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RE: Misguided Myopia or Peak Hypocrisy? Campus Antifascist Network

in #society7 years ago

Remember when David Duke publicly called for assassination of President Obama? Or when the pro-life groups burned-down a Planned Parenthood office, after discovering the organization was selling fetal tissue? How about when Liberty University students rioted because Senator Sanders was engaged to speak at their university? Wait . . . what? These events never happened? These are paranoid delusions of most leftists?

Leftists do not even have the intellectual capacity or civil decency, of those whom they demonize, to use the political or legal channels to accomplish their desired goals. This, when the leftist prevailing belief is that the demographic shift favors their agendas in the longer-term. If the leftists call for essentially civil war, when they have merely suffered a set-back, what would these people do when they are defeated? Even worse, what will they do when they regain their lost political influence?


I really enjoy the sarcasm you lead off with, thanks for that. I had a good read-between-the-lines exchange with @thatgermandude over the last few days, and one of the things that resonated with me the most and seems worth remarking upon here is that at times I say "the left" when what I probably should say is "the radical leftist freak show sociopaths". Actually, I have to come up with some good acronym there.... anyway... Classical liberals used to be the left and those who define themselves as classical liberals still see themselves as on the left (even if today they are considered hard core conservatives for advocating free speech and property rights), I would hate to have them thinking I have written them off as lost causes participating in the mental illness of the radical left that you described so eloquently in your second paragraph. Thanks for your response Soo, always welcomed and appreciated!

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