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RE: I Am a Paralegal. Does That Make Me a Sociopath?

in #sociopath8 years ago

If I understand the anarchist mindset correctly, or at least just apply my own thoughts to it, then the sociopath in this equation is the "system". A system that seems to have developed in such a way as to treat good people so badly. I would go so far as to say that system has become psychopathic - it appears to deliberately make life difficult for the good and honest, and rewards those who clearly do not have others best interest at heart. I have many such stories myself, first hand experience, from here where I live.

The system is not you. Nor is it me. We just have to operate within it. It sounds to me like you are doing very good work to try to alleviate some of the suffering inherent within this system of ours.

Even within an Anarchist model, laws would still be needed, restitution would still need to be made for laws broken. But the laws would be fewer, and based on natural and common law, and the overseeing and policing would not be controlled by a monopoly. At least that is my rudimentary understanding of it.

At the end of the day, people are important, and any system that leverages the suffering of people and utilises it to further benefit itself, or allows people to benefit themselves within that system at the expense of others suffering, is not a system that I can support. I can live within it, as I am a pragmatist and realist, but to see all the suffering is upsetting.


I wholeheartedly agree. The less government the better. The fewer laws, the better. But the need for police and protection is necessary, because there always will be some people who will think it is ok to Lord themselves over others. The problem is, what we think is protection often ends up being the very system that destroys freedom. First hand here as well! Which is why anarchy may sound like a good solution for a few minutes, but it does not take long before a group grows too large, and unmanageable, and/or a bully comes into town and needs managing. And the smaller groups band together, and then you get feudalism. Which is a natural progression, and it occurs even here on Steemit! And that is the precursor to a monarchy. Anyway, I don't know, but I think IDEALLY it could work out. It would just require a certain type of understanding for it to work, and everyone would need to be in agreement and no one would be allowed to take advantage, and that's a tough egg to crack.

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