Sndbox Summer Camp Writing, Task Two: "Poverty is not the reason to stop Aiming"

in #sndboxquest6 years ago

Happy to be back again steemians. After reading the Summer Camp Quest of @sndbox community posted by @anomadsoul and @guyfawkes4-20. I decided to move on to my story telling which is the "Task Two". If you haven't read yet about my post explaining how I started my journey in writing, "Task One", feel free to click the link below.

Overview of the Story

The story I am about to share is a true story basing on a life of a man who witnessed the poverty stage after endulging his life in this world. However, he never failed to pursue his dreams above those circumstances. He stays being trusthworthy and courageous always as he reaches all those dreams for him as well as for his family. Surrender was not the reason for him to stop aiming.

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To start with...

On April 13, 1982 Nick was born in the Province of Toledo, Cebu, Philippines. He was raised by his mother Myrna and father Berto eventhough they were poor enough. He was the only child of them. He was sent in school and have his way to be an educated one. Due to poverty he was just having his school in a public school of Toledo. He doesn't feel how gratifying a life of those wealthy children around him. Yet, he just continued everything without any affectance of the sorroundings.

On the graduation day of Nick on his elementary years, he was awarded to be the top achiever of the class. His parents were so happy and proud on what he've got. They celebrated it in a simple way compared to others who were enjoying there graduation celebration in different restaurants and going to famous places. Nick's mother was so confused on how he will tell Nick that they have no enough money to have a big celebration for his achievement. She just whispered and said,

M: Son, just don't be worry if we couldn't celebrate your graduation day. We have no money for us to have ourselves somewhere else.
N: No worries mother, as long as we are happy and complete everything would be fine.

Myrna was so embraced after hearing the words of her son. They just continued to have it in a simple way no matter how poverty strike their living. Few hours then, Nick asked his mother and father,

N: Ma, Pa, where will I be taking my high school years?

His father and mother looked at each other, they were bothered why Nick came up to that thing. His father just calmly tell,

F: ahmmm, son, still we will be sending you to Toledo National High School (nearby public school). It is just a meter away from our house so no need to spent more money for your allowance son.
N: oh yes! yes! yes! I will do my best inorder to attain again the top achiever of the class. Thank you father, I will not fail you always.

Berto were so delighted about what Nick tries to promised.

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Months have past, it was already the start of the school. Nick doesn't have any material for his school aside from paper and ballpen. They still have no money to buy for it. Still Nick didn't bother to continue the day above everything. He just used his older notebooks and recycled it for some purposes. Until his father already found a budget for his materials.

For almost 4 years of Nick's high school journey, he was been a consistent honor student and became the salutatorian of the whole batch as he graduated. His parents were so happy for him. They hugged him tightly and kissed him as a sign of gratitude. They were a proud parents of their son.

Yet, poverty doesn't the reason for him to continue his journey in college. As a salutatorian awardee, Nick has sent to college university with a 50% discount of his part. In addition, he has to maintain a high grades inorder to continue the scholarship given for him. Somehow, 50% discount wasn't enough for his parents to have him in college. His parents were so confused on how they could handle it. Suddenly, Nick told them,

N: I already have an idea mother inorder to pay the school tuition, can I just work for them?
M: What do you mean son?
N: Hmmm, I will be a working student mother.

Tears from his mother's eyes started to flow. He just reached his son and tell.

M: Are you sure on what you are thinking son? Wouldn't be a hendrance for your study?

Well, Nick simply answered,

N: Don't worry mother, I will do my best as what I always promise to you and father as well. I will try to handle everything until I can do it just to fulfill my dreams for us.

His mother continues to cry and hugged him,

M: Just take care always son, no matter what may happen we are always beside you.

So the day is about to come for him to have his college journey. He was already packing his things up inorder to bring it to school because he will be staying their as a student's assistant and he must be staying every school days at the university. His parents were so worried for him, they have nothing to do but to obey the thoughts of their son. Though they trust him very much that's why they didn't let the opportunity to passed by on Nick.


It was already the start of the class. Nick was so nervous and don't know what to do on his first day of college life. He was mesmerized after seeing the feature of the University Building. He couldn't believe that he was one of the chosen scholar of the school. Nick took up Engineering course, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering specifically.

The pressure within his self as a student as will as a working student started to shuttered. Still he didn't have it as a hendrance for his study. Every Sunday, Nick went to their house to have a visit and have tome for his family. Eventhough it was just a short time for them yet they didn't let every second wasted. They used most of the time talking with each other.

First year of his college life was already done. He was so happy beneath everything. Courage within his self boost up and stays being firm and strenghtful. He always think how hectic it was yet he still fulfill it so no worries to have it again on the next year of his journey.

Years goes by and reaches at the 4th year of his course, office works and school works began to flow. No day Nick wasn't busy, all those time in a day were used for work always. The pressure at his part started to become heavy. Most cases, he wasn't able to visit anymore his parents.

Until such time, Nick just heared a news brought by his cousin who were studying also in the University about sometjing hsppened on Nick's father. He was shocked and worried after hearing the news. His cousin immediately told Nick that his father was confined two days ago because of heart attack. Their was no more place for him to put all his sadness about what have happened to his father. He filed an excuse at the school for him to be out and visit his parents as well as his father.

Nick directly went to the hospital and witnessed how sleepless his mother was holding the hand of his father.

N: Ma! What happened? Why did this happened?
M: I don't know son, I just left him in the house to buy some vegetables in the market. And when I went home, I just saw him lying on the floor breathlessly fighting for his condition. I immeadiately call for an ambulance and sent him here. (crying deeply)

Nick's face couldn't be draw because of so much confused and sadness. He cried and cried watching his father's dormant state. The doctor told them that he was been comatose for almost a day already. The worries between Nick and his mother got more hyped.

After all, Nick wasn't able to go in school everyday because he was the one who took care for his father for almost a month already. No days Nick would cry watching his father. He couldn't believe what happened until now.

Days goes by, the condition of his father become more severe. Until he wasn't able to fight back on his condition, he immediately died.

All the efforts of Nick was vanished after the lost of his father. He stumbled and keep on crying. Everyday as he woke up, he can always remember the moments they've been with his father. The promises and will to pursue the dreams of their family were lost for a moment.

Nick wasn't anymore a scholar student because his grades become low after the death of his father. Moving on for him was so difficult to overcome. Until Nick decided to continue, he just applied in a restaurant to be a part timer. His mother was the one who manages him everyday and does the chores in the house.

In God's grace, Nick graduated his degree course and successfully passed the licensure exam for Engineer. In this present time, Nick is already working to one of the BPO companies of the Philippines. He was also sent inside and outside the country to work. He has already his own family and he built a business for his mother. Nick successfully attained what he want despite of the hardships he encounters during those days. Surrendering was never been a way for him to get out for all the problems. He was able to msnsge everything and continued to become professional.

Lessoned Applied in the Story

No one will be successful if he or she doesn't have an endeavor to pursue his/her dreams in life. No matter how pity a life could be we must always aim high and left everything as memories. Always wear the trust and courage within ourselves because the one who drives our journey is no other than ourselves.

Thank you for having some time reading my written story. I hope you will appreaciate my work. Have a nice day and Godbless everyone.

your co-Steemian,



A touching story with a happy ending.

Really sir it's really a heart touching story.
@morbyjohn really a nice work done by you,and thanks for your share.
Have a great day to you both.

definitely bro. Problemd weren't the hendrance for him to succeed


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