Sndbox Summer Camp Writing - Task Two: The Beauty of Banda Aceh

in #sndboxquest6 years ago (edited)

Baiturrahman Mosque

To complete the serial task of Sndbox Summer Camp: Writing this QUEST I am interested to write about the city of Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh Province. A province located at the tip of Sumatra Island is divided into 23 districts/cities.

Sixteen more years I live here, surely I can tell you a lot about the city that on 22 April is exactly 813 years old. A very long age to travel a city. Every detail and curve I know. I witnessed the change of city, from before until after the tsunami that devastated the city 14 years ago. Precisely on Sunday, December 26, 2004. I also witnessed how empty land in this city, rice fields, swamps, changed into roads, buildings, and housing complexes.

Administratively, Banda Aceh only has nine sub-districts divided over 61.36 km². The city is not too large, so it does not take much time to explore it. Many interesting places to visit in this city, especially related to the tourism industry. Banda Aceh is a city that has complete tourism potential, ranging from historical tours, culture, religion, tsunami, beaches, to culinary tourism. As the capital city of Banda Aceh province has many facilities compared to other areas in Aceh.

With the age of more than eight centuries, clearly illustrated, if the city was built from civilization to civilization. This makes Banda Aceh crowned as one of Kota Tua (Old City) and Kota Pusaka (Heritage City) in Indonesia. This condition gives pride to its people.

Religious Tourism Symbol

Baiturrahman Mosque at night

Aceh became one of the central religious tourism destinations in Southeast Asia with the main objective of Banda Aceh with the main destinations of Baiturrahman Grand Mosque. Many tourists from Muslim countries in Southeast Asia especially Malaysia came to this city to do treads. Moreover, Aceh and Malaysia have a very familiar relationship of the past. Sultan of Aceh is the most famous of Sultan Iskandar Muda has a wife who came from Pahang, Malaysia. The people of Aceh called it by the name of Putroe Phang. Traces of the relics of the past can be seen directly at Taman Putroe Phang Complex in Gampong Neusu.

The existence of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque is not only a symbol of the popular religious tourism in the world but also the landmark of Aceh. The mosque is located right in the heart of the city. Not far from Krueng Aceh which has an important role in the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam. The mosque has undergone a renewal that is visibly imitating the style of the Nabawi Mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia. The existence of umbrellas in the yard of the mosque cannot be denied has become a new magnet for tourists. These umbrellas will be opened at certain times. At night the lights of the umbrellas will emit a colorful glow of very beautiful colors. Many city residents who spend the afternoon and evening to come to the mosque pride of this Aceh community.

After Idul Fitri prayer

Islam is a religion with a majority of followers in Aceh, no wonder if this city is very thick with a touch of Islam. It is easy to find mosques as centers of Islamic worship. One of them is Baiturrahman Grand Mosque which is more than a century old. Every week in this mosque there are religious activities that are attended to thousands of visitors. Long before that the function of the mosque in Aceh not only as a center of religious activity but also a place to conduct various social activities.

The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque has a distinctive Mughal-style architectural style with a black onion dome. Before this mosque has changed its shape as now, anyone who saw it must have immediately imagined the grandeur of the Taj Mahal in Agra, India. So wonderful, the famous Huffington Post newspaper has included the name of Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in the list of the world's 100 most amazing mosques. While Yahoo put this mosque in the position of 10 most beautiful mosques in the world. Amazing!

As a reference to write about this Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, I went back and forth the pages of The Atjeh vol 2 Magazine that published in November 2013. This magazine once wrote a major report titled Amazing Baiturrahman. Reading story after story in the report made my admiration for this mosque growing.

The mosque adopted many architectural styles. European nuances, for example, appear in the carving and material features of the Morris at the Alhambra and the Cordoba Mosque in Spain. The mosque is a mainstay of religious tourism in Aceh is an elegant style that combines Mughal architecture and colonial.

Revealing a bit of history, in January 1874 when the Dutch attacked Aceh their soldiers also burned down the mosque and the palace of the Kingdom of Aceh. This action triggered the anger of the people of Aceh, the Dutch soldier leader then General Jan van Swieten promised to rebuild the mosque with a more beautiful shape. So on December 27, 1881, Governor-General Karel van der Heyden fulfilled van Swieten's promise by firing a cannon as a sign of completion of the mosque.

The mosque also witnessed the death of Dutch General JHR Kohler who was shot by Aceh warriors on April 14, 1873. There used to be geulumpang trees planted to mark the historic place. Later the tree was cut down because the mosque underwent renovation. There is also an inscription to signify the historical event.

