Today's society: Infantilization and childhood loss

in #society6 years ago (edited)

Change is a constant dynamic that has been around in human history, it is impossible to say that today's society is exactly the same as it was five centuries ago. In recent centuries we have witnessed how peoples have been exterminated from how nations have been created and how powers have been built. The human being is a changing being. This is evidenced through diachronic and synchronic studies of history, in the last century many changes have occurred for the good of humanity such as the fact that life expectancy has doubled, world poverty is at its lowest levels and conflicts after the Second World War have decreased. However, many changes have also been made for bad this is the clear example of childhood regression, very little talked about by today's media.

Childhood has begun to disappear along with adulthood, leaving society immersed in an adolescence state characterized by immaturity and irrationality. From children under the age of 10 in fashion shows being hypersexualized to adults over 30 living with their parents, unemployed and having to be sued by their own parents to become independent. In his book "The Disappearance of Childhood" Neil Postman expresses concern about how our children's childhood has been progressively lost over the years due to the advance of mass media and their presence in the daily lives of children.

A child is not an adult until he develops his cognitive abilities and skills, a man becomes a man when he develops and learns to manipulate all these skills and is able to take care of himself. Previously, belonging to the group of adults or children was not a universal notion when understood from their social and cultural context. Adulthood differed between different social classes but there were boundaries between what was a child and what was an adult. In today's society, the child is in constant contact with the atrocities of the world and is not isolated in that imaginary world of positivism and happiness. The innocence and imagination of children have begun to fade with culture as their barriers and requirements for understanding are lost so that cultural expressions become meaningless and worthless banalities, expressions of a heterogeneous mass that once formed a nation. At the same time, the perception of age within the culture is lost and with it, moments and stages that form the integral ´progress and development of an identity for a child are lost, leaving only biological stages, which have also undergone a negative metamorphosis such as sexual maturity or hypersexualization in today's society.

With these conditions set out above, children who are unable to form a solid and logical judgment have to faced with a society based on unbridled consumption, full of all kinds of sexual content and full of violence. It is now common for children to develop diseases and psychological disorders that were unique to adolescents and adults in the past century. These children will be unable to become an authority or be a role model for their own children because they never went through the process of maturity. That's why in today's society news like this:

Or statements like this are very common:

Rates of depression and anxietyamong young people in America have been increasing steadily for the past 50 to 70 years. Today, by at least some estimates, five to eight times as many high school and college students meet the criteria for diagnosis of major depression and/or anxiety disorder as was true half a century or more ago.

On the other hand, we have that youth is something that does not have a definite time frame in today's society, it has become the way of life by definition of the Millennial generation. Youth is a lifestyle defined by habits of over-consumption of goods and ideas in an irrational and banal way. All you have to do is surf in youtube for 10 minutes and you'll see how banal youtube is, a place where most of the content is created by millennials. And so it is that we have a cultural industry that persists in prolonged adolescence where the idea that adult behavior consists of over-sexualization and vulgarity is preponderant because nothing is vulgar or indecent anymore, everything is allowed. Growing up, regulating, abstaining, all of this are considered freedom violations.

In a society where consumption is given priority over responsibility. As a result, we have a financial system based on excessive consumption where adolescents and young people are the main targets in terms of marketing. In fact, a company is more likely to sell more products to a young population than it can sell to an adult population. This has already been studied, the way in which different generations make use of their per capita incomes. The fault of infantilization lies not absolutely in the techniques of marketing and entertainment, these simply drive them, all this problem is due to an obsolete financial system that revolves around banks and their interest rates. Furthermore, in general terms, young people do not have a culture of saving money, so they use principles of convenience and spend on a diversity of services and goods whose value is very small, whose value to satisfy their needs is zero.

Culture is not something that is promoted and fostered, what is aspired of it is to be just another product that is consumed by the masses. Along with it, social life is devoured, where every action is part of a competition to climb the ladder of the social hierarchy. A childish society based on material concepts to fill emotional and abstract gaps. What predominates is the banal show and the appearance, the knowledge, and the truth are of no importance. To the point of idolizing and even supporting artists who overdose on drugs as if they were heroes and saviors of society. This millennial generation idolizes immature, illogical and absurd behavior.

And all this has ended up having repercussions in a society of entertainment for the consumer where any figure, no matter how important he may be, philosopher, writer, scientist or politician, has to go to banal entertainment shows and be treated like a juvenile rockstar because if he is not, it is as if he simply does not exist because he is not cool, funny or banal. Anything that does not happen instantly, immediately and satisfactorily is considered negative.

Zygmunt Bauman explains the intrinsic relationship between postmodern society and products in his study "Liquid Love", the author explains that relationships with products and services are translated into personal relationships in such a way that commitments between people lose value because they do not satisfy these needs immediately and instantaneously.

