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RE: An Extremely Dangerous Concern For Every Economy -- "The Child Pornography", Increasing Rapidly Without Any Effective Laws ... !!

in #social7 years ago (edited)

I think this is a major problem in our society that isn't drawing the attention it deserves, as well as pedophilia. Our MSM doesn't adress it enough, barely some piece of news once in a while.

Why it is being ignored? This is just my opinion:

  • Because it's a dangerous matter to address, there are too many people in power involved.
  • The public believes this is something so horrible, so hideous, that it must be something marginal, something that's rare, or that just happen "to other people, not to them".

Here in my country (Chile) we have a big problem with vulnerable kids. Orphans and kids from vulnerable families are "taken care" by a government institution called SENAME (National Minors Service), that has homes to supervise them and treat them. But they have done a crappy job, many kids get raped or end up getting involved in criminal activities, imagine half the people that are in jail in Chile have grown in a SENAME home. So awful than a friend who has severly beaten and abused by her mom, once denounced her to the police, and one policeman told her to just bare it until she was 18 when she could move out, or she would end up in a SENAME house, and that was worse!

Once in a while you hear of busted child pornography networks in some of these houses. And it just address in some piece of news, people comment that day, "how awful", etc, then it's totally forgotten.

And regarding pedophilia, when our media in my country deals with issues such as abortion in case of rape, or any case of abuse from men to underage girls, they address it just as a gender issue, as violence from one gender to another, but I think they forget the most serious part of it: they are underage! I don't care what anyone says, they aren't just any abuser, they are pedophiles, and they should be treated as such.


Yes, I completely agree with you @n4t4h . Strict rules should be made regarding this issue so that people will know the outcomes of doing this evil. Children are our future and they have to be saved from this henious crime .

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