Still based on information presented The Atjeh Magazine, mentioned that the architect of the Grand Mosque Baiturrahman named De Bruins. He was mentioned as a Frenchman, some say it comes from Italy. Some even say he mix Italian-Dutch. De Bruins at that time worked in Batavia aka Jakarta.

If you have time to come and visit this mosque, enjoy the grandeur of its architecture, enjoy its coolness. For non-Muslims you do not have to worry, you can still watch it closely as long as you use a decent outfit.

Teungku Dianjong Mosque sumber

In addition to the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, there is also another mosque in Banda Aceh that is historically very interesting. The mosque was named Teungku Dianjong Mosque located on the outskirts of Krueng Aceh in Gampong Peulanggahan, Kutaraja Sub-district. This mosque became the forerunner of Serambi Mecca for Aceh Province. The only province in Indonesia that implements Islamic Shari'a.

The mosque was built in the 18th century by the name of a scholar from Yemen, namely Al Quth Al Habib Sayyid Abu Bakr bin Husin Bilfaqih, known as Teungku Dianjong. In this mosque, Teungku Dianjong at that time taught the pilgrims to Hajj pilgrims from all over the archipelago to the Malay peninsula. The pilgrims stayed for months before performing the pilgrimage by ship through the waters of the Strait of Malacca.

The hallmark of this mosque is in the green color and the form of a mosque consisting of three layers. Each layer has its own symbol and meaning. The first layer, for example, is the symbol of the hakikat, the second floor is called the tarikat, while the third layer is called makfirat.

If you visit Banda Aceh or Aceh in general, you will find special interesting sights on Fridays. For Muslims especially men there is a special service performed on Friday called Friday prayers. The time span is between one-thirty and one-thirty. But a few moments earlier, from twelve o'clock noon the city seemed to turn into a 'dead city'. Do not expect to find public transportation at that time. All shops were closed, public service activities stopped, the streets became deserted. No exception store owners and businesses that are not Muslim. They are familiar with the traditions and cultures prevailing in the Acehnese society. This is an atmosphere not found in other areas.

The Symbol of Diversity

Kerkhof cemetery

Banda Aceh is a unique city. Although the majority of the population is Muslim, it does not mean there are no other religious people in this city. Banda Aceh, I home to hundreds of Hindus and thousands of Buddhists. Long before Islam grew rapidly in Aceh, Aceh was the area that became the center of the Hindu kingdom called Lamuri. Its traces can still be seen to this day, including some traditions within the Acehnese community that are relics of Hindu traditions such as peusijuek. Includes several culinary types such as martabak and curry. Even in Aceh there are villages that are identical with India as in Meureudu and Seulimuem.


So do not be surprised, if in addition to many mosques, in Banda Aceh there are also other religious houses of worship such as monasteries, temples, and churches. The Palani Hindu Temple you are the only temple for about 600 Hindus in Banda Aceh. The temple was built in 1934 and since 2013 it has been the site for the celebration of Thaipusam which is always celebrated in April. Hindus from a number of countries came to Banda Aceh and practiced the worship tradition of the Murugan Goddess in Krueng Aceh. This Thaipusam celebration became a cultural attraction that provoked the public appeal.

While the cultural attractions of the Chinese community we can see in February in the celebration of Lunar New Year. The center of this activity in Peunayong is the chinatown of Banda Aceh. Vihara Budhi Dharma on Panglima Polem Street becomes the center of the Lunar New Year celebration. Crowds of Muslim communities also witnessed their rituals of worship. This becomes an interesting experience, especially coupled with a typical lion dance attraction with dragon ornaments.

City with 1001 Coffee Shops

Activity at coffee shop

A coffee shop is one of the hallmarks of Banda Aceh City. Finding a coffee shop in town is very easy. The distance of one stall to another coffee shop only ranged meter only. The existence of a coffee shop not only as a place to relax or have fun, but also the center of building relationships and various other positive activities.

Interestingly, coffee shops in Aceh generally provide free internet service for visitors. This facility is used by visitors so they feel at home linger sitting in the coffee shop. In its development, the coffee shop in Aceh has also changed its shape and facilities. If it used to be the main commodity is the beverage presented, now the touch of the interior also becomes its own selling power to bring in consumers.


For artists, coffee shops become a space for expression, for coffee shop business is a 'market' to conduct various transactions, for the general public coffee shop is a space for recreation. While for me personally, the existence of a coffee shop is a place to provoke imagination in writing. Hehehe.

