Sndbox Summer Camp Final Compilation by @kimzwarch


Image courtesy of @anomadsoul

Here are my 3 submission for the Sndbox Summer Camp Quest that focuses on the topic of philosophy, psychology and sociology. My take on these quests are a bit different as I picked a topic was related to my expertise and interest, and then I discussed the topic from the perspective of philosophy, psychology and sociology. I hope that with this method, I could analyze and discuss a topic with much greater depth and perspectives.

  1. Linking The Real World Human Behavior With Steemit's Steemians (Sndbox Summer Camp Quest - Task 1)
  2. Linking the Future with Blockchain (Sndbox Summer Camp Quest - Task 2)
  3. My Pursuance of Knowledge & Reasons to Join Sndbox (Sndbox Summer Camp Quest - Task 3)

Great appreciation to @guyfawkes4-20, @anomadsoul, and @sndbox for providing such great opportunity for the little guy to share some thoughts and have a chance to win some perks!

Here is the link to the announcement for the quest and here are the rules for the quest.


Find me at @kimzwarch

All the best for your entree! :)

I have read all 3 of your articles and submissions... well written and I hope you get accepted because you deserve it.

Wah, thanks bro!

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