Infantilization has led to the child being exposed to a voracious world, without parental figures to guide and introduce him/her to the world. It has nothing to do with the awareness necessary to reach maturity. All of this, commented on above, locks society up in an infinite present where the past is nothing more than a collection of memories, so we come to the conclusion that the future is uncertain and that therefore it should not be foreseen or adapted for its arrival, the present is infinite, everything is ephemeral and nothing is true or real because, as the main subject is always young, he will never reach maturity because transcending would annul his youthful state that opens the doors of pleasure, consumption and banality.

In the face of infantilization, the paternal figure and a defender became demanded, and it is at this very moment that the state is granted absolute power to improve living conditions, ignoring this group of children's adults 2 millenniums in which the state has been the protagonist of being an aggressor due to the full power that was granted. And this is remarkable because of the millennial penchant for interventionist governments in the economy. These are ignorant and incongruous thoughts that prevail in millennials mind a state that censors, punishes decisive opinions, cases where the truth and justice transcends a stage of feelings and emotions, it is for the same reason that we see cases where a woman proceeds to legally sue a man because he calls her "pretty" in the street without any hostile spirit. All this generated by a paternal emptiness, a figure that instructs them about good and evil, about right and wrong, about the moral and immoral, a completely postmodernist society sinking itself into an era where there is no real value of the valuable.

The postmodern condition arises from infantilization, the emptiness of culture, and the lack of strong ideologies all this emptiness goes hand in hand with immaturity because the responsibilities and limitations of identity are denied and only immediate sensations prevail so as to lose their maturity and create a merely childish society and even to sink with it those who seek in some way to mature in this society, these are bombarded by the constant marketing full of childish ends. These messages end up condemning the individual to lose his perception of what freedom really is a mean.

Art, philosophy and what's really fundamental are relegated to minorities who are in short supply and who do not have the influence to bring what is really productive to society. In society, the discourse on the protection or defence of maturity and childhood is scarce; this is something that our society has not perceived and has not noticed. Childhood is one of the most important stages in the human formation, however this is no longer seen in the same way, children are seen as a burden or even as an 'object' that disrupts social progress and the quality of life of people. One only has to look at the current feminist discourse to see how children do not represent anything important to those group of women. Others take adulthood to children prematurely, through drugs to calm and silence them, or through audiovisual media full of entertainment and workshops without leaving them space for recreation.

The effects that this problem of childhood generates in society are already visible, in the university discourse of the students, the lack of interaction with the outside world is visible, the interaction between the teacher and the student becomes more and more difficult due to the fact that everything is considered offensive. Young people who can not only support themselves in economic terms but also in ethical and moral terms neither in emotional terms. This is why the most recurrent refuge is stimuli.

A solution to all this problem would not be as simple as demanding maturity, let's remember that the media exert a great influence on the individuals who make up a society, maturity does not only imply facing the facts but also not being carried away by the simplifications and reductionism that prevails today where the media and the Internet are responsible for explaining reality in a very brief way through summaries and generalizations.

Maturity demands acceptance of limitations and commitments, so it is understood that freedom does not find its virtue in a neutrality but in a capacity for compromise, that is to say, there is no point in freedom if it is never exercised fairly for the benefit of the individual and of society. Without an idea, freedom is nothing but indifference and social existence. It is that same lack of commitment and indifference that demands the protection of everything that makes you feel that your freedom is threatened, regardless of whether the defense of your own freedom ends with that of others.

The closest and most viable solution for the individual and society is to protect the childhood of those children who can still be saved from all of these proximate ills. It is possible to face up to reality and take responsibility for it; this already represents a significant advance for society. It is necessary to understand that all this problem expressed here is something that is constantly expanding and that awareness must be created within society itself, taking it to the table of dialogue and dissertation, making it the object of study so that we can all be part of the change and progress that has led us to the best years of humanity so far.

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A child is not an adult until he develops his cognitive abilities and skills

This is possibly one of the most difficult libertarian’s question that currently exist - When is the time that children becomes an adult and therefore can be fully responsible for their own chosen actions? Do you think that the answer is as simple as you make it seem? I highly doubt that.

The text creates this feeling for me that you are jumping to a conclusion very quickly. Don’t get me wrong there is lot of truths in the text but also lot of quick judgements of a very complex matter.

Parenting is a very hard thing to do and no one is truly ready to become one ever. The children often times teaches us more than we teach it in return. This leads to us growing but the children paying for our lack of knowledge. I can guarantee you that when you grow up and have children you will fail miserably from time to time, thus becoming sort of what you speak about (so will I don’t worry:D). Imo the problem here lies elsewhere and is much simpler. People are stupid and have always been. That is simple biology. As the world is becoming ever more complex, you want those stupid genes to adapt in 2 generations, which is totally impossible. It will take hundreds, more like thousands of years before society will be able to adapt, and we can only hope that it will not be too late (read hope that we won’t destroy ourselves till then).

You basically say that most people are still children. I say they are simply just stupid and you have high expectations of the so called "adults".

