Development of bins with recyclable material // Recycling of natural resources - Environment and nature

in #sndbox6 years ago


It is extremely important to publicize the importance of recycling, as well as the protection and care of the environment, as well as the main causes of environmental problems; In general, the lack of responsibility and awareness for the environment that surrounds us, as we are contributing to the destruction of our planet.

When there are no garbage containers needed to deposit solid waste and thus avoid contamination, it is necessary to contribute to preservation and environmental responsibility.

That is why I want to encourage readers, in this case my followers, and anyone who has the opportunity to read this article to participate in the proper management of solid waste through the realization and subsequent donation of garbage containers with reusable materials.

Incentive in the realization of the paper mills and preservation of the environment

  1. Promote the search for the necessary supplies for the production of wastebaskets with reusable material.

  2. Raise awareness among the people and communities to produce propaganda material in order to inform about the preservation of our environment through the elaboration of recyclable material bins, and guide them to create the necessary awareness to deposit solid waste in the bins .

  3. Sensitize the community through informative talks about the care and protection of the environment.

Importance of recycling in our current society

Currently, recycling plays an important role in the conservation and protection of the environment, therefore it is essential the proper execution of projects on recycling and also the implementation of actions for the welfare of our environment and the development of our daily activities in a healthy and clean environment.


** Law on waste and solid waste **.

Article 1: The purpose of this law is the establishment and application of a legal regime for the production and responsible management of solid waste and residues, whose normative content and practical use should generate the reduction of waste to a minimum and avoid situations of risk of human environmental health.

Article 2: The general interests of the objective are:
• Ensure that waste and solid waste are managed without endangering health and the environment, improving the quality of life of citizens.
• Give priority to actions aimed at preventing the reduction of the amount of waste and solid waste, as well as avoiding the danger it may cause to health and the environment.
• Assure citizens access to information on public action in the management of waste and solid waste, promoting their participation in the development of the planned actions.
• Improve the environment and quality of life, with efficient provisions regarding health security.

Article 3: This law shall apply to all that comes from the decomposition, destruction, rejection and exclusion of the handling of natural or artificial elements produced by the operations of treatment and final disposal.

Article 4: For the purposes of this law, waste and solid waste shall be classified according to their origin and composition, according to the technical criteria in accordance with this law, its regulations and ordinances.

Article 5: The control and reduction of the production of waste and solid waste, as well as the recovery of matter and energy, is declared a national policy, in order to protect the health and the environment against the harmful effects that may result from inadequate management of the same.

Article 6: The content of this law will have the character of public order and social interest, and its execution will be done under equal conditions throughout the national territory, and in accordance with the powers exercised by the national, state and municipal executive.

Article 7: The lack of scientific certainty can not be used as a basis to postpone the adoption of preventive and corrective measures that are necessary to prevent damage to health and the environment.
Article 8: The state will ensure citizens access to information, educate on the integral management of waste and solid waste, and its impact on health and the environment.

Article 9: The integral management of waste and solid waste shall be sanitary and environmentally appropriate, subject to the principles of prevention and control of negative impacts on the environment and health.

Article 10: The state, in execution of this law, will ensure that the integral management of waste and solid waste are carried out in accordance with the principles of integrity, community participation, information and without discrimination, and must be efficient, sustainable and sustainable, in order to ensure proper management of them.

Article 11: For the purposes of this law, the integral management of solid waste, includes both the processes and the agents involved in the generation, collection, storage, transportation, transfer, treatment and use until the final disposal and which other operation that involves them.


Article 129: All the activities susceptible to generate damages to the ecosystems must be previously accompanied by studies of environmental and socio-cultural impact. The state will prevent the entry into the country of toxic and dangerous waste, as well as the manufacture and use of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. A special law will regulate the use, handling, transport and storage of toxic and dangerous substances.

In the contracts of the republic celebrated with natural or juridical persons, national or foreign, or in the permits that are granted, that involve the natural resources, it will be granted including to conserve the ecological balance, to allow the access to the technology and the transfer of the same in mutually convinced conditions and of restoring the environment to its natural state if this would be altered, in the terms that the law fixes.


Article 32: Every citizen can go before the Environmental Prosecutor's Office or his assistants to demand compliance with the provisions related to the conservation, defense and improvement of the environment, so that the activities to denounced facts are subject of investigation.


It can be said that recycling is the best way to take advantage of the materials already used to create new products. Recycling is a process that depends on the contribution of all, that is why it is considered a very good help for both man and the environment. The most important thing about recycling is that through this practice we can contribute to making everything around us cleaner and using raw materials that we no longer use.

To conclude I can say that any well-prepared and oriented project can mean as a very important initiative for all those who intend to preserve the environment, be aware of improving the current conditions of our lifestyles, and especially in these times where materialism predominates and consumerism, even above what this may generate and negatively impact our environment.

Community and university participation

In the same index of conservationist motivation, carry out an activity where my students of Environmental Training of the Experimental University South of the Lake (UNESUR) made some bins with recyclable material that later were donated to classrooms 21 and 22 of the same university, others paper mills were donated with instructions and a talk that was given to the sector community Andrés Eloy Blanco Street 11, in San Carlos de Zulia, Zulia state-Venezuela. Here I attach some pictures of the photographs of my students in the development of recyclable material bins.


Awesome post!! Keep it up and check out THIS POST as well as I have something similar.

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