Creating A Social Media For Thought Leaders

in #socialmedia5 years ago

Hey Jessteemians

Traditional social media has become the new mass media, social media, as we know it now, is a tool about reaching an audience and monetising the attention economy which is why friends have become follows and influencers are seen as the premium "superuser" of each platform. The platforms are saturated with bots, altered by algorithms and internal biases and paid promotions.

While personalities and brands fight for users attention daily with the aim of monetising views in one way or another, the social element has been removed from the equation or bastardised to a point where it's almost unrecognisable.

What is social influence?

Social influence has come down to lowest common denominator attraction and users who flaunt themselves sexually, do pranks, showcase affluent lifestyles or push aspirational content rise to the top of the rankings. There is such a distinct formula that so many are replicating in order to grab eyeballs and followers and exchange this with brands for money.

The real issue here is how many of the users engaging with that content are actually looking at them as someone they would listen to or someone's opinion they value. The social media influencer is starting to come under fire and rightly so because it is more fo a vanity metric than a real monetizable audience in many cases.


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The system exposing its flaws

Slowly people are starting to wake up and become disillusioned with the personalities they've been attracted to and are looking for a more meaningful and personal approach to social engagement. While I don't see the traditional influencer model dying out any time soon, I do see those who are wanting to become successful need to find a niche and showcasing a viable skill with the aim of influencing and encouraging engagement with users online.

In essence, Influencers will have to transition into thought leaders where they are seen as an actual expert on the topic.

Passion over projecting

As we know, many influencers are posers who are projecting a specific lifestyle that well impressionable minds aspire to or find attractive, which is why they gain followers. Brands are starting to realise the flaw in having a "projectionist" as their spokesperson.

Someone who isn't passionate about the topic or devoting their time to becoming an authority figure of an area of expertise will never truely dig deep enough to create valuable content or insights, they are also likely to make an idiot of themselves well and drag brands down with them, the upside and risk is now being weighed up and influencers are having to tow the line for it.

A trend towards authenticity

Influencers are just the next phase in corporate sock puppets looking to peddle goods and services on their audience and while it is booming now eventually people will become fatigued and will become tired of being sold to, we can see this with the reduction in TV viewership, the increase in ad blockers and the move towards paying for paywalled or on-demand content.

I think social media now is at a place where it requires disruption the way it disrupted traditional media not too long ago. These giant sites are now too slow and too focused on their bottom line to react to a change in the market and are desperately trying to hold on to users for dear life.

Alternative social media still sits on the periphery but I don't see that as the case for very long, the market is pretty fragmented when you exclude facebook, twitter and YouTube and these communities are slowly attracting defectors as does steemit and with them and less corporate influence we can shape the social media landscape into something more authentic.

I know it seems like a bit of a pipe dream now when you look at the current state of things but surely it's an ideal to aspire to and work towards, right?

Have your say

Holla at me in the comments! All my commenters I will now refer to as Jessie. Jessie is a good friend of mine, but Jessies got a girl, and I want to make her mine.

So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, simply comment "I am a Jessie."

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It can't hurt to have lofty aspirations.. Imagine all the steemple living for today.. Plus, in the meantime I get to refine my trolling skills, as well as my command of artistic expression through writing.. It's a win win really..

Posted using Partiko Android

I hope you stick with it, I for one am looking forward to tuning into @skramatters provocateur playbook episodes each week

Bruh I'm init til I flat line.. Don't fret! My weekly drama might be weakly received but I cannot be deterred. Deturd?!? Anyway 4.20 giveaway from me now for being Irie...

Posted using Partiko Android

Saludos @chekohler

La tecnología ha hecho que el consumidor cambie su perspectiva de mercado, midiendo nuevas variables; desde criterios muy personales, en este sentido los influyentes ganan terreno porque se acercan más al estereotipo del consumidor.

En función a lo planteado, las grandes empresas deben realizar contratos con los influyentes para recuperar y afianzar mercado. De lo contrario emergerán nuevas marcas.

I agree influencers have basically become people who are looking to become corporate sock puppets and shill products for a fee. they're just as guilty of milking data and monetizing their audiences as social media does. I'm not saying they're all like that but there are quite a few who are blatantly just product placement accounts.

hola @chekohler

Gracias por la interacción, entiendo tu punto; Las personas están tratando de monetizar por las redes sociales ya que requieren generar algún tipo de ingreso, ya sea un ingreso extra o ingreso principal, lo que esta generando un mercado emergente de información y consumo, situación que tiene sus ventajas así como desventajas, este mercado madurara en el tiempo, mejorando lo que tenga que mejorar.

Por nuestra parte lo que queda es no caer en la tentación de un consumo sin sentido, no dejarnos llevar por la moda, y realizar la adquisición de producto, servicio o informacion que nos genere verdadero valor agregado a nuestros objetivos.

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