Facebook is just a bad habit you need to break

in #socialmedia8 years ago

In a world where social media is ever changing, there seems to be one fact that remains the same and that is that Facebook is the dominant force in social media. Here are the reasons why i believe Facebook is so dominant and why we need to break our Facebook addiction in favour of alternatives like The8App.

Facebook Habit

The Facebook HABIT – Facebook is nothing more than a BAD HABIT that you need to break! Face Up to your social media addiction.

How many times in a day you see someone glued to their smartphone, swiping and tapping away, oblivious to what is happening around them?
But when does being an ‘active user‘ turn into over-use, reliance, and possibly even social addiction?
Ok, so you could say that I have a social media addiction. I love social media and networking. The simplest of comments from a new friend to the in-depth conversation about a subject I am interested in can compel me to reply or react and get me reaching for my mobile when it beeps. It is the modern world we live in, a world where information just flows everywhere. We don’t like to miss out on what is being said in case it involves us so when that text message comes in or that beep chirps we react.
READ MORE - The Facebook Habit and how to break it!

We are lucky enough to have a big chance to really change how we use social media with The8App.

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Your content helped create a Trillion Dollar Social Media Industry - NOW IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE!

Your content helped create a Trillion Dollar Social Media Industry - NOW IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE!

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