Compilation Post of Sndbox Summer Camp: Writing QUEST - Task Three

in #sndboxsummercamp6 years ago (edited)


Yeeaaayyyy finally I can finish task one and task two without any constraints. Now it's time I finished task three as the last stage of the challenge of Sndbox Summer Camp: Writing QUEST.

This challenge makes me very excited because the topic is in line with my interests and abilities. It is also very important to sharpen our creativity and restore our memory of the journey of our lives.

In task one I wrote my track record of travel in the writing world. How I learn, overcome obstacles, and build a career in a field that I love. I also make writing to appreciate my lover hehehe. While in task twoo I told a lot about the beauty of Banda Aceh City. The city has an appeal that makes me very comfortable staying here.

For friends who want to read the story may open the link below:

Sndbox Summer Camp Writing - Task One: Starting from Love and Imagination


Sndbox Summer Camp Writing - Task Two: The Beauty of Banda Aceh


Big thanks to @sndbox, @voronoi, @hansikhouse, @anomadsoul, and @guyfawkes4-20 and all the Summer Camp teams. Thank you for making Steemit a space to test our thinking and creativity. I still waiting to the next challenge. Warm regards. Good luck for us.[]



Selamat kak Ihan, udah selesai ternyata. Punya saya masih dalam proses nih kak, mohon doanya ya😁
Semoga selesai.

iya, emang dikebut ini karena mau wet-wet hahhaha....nanti kalau udah main lupa nulis

Mantap.. 👍👍

Yeay! Incredible! You really show your excellence in this challenge. Good luck once more 😍

ngejar ni kak, kok ndak, ra iso ke bireuen....

Selamat,, kami belum 1/2 pun

1/4 tapi udah kan?

@ihansunrise apa kabar selama ini kawan, saya baru smpat menjenguk postingan mu..
Salam sukses untuk mu selalu

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