,

“The recent Water Act 2003 has changed the decision-making process regarding whether fluoridation of water supplies should take place. Historically, Health Authorities have only been able to request fluoridation and the water companies have been able to agree or refuse the request.”

Quote from Dwr cymru
“Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water do not fluoridate any of our water supplies and we have not received any indication that the National Assembly for Wales intend to ask us to fluoridate any water supplies.”

World health organisation on fluoride -

It’s in some bottled water but it’s in majority of food made with water so very hard to avoid in the modern world.

It's good to live in Wales

hi @ wales yes Sodium fluoride is a chemical. why Fluoride is a poisonous waste by-product that is classified as a poison? Please full explain it

If what I say is true then you could research it on the internet or read the 2 links I put in. If you believe in the government version then there's nothing to worry over, is there...

Hi wales, good to see ya, it's been a while.

Yeah, as always, a lot of our chemicals today have their benefits as well as their hazards and sodium fluoride is no exception. However, i think the benefits far surmount the dangers because they'are used reasonably and in small quantities too. For one, my teeth are shiny white because i've always used it. instruction are to be adhered to. nowadays, if the pack says 'not to be ingested' then it's not to be ingested.

This article has a really good niche for it, but you might have to make it more engaging and fact-filled. Do you think more people should know of the dangers of fluoride? get detailed facts backed up with the science and write in. Have you seen the steemstem tag yet? It's awesome and is for everyone who has interests in science.

You're welcome to use the tag next time. You probably should go through it and see for yourself:

HI; thanks for this; I've done as you've said and put 2 links, but really there are many places now that tell of the dangers of fluoride; and it's been proven that it doesn't really help teeth all that much and in fact is not good for teeth, but I can't find that link. I'm lucky that here where I live there is no fluoride in the water supply, and I only buy non fluoride toothpaste. The government as a body lies and is only out for itself and anything they tell me has to be taken as some kind of propaganda that they want me to believe but not for the reasons they give.

Thanks for the link. I shall make some research on it.

Your mouth cavity is the begining of the digestive tract where many digestive processes begin so you can't use it without ingesting at least small amounts

True buddy, thanks for pointing that out.

You are correct, that is why I use an RO filter, and also why I am headed for the country, and well water! Resteemed!


Thanks; it's bad stuff and is banned from being allowed to be put in the rivers and such because it is highly toxic. Why they think it is Okay in small amounts that build up and calcify around the pineal gland is beyond me, unless they do not mean us well...

@ wales thank you so very much share your valuable knowledge.

I know only enough to know that I do not want it in my body...

It has been decades since they worried about us!
We have to survive in spite of them.


That seems to be so; but there are more and more of us now that are standing up and saying no to them...

I am moving off grid, as quickly as I can build the equipment! Then they can KISS MY #^&%^&!*

Trouble is they are making it really hard to do that too, even collecting rain water is illegal...

I did a post about a month ago on rain water collection. No restrictions here. Once I finish my Walipini, I will be able to grow food 365 days a year!

yes exactly.
I've studied about it too.
Well here is a trick about just sodium
if you drop some amount of sodium in water it will glow up in flames and looks like the water on fire

It's terrible stuff and I think they know that it is but put it in the water all the same...

Sodium Fluoride is a known carcinogen. Here's the MSDS sheet (Material Safety Sheet) ........

Thanks; it's hard sometimes to find the right material

I hope that helps the other folks asking questions. Sodium Flouride does not belong in our drinking water people. If it was for our health, rather than disposal of a manufacturing by-product, then they would put vitamin C in our drinking water during the winter months to help us fight against the dreaded flu.

How do they dose it? Think about adding tap water to make baby formula. How much are our still developing little ones getting by body weight? How is bathing in it good for my teeth? These types of questions go on and on. @Wales is telling you the truth. Look into this yourself. You will go outside and dig a well.

I think the powers that be know all this and still do it regardless because of money

Oh yeah. They know.

How scary. I will always look at the composition of the toothpaste.

The thing is, if it really is so toxic then why are they putting it in the water and so many other things? Either they know and are complicit in such a criminal act; or, they are so stupid they don't know what is going on.

I also read about this and am very surprised why this happens.

I too am surprised at how human beings can put money before humanity and care not about poisoning us

Concerning sodium fluoride in water, I saw what people have from this water teeth. It's horrible. Poison!!! It is sad that many such additives are not considered harmful.

We all have to be careful...

Woah, I knew sodium fluoride nut today I got something to learn extra.

Why do they really put it in the drinking water and the toothpaste?

In toothpaste is somewhat acceptable but in Water, I also don't know.

hi @pankuvirat are you really don,t know toothpaste is acceptable in water. So ask You Mr. @ wales

Well, This is because remineralization effect of flouride in our tooth cavities and it also slows down the formation of acid which is primary cause of cavity . @wales :-)

I would like to introduce you to one place that says that fluoride is not that good...

Probably, they are right. Nowadays, there are fluoride free toothpaste.

Hi #hash-tag why Nowadays fluoride free toothpaste? Tell me

well, recently an article was published and I happen to read that article. "NaF is not a natural substance and it is a toxic drug and its potency can be increased in other favourable conditions."I would recommend you to read this article.

We have to question everything that the government does or we could be poisoned, or worse...

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