You also seem not respect "interpersonally incomparable value". Throughout the text it seems like you expect others to share your values (parents should say what is good and evil, what freedom truly is etc.). That is not going to happen man:).

Otherwise it was a good read...I would just expect less conclusions that cannot be backed by anything real and more pondering and laying out of questions from a philosopher.

So, to begin first when I made this post I had chosen two particular targets one, Millennials and Childhood as we know it today.

When is the time that children become an adult and therefore can be fully responsible for their own chosen actions? Do you think that the answer is as simple as you make it seem? I highly doubt that.

This is not an easy answer to address, I admit, however, there was a particular time when humans regularly emancipated themselves from their parents. Before Millennials, young people used to live between 18 or 20 years old with their parents. We as a society agreed that teenage years last till 21 years. What we are seeing today is a generation that lives around 26 to 30 years with their parents, that means that responsibility comes late in life, therefore we are losing that perception. That's way symptoms such as lack of responsibility, irrational paternalism, rampant consumption, thoughts such as feelings first facts after prevails in this generation.

Parenting is a very hard thing to do and no one is truly ready to become one ever. The children often times teaches us more than we teach it in return.

No one doubts this, but due to those reasons I already explained in my post the differences between the education of a child raised by a minimal and one raised by a baby boomer is way different. Millenials due to their lack of responsibility do not take care of their children in a proper way. In fact, millennials are more likely to abort a child than a prior generation, and we have to ask why is it? And everything is because the way they think, they don't assume responsibilities and everything that causes harm to them(of course we are talking in general terms, I'm not saying all millennials are the same since I'm one), despite being their fault, is someone else's fault.

People are stupid and have always been. That is simple biology. As the world is becoming ever more complex, you want those stupid genes to adapt in 2 generations, which is totally impossible.

I think you might have misunderstood what I was saying since what I was referring to were millennials. And I don't also believe that the world is much complex today, in fact, it's way easier than what it was before. In terms of transport, money, access, poverty, and different elements that were problems in the past and nowadays do not prevail.

You basically say that most people are still children. I say they are simply just stupid and you have high expectations of the so-called "adults".

I'm saying most millennials are still children and they are in their adulthood. We must have a lot of expectations with our adults since they rule our society, institutions, families. Of course, I have a lot of expectations.

You also seem not respect "interpersonally incomparable value". Throughout the text it seems like you expect others to share your values (parents should say what is good and evil, what freedom truly is etc.). That is not going to happen man:).

Not really man, everyone has a different perception of what reality and truth is, and they found meaning throughout different ways. I'm not expecting them to have a universal moral standard. I'm expecting them to raise their children in way they teach them those concepts. Since philosophy, art, literature and other important subjects are fading away and have neither meaning or value for our society.

Thanks for your comment once again. I hope this answer might clarify the things I wanted to express with this post. Cheers.

It was tough to respond to this, since my main point was obviously not clearly transferred.

Before Millennials, young people used to live between 18 or 20 years old with their parents. We as a society agreed that teenage years last till 21 years...

First bias you have. We are not living in history. History has been can be studied, can teach us a lot, but cannot be taken as a god-like source. Today is completely different age. Few generations ago people often time didn’t make it to their fifties. I could continue for eternity about facts that have changed over time. + SOCIETY DIDNT AGREE ON ALMOST ANYTHING. That is one of the biggest biases one can have to think in this way. The only possible way how to effectively measure consensus is through Blockchain. There is NO AGREEMENT of the society on anything. In fact it’s very easy to find someone that disagrees with "what has been agreed upon". One would first need to define consensus and most importantly how to measure it. This is not an effective premise, in fact it is very invalid premise. In our country the age is for example 18. This differs across states and continents, therefore cannot be perceived as a valid premise.

The second argument is fine in my eyes with one exception that i tried to address with that comment, but i agree that i could have done better way:D. Look another bias you have is that you think that a "proper way" of raising a child exists. Didn’t you say you are a libertarian? You should be then familiar with Austrian economy. In your last argument (first half) you show that you are in fact familiar with it, yet (in the second half) you yet again state that you expect them to share your values of philosophy, art. etc. You don’t smell the contradiction? For I do:).

And I don't also believe that the world is much complex today, in fact, it's way easier than what it was before.

I think that this is rather ignorant statement. I would need several articles to refute your statement, therefore the argument is not suitable for a mere comment. You basically just chose few elements that are easier, but totally chose to ignore that one in order to have a chance in today’s economy has to be MUCH MORE knowledgeable and (in cities) have HUGE information literacy in order to even be able to use the advantages the todays world grants and be able to compete on today’s market and not die out (or of course become a parasite of any given state) said I would need tons of space to refute this. There is much to study about this topic. I would recommend Information science (scientific domain which is also part of philosophy btw).

To sum up the comment - remember the old Socrates. He was kinda advanced for his times. I sincerely believe that I do not have to cite his most famous quote right? Try to think about it before you jump to fast offence, just sincere effort of bias pinpointing...

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