One of the legendary coffee shops in Banda Aceh is Solong coffee shop. It is located in District Ulee Kareng, with a distance of about seven or eight kilometers from downtown. This coffee shop started pioneered since the Japanese era and still retain its traditional concept. Here does not provide free internet facility. Visitors who come to this place really come to enjoy coffee while enjoying direct communication with his friends.

Solong becomes an idol for guests who come to Banda Aceh. Many important guests such as officials, or celebrities who come to Banda Aceh must be brought to this shop. Here they can enjoy the steeping Robusta coffee known as kupi sareng, with Aceh noodle dish or martabak.



There are a number of points that become the center of culinary tourism in Banda Aceh, but the most famous and legendary is Rex Peunayong which is in the center of trade area in Banda Aceh City. This culinary center has a long history and certainly interesting to note.

Judging from its history, the name Rex taken from the name of the movie theater that once stood in this location, namely Rex Bioscope. Because the location is very strategic, this culinary center is almost never empty, even until late at night. Here a variety of typical culinary Aceh can be obtained such as Aceh noodles, martabak, satay, coffee, fried rice, and boiled shellfish rich in protein.


In this area, there are also many hotels that become the choice for tourists to stay. A reasonable view if we are in this region see many tourists with various races in public areas.

Asam keueng one of special cullinary from Aceh

Banda Aceh has dots that are the center of commerce in every sub-district, but there are two biggest ones. Namely Pasar Aceh area in District Baiturrahman, and Peunayong area in Kuta Alam Subdistrict. Both areas are cleaved by Krueng Aceh with connecting two separate bridges.

In the evening the view from the bridge is very beautiful, the street lights reflect the rays to the surface of the river. Provides colorful effects on the water surface. Around the river there is also a park with benches that become the people's destination to spend the afternoon. If there is time, I also come to this park to relax while reading favorite books.

Reflection on Krueng Aceh river

If you want to enjoy the atmosphere of the past with the style of old-style buildings, we can come to Neusu area. Here are still many houses of Dutch colonial heritage with wooden construction, but has changed the function of a home office of the Indonesian military agencies.

I have always been impressed with the existence of these buildings. In addition to the architecture is very beautiful, is also very strong even though the building was already more than a century old. Colonial-style houses are also still found in the area of Kuta Alam.

In addition to the houses in this area, other buildings of the Dutch heritage that can still be seen directly in the office of Bank Indonesia on Jalan Cut Meutia. This sturdy, white whole building is also on the side of Krueng Aceh. The existence of residential complex and office of Bank Indonesia is a physical proof if the Dutch had been involved in an open war with Aceh between the years 1873 - 1905. Unfortunately, the Dutch joined the collapse of all the former remains of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam. This is what makes the historical sites of the former Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam very little that can still be found.

That's a little story about the city where I live. Hopefully, by writing about this city more and more friends who know its existence. And hopefully, someday my friends can visit my city and enjoy all the beauty and privilege of the culture.[]


Task one:
Sndbox Summer Camp Writing - Task One: Starting from Love and Imagination


Hello @ihansunrise, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Moga sukses ihan

makasih ya @sittishabir, Sitti juga ada ikut kan?

Kayaknya gak jadi ikut. Berat kayaknya. Hehe

Waw.., ini lebih keren, panjang banget..
Harus ada 500 kata ya? Saya nyerah aja dech.

Minimal 2000 kata, Ami. :-) makanya lama hehehehe

Banda Aceh emang luar biasa, seluar biasa tulisan ini, hehehe :D

Banda Aceh biasa di luar hahahahahaa

Masam keueng 😘😘😘

itu asam keueng ikan kerling Tangse....ughhhh

Lap nces # mauuuu

Jelas sangat penerangan tntang Banda Aceh..hehehe..ingin tahu lebih dalam soal Banda Aceh, mampir saja ke kota ini. Iya, kan Kak @ihansunrise

Yaapppp betul sekali.... Hahaaa

Inilah yang jadi pikiran sejak kemarin. 2000 kata mah saya sanggupnya nulis fiksiii....huhuhu.

Fiksi boleh kagaak yaaaa? Mau nanya sama Nomad takut dijitak!

Udah bikin task 2, ihan mantap 👍👍, semoga sukses y

Ternyata bersemedi, menghasilkan karya😇

hahahhaha mana ada, kemarin seharian kami ada coaching, Kak.

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