Sndbox Quest #1/ Task 1: My Quest as a Solo Female Traveler and My Goal to Make Travel a Way of Life

in #sndboxquest6 years ago (edited)

DSCN1675.JPG2010 South Cebu, Philippines . The challenging part of taking photos when traveling alone

I used to travel with friends and here in the Philippines, this can be the cheapest way to get around. Most islands would require a chartered boat and going solo or with a few people would be costly. My travel group was also my comfort zone until my accidental solo travel in Cebu.

I was supposed to travel with two friends. However, one canceled days before while the other one canceled when I was already in the airport. I was shocked but I was already looking forward to my trip. This was also my first time in Cebu and I don’t want to miss it. And no regrets! I never thought this would just be the beginning of more solo travels.

Kawasan Falls and what I would have missed if I didn’t take that first solo flight.

Solo Traveling as a Female

I have met a lot of solo female travelers and we would usually end up traveling together. Less than a decade ago, this seems uncommon for us Filipino women. I see famous bloggers who solo travel, but in real life, I know no woman who travels alone. My friends also thought I was crazy for doing so.

One of the challenges I faced travelling alone is the subtle harassment. Even on a regular day, women experience cat calls and lewd remarks and these experiences become more worrisome if you’re in an unfamiliar place all by yourself. One time I experienced a catcall while walking by the beach in Bali and for the first time I stood for myself. I went back to the guy and told him that what he’s doing is not right. I honestly don’t know if that’s a good idea because some may be crazy enough to retaliate. I was lucky that the guy was just dumbfounded and apologized.

On Bantayan island , I had a stalker who would always show up wherever I was. He seemed harmless and would just want a chat but it was uncomfortable. Staying alone in a semi-concretenipa hut where the locks aren’t that strong didn’t give me much peace of mind at night.

Bantayan Island, Cebu, Philippines

My Nipa Hut on Bantayan Island, Cebu

And some even thought I was weak and they can just scam me by threatening me such as my experience in Surabaya which I have blogged about previously. The scam involved intimidation and verbal abuse so I would give in to the overpriced tours they offered.

mt bromow.jpgWander Blog: Mt.Bromo Tourism Scam

These experiences never stopped me. Why?

Despite these uncomfortable experiences, I still had the best memories while on a solo journey. Since I’m traveling alone, I have more time to immerse with the locals and fellow travelers. A common experience I had while traveling Asia is the curiosity of the locals which would lead to connection. I am usually mistaken as a local and they would often talk to me in their local language. And they become more curious because I am traveling alone.

Some are amazed of my bravery while others are genuinely concerned for my safety.

Here are just a few of my interesting experiences while solo traveling:

Hospitable Locals in Sabah, Malaysia

Sabah, Malaysia was my first solo destination abroad and this may be the reason why I got hooked. In Kota Kinabalu, I met local students who took me around the national park. One day, I was at the backseat of their car and they instructed me to not to speak. Later on I realized they got me a local student discount!

1 Malaysian Ringgit for a local student 18 years old below

They even sneaked me inside their school dormitory and got some free nights away from hostels.

My local partner in “crime”

I went away for a few days to visit the Tip of Borneo where I camped with fellow travelers. There I met a Malaysian family who also gave me a free ride back to Kota Kinabalu. They also prepared a dinner for me and invited the rest of their family.

The Tip of Borneo, Sabah, Malaysia

Solo New Year's Party in Boracay Island, Philippines

Who says you can’t enjoy the New Year alone. I found a welcoming place on Boracay island. Personally, I find it awkward to drink and party alone but New Year's Eve on Boracay island had that inclusive vibe. Everyone seems to know each other and this may be due to the festive mood.

CIMG6173.JPGWe do not have a snowman but we have a sandman

I enjoyed it a lot that I returned the following New Year. It was raining hard this time but the party continues.

DSC03529.JPGNot even the heavy rainshower can stop the fireworks and the island party

Enjoying my "ME time" at Tokyo Disney Sea

I realized that for the most part of my solo adventures, I was never really on my own. It gave me more reasons to connect with strangers and gave strangers more reason to talk to me. I realized this because I felt I alone while in Tokyo Disneyland. So I took that moment to just enjoy my own company in a theme park. There was also an advantage for “solo riders” because you get to a faster lane as you do can just join any group.

DSC05518.JPGFeeling like a kid again

My Freedom and My Goal To Become a Digital Nomad

I currently work full time as a Human Resources staff. I have no travel plans in the near future as I am saving money to start a dream I had years ago. Almost everyone wants to travel, but for me it’s more than just the experience to be in a new place but it’s a way of life I want to take. I don’t know what it is but it may be due to the independence which I was forced into.

To give a brief background, I have no family here and I mean that in the literal sense of the word. My mom passed away just before I went to university and my dad has long abandoned us even before this. My relatives didn’t really care and just saw me as a burden. I was lucky to get a scholarship and support from people who aren’t related to me. And since college, I have been on my own. That is how I was able to get my life on track, finish a degree and get a job. And this may be the reason why I’m so comfortable getting connected to people I do not know. I’m also not escaping but I want to make use of the freedom I have.

Nothing is holding me back to stay where I am anymore and I hear the world calling me.

I have a lot of freedom to go except I do not have enough resources yet such as a reliable online job. I have a part time job as an online as an English tutor which doesn’t pay a lot because I am a non-native English speaker. But I have been diligently taking this part time job so as to add to my work experience. I have invested some money for this dream and I also got into cryptocurrency which led me to Steemit. And Steemit has given me more hope that my dream is possible because it is open to anyone. I do not have to be a famous blogger or celebrity to get into a quest like the Sndbox quest, it is open to anyone as long as you’re willing to work on it. And I am willing to work hard for it.


Wonderfully positive and assertive post @wanderlass, it's great :D ... what a twist whereby fate got you to experience travel alone - might have been difficult to face the thought of it if not - no?....and you chose to carry on!!! I've mostly travelled alone myself and have always preferred it. As you say, the connections with locals are less superficial and one can have some real adventures. But of course it is a very different experience as a solo female traveller as you point out too, many of the things that you mention were not even considerations for me (the degree of safety, harassment etc). Good on you for standing up for yourself on the beach. - that guy will probably think twice about doing it again to someone. I remember meeting a girl in Belgium in the early 1990s, who not only was travelling solo, but was hitch-hiking too! She'd been travelling like this for a while and was very comfortable about it.

It's such a nice idea to be free from geographic location, to be able to travel and blog and sustain yourself in this manner - kinda my dream too! It is possible, and being without ties is an advantage in this regard, painful though it may otherwise be. You've set the thought and intention in motion, I'm sure the Universe will respond kindly. You have my very best wishes for this.
🌞 🌞 🌞 🌞 🌞 🌞 🌞

Thank you @barge for always encouraging me and for the positive vibes you send here. The amazing experiences I had outweighed the unpleasant ones and that made me carry on. And I think I'm lucky that those experiences weren't so bad. I'm okay and was always safe. I'm actually amazed how that happens considering I'm spatially challenged lol.

I would also like to try hitch-hiking but not sure how to and if I would ever have the guts. I have watched too many movies :D I admire the girl you met!

If you have that dream then you should explore it! You have always received what you needed and you always have the right mindset so I believe that whatever you dream will materialize :)

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