Sndbox Summer Camp Writing Task 3: My Spirited Flight to Sndbox


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The longest and most difficult ventures have a starting point. 

But getting to follow through after starting might be where my misgiving sells me out for cheap. Constructive writing might seem to be a difficult task to many as they might see it as real hard work, but to me it seems second nature. My journey to the world of writing expressively started way back as I can remember. My affinity for messing around with words was my prolific tool. Driven by other sources of motivation, I strayed and went further away to build a career outside writing, diving into engineering and later drowning in architecture and architectural design process.


I fell in love with designs and grew to height many in the field even up until tomorrow we are yet to see.

But as time flied pass situation surrounding my economic stability became grievous, my skill set in architectural designs could not take me beyond the storm of economic distress encountered during the  large scale economic recession that be-devil my country. Been an architect in the freelance industry was not as viable as it once was in times past. Going into the cooperate world was also an option that came with unforeseen disadvantages. Lucrative business ventures popped up with huge interest on capital investment, funny enough Ponzi also disguise itself as an angel of light suggesting itself to be the route out the den of the monstrous beast of penury. All of this in face of this recession crashed down to the floor with the speed of light

All of this happening birthed a session of retrospect for many if not all. 

Looking deep into their tool set, searching for an extra tool kit that can make one fly like an eagle across the storm tide of the situation. These I also partook of and out of the blue sky I got myself reminded of my writing abilities that I traded for fun. Now discovering my talent at its  largely unused stage, I needed a footing, a foundational platform to slide around while producing quality content. With none around that I could think of, I needed funds to push my new career out of the garbage of mediocrity, but be reminded that silver and gold have I none, after losing to ponzi and illegitimate businesses  online and off-line. Then unexpectedly I ran into steemit by fluke

A close friend @sbamsoeu of my who himself was part of everything nasty in the process of recession in my country met an information online about steemit and got  himself signup. Subsequently, he got me introduced to the network. Though I was skeptical at first I was romance into joining the ecosystem by my pal’s colored words. That was were my writing career was supposed to kick off. But there were obstacles to surmount. I joined I needed to create content with money as the motivation. I jumped into the hot bath of the process reading, 

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writing and posting stuffs that tickled my interest and the fabric of my existence but there was nothing to show for it. Before long my zeal to thrive further fizzle off, this was not the haven the system promised from the beginning. I left off to my familiar environment of design I was used to. Not until @sbamsoneu reported with massive mouth watering proof of his success in the system, I got fired up in my spin. 

As we all know it, to succeed in the every process of life’s Endeavor including, writing, designing and steeming all inclusive patience and persistence should be make up ones asset. I started the process yet again from one step up the way to the next, it has been really demanding I must say, but the improvement it has made on my mentality is largely impressive

Bursting through the crowd (on steemit) to gain recognition for the quality the content I produced was hectic. 

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Until one day @sbamsoneu got me introduced to @anomadsoul, and I followed him and his contest closely and my steemit story took another twist not just because I came second in one of his contest but because I gained a wider visibility than I would have naturally expected. From that point I began to learn a few more things applicable to the network. 

I had to choose a style of writing that favored the fabric of my being. Descriptive and narrative writing patterns were my best ploy to romance words and the mentality of my audience, but over time I began to favor narrative writing telling my story wherever I am found. That again changed the complexion of my content as I began to develop writing pattern toward narrative writing with lots of figurative inflections sandwiched into it. This major twist in the color of writing pattern came as a result of the resource I got from writing courses offered online by

Good content delivery became my trademark in my opinion (I stand to be correct anyways), but as good as quality is paramount, a perfect relationship base is tantamount to a high level of success on the ecosystem. 

I started to gradually get myself on the path to build a perfect relationship on steemit. Reading and commenting on posts of others was the drill. I started meeting a few more people with the spirit of an angel. These guys I met up with, were so smooth to relate with. Sandwiched in this guys was an angelic spirit that pushed me beyond the bars, indirectly persuading me to put my best foot forward handing me, my new steemit story. Some of the this guy are @anomadsoul, @originalworks, @sbamsoneu, @crypto.piotr, @stach, and many more whose impression have been far felt. But to cap it all there is guy @guyfawkes4-20  I  newly met around the block next to @anomadsoul. though I am yet to have him engaged, his combination with @anomadsoul is just about to swing the doors of @sndbox open to young fascinating steemian who may not have a referee to recommend them to @sndbox

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The very first impression I got about him is massive and what he projects is bombshell. How I adore him.

Going a bit further someone might wish to ask, @maxiemoses-eu why do you think you be the first choice to be considered for selection to join the @sndbox community? 

I will approach it this way, going though steemit, I have gotten to see that been a part  of a vibrant community and participating in there proceeding gets you up to speed with high level of mental improvement that births a  top class steemit experience where the one would be acquitted with the basic precepts of delivering quality content creation. I can further say I see @sndbox as a top class get together with her member actively engaged in helping other steemians, that is what I want to also be part of. @sndbox will in my opinion expose me to a large audience that will aid me through the process of building resourceful relationship that is paramount to growth in this ecosystem.

What an opportunity this would look like, to have @sndbox as a foundational community base that might most probably turnout to push my steemit story off the chain?

And at the end when I must have gotten an entrance to @sndbox  I can then add @sndbox to the numbers as part of: 

The spirits behind my steemit story. Isn’t this sleek? You tell me.

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