Princess Snook and the Magic Beans

in #snookmademedoit6 years ago (edited)


Once upon a time, in the faraway land of Laughter, lived a beautiful princess named @snook. She loved to ask people puzzling questions to make them ponder and giggle over the great Mysteries of Life. It seemed as if gnomeone was immune to her charms, as she had been doing this for a very long time, probably longer than any one person was aware.

One fine day, the princess decided that people might be more comfortable without coverings on their legs, so pants became optional in the kingdom. From that day forward, gnomeone wore pants and the people were very grateful. Their joy was such that they giggled, heartily, which made the princess very happy. The court bard, @enginewitty also recommended no blouses, but the women of the kingdom weren't so entranced by that idea. Still, everygnome was very content within the realm.

There came a fateful day, however, when zombies were marching towards the peaceful kingdom in droves, and Princess @snook knew something had to be done! She consulted her advisors, the wise and intelligent @shadowspub and @artemisnorth, for advice. It was agreed that mobilizing the entire kingdom for a solution was the only answer, but they needed a way to do this quickly!

Fortunately, there lived nearby an incredible group of fairies who were half-sirens, half-angels, whose beautiful voices could charm any living creature. So, the networking wizard and bard @enginewitty enlisted the help of the Fairy Queen @yidneth, to roust her crewe of kindred spirits. The lovely and soulful singing of @isaria, @katrina-ariel, and @zipporah blended with @yidneth's to send a message all over the kingdom, as their mesmerizing song floated on the gentle breezes. Even @thekittygirl quit playing with her catnip, briefly, to listen.

Serving as Commander of the Guard for the princess was the dashing and valiant @jackmiller of the Wombat Patrol. Commanding his competent team of officers, @thehive, @gmuxx, @swolesome, and @stevenwood, he mobilized armies of gnomes to march on the land. The Commander also asked Admiral @bluefinstudios to launch a defensive upon the waters, and General @grow-pro to have his men keep watch from the air, via their squadron of flying dragons. The Amazon Queen, @battleaxe brought her band of warrior women to help. The Queen of Critters, @rhondak, enlisted the assistance of the four-legged denizens of the forest, and @theuxyeti brought his SugarPower Patrol.

To keep all these forces well-fueled for the task at hand required behind-the-scenes people with immense skill. So, Princess @snook called upon GastroGnome, @sgt-dan, to keep all the armies fed and satisfied with his amazing culinary skills, and the potion-maker Sir @c0ff33a to keep the troops caffeinated and awake.

As the people were being so roused, Princess @snook met, again, with her advisors @shadowspub and @artemisnorth to see if a peaceful solution might be reached. Along with guidance from soothsayer @mandelsage, the royal court hatched a plan! The competent therapist and builder @profanereviews and his trusty muse @reactionaries devised blueprints for the armies to construct a system of Hügelkultur and raised-beds around the castle into which magical Green Beans were planted to ward-off the zombies! The magical Green Beans were amply supplied by the shadowy figure of @dynamicgreentk, but he never could be coaxed into divulging their source.

What a wonderful show of teamwork!

The castle where the princess lived was then very safe because of the thick hedge of magical Green Beans planted all around the walls to keep the zombies away. Whenever the zombies came wandering past, she let her subjects come into the large and comfy castle because she was a very kind princess.

The kingdom flourished because of the kindness and fairness of the princess, as well as the cooperative teamwork of the inhabitants of the land, and everyone lived happily ever after! 😊



ThanksForReading.png 😊

   1 "Pants are Optional" podcast, Episode 3
   2  Dear Therapy Thursday Team
   3  Therapy Thursday - S01 E05
   4  SteemitRamble discord
   4  @teamgood

The events related in the above story are purely fictional. I think. Any reference to actual persons, living or deceased, is purely intentional. No zombies, gnomes, or fairies were harmed during the construction of this narative. If I have omitted anyone who played a role, please inform me. I may have had too much @c0ff33a to drink.

it would be lovely to see @bluefinstudios and @thehive
share some of their humor with us too!


a big hug is due to @enginewitty for designing the following personal banner for me 🤗






Little do you all know, but I'm actually @reactionaries puppet and thank you so much for calling me a therapist and a builder. I guess this means I'm board certified now. I'll hang out my shingle tomorrow.

Really fun story, @thekittygirl.

I was about to get an appointment.... bummer......

OMG, @thekittygirl. That is outrageously ridiculously funny. Glad the critters could help.

Best Line:

The court bard, @enginewitty also recommended no blouses, but the women of the kingdom weren't so entranced by that idea.

Admiral Bluefin was also on board with this edict...

😂😂😂 omg. so funny!

😆👍 This is glorious!!!! Ohhhh, the laughter!!!!


👆Me Reading Princess Snook and the Magic Beans before bed

Even @thekittygirl quit playing with her catnip, briefly, to listen.

Rolling. Seriously. This is hilarious! And that last gnome is pants-less isn't he? My cheeks hurt from grinning. lol!

Now this should definitely be on Trending! I shall summon the Amazonian Narwhalian Army of Queens @ancapbarbie and @battleaxe with their loyal warriors astride their trusty Alpacas, in order that it is ensured that this epic tale lives on in the history of #teamgood treasured narratives of the Kingdom of Laughter!

Bloody brilliant writing @thekittygirl. Really well done.

"No Demon Shall Take To These Shores" - Admiral Bluefin

FANTASTIC!! I laughed so hard I had to change my pants...LOL!!!

This just cracked me up Bigtime 😂😂😂hahaha
I Loooved it and so well written, love how you got them all in and gnomeone is immune to her charm that is SOOO true @snook is amazing.
Thank you for sharing this and making me smile
@enginewitty and the blouses... Ya go figured.. Lol
Have a wonderful evening and Much love 🤗💕

Yes I got that part 😜 Boobenuity

Oh M Gee yummy

That's totally YOU when it comes to boobs 😂

This is a very funny story, although I'm sure it's even funnier to those who found themselves a part of it!

There was much laughter all afternoon and into the evening with this in PYPT during both the afterchats and the show. Great fun was had.

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