Alright another Garter Snake!!! Actually wait, it is the same one...

in #snakes6 years ago


How many of you remember that angry mamma Garter Snake I caught a couple months ago? If you don't, this link ought to refresh your memory...

I love it when you catch the same snake you caught once before in your yard. How do I know this is the same angry mamma Garter Snake? From this huge scar she had on her side. The snake before had this same scar. See the picture below...
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As big as this scar is it didn't seem to bother her. She is tough snake!

I was just coming back from checking on the house, discovering the new leak in the roof, when I saw the Garter Snake in the grass. What perfect timing too! Always when I least expect it HA HA. This time she wasn't hiding in the wood pile. She was in plain site. Never when I am out looking for snakes do I ever find one. It is always when I'm feeling down least expecting it that they turn up SMH. Oh the irony! It sure did brighten my day :-).


I'm glad to know that this snake has stuck around and is still living in the yard. We only have the best environment for snakes. That or she must like me HA HA. Maybe I will be fortunate enough to catch her a 3rd or maybe even a 4th time? Which makes me wonder what happened to her babies. Considering that I've caught this snake twice now, I would imagine sometime in the future, the next Garter Snake I catch, might be one of her off spring. I went ahead and let her go again back in the wood pile from before. I figured that was where her nest was.

I wish I could say the same about the Speckled King snakes that I caught a year ago (before Steemit). Last year I caught 3 Speckled King snakes and let them all go under the house. Still no sign of them. In fact, I still have yet to catch a Speckled King snake this year. There is still plenty of time left so will I catch one before the year is out? I hope so!

As always I'm Theo aka Rainbow Man and here is the PROOF!!!
PROOF of smiling Garter Snake. I mean, Don't Tread On Me!!! I ain't afraid of snakes.

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Now that's the biggest snake we have in the NW states. I like it that way!! ;)

You'd be surprised. Oregon and Washington has Rattlesnakes in the east side of the states.

That's why I stay west of puget sound! ;)

You know that would hurt right on the tip of the nose, but it would be good for a laugh. SMH cheered up by finding a snake, now that's just funny.

Hey you know me! Finding snakes always makes me happy. Especially when you find the same one slithering around your yard. That means they like your place so you are doing something right if they stick around.

Well either that or you have plenty of food in the area, that keeps them well fed.

She has a deep rich color to her. How do you know it's female, by the large size?

If you read the first post, I caught her in that wood pile. I went digging through the wood pile because I was told they saw a "baby" garter snake. Well this wasn't no baby snake I found LOL. So I assume if a baby snake was seen, more than likely this garter snake had a nest under the wood pile and she was the mamma. In this snake world, yes the females are a lot bigger than the males. Garter and Ribbon snakes have sex orgies believe it or not. Lots of little male snakes will all try to mate with the one big female in a ball. Seriously, this is how some snakes mate. So that is how I know this snake is female. Plus I know she is the same snake from before from that scar she had on her. Which is good! It is always a good sign when you find the same snakes in your yard or garden. That means they like your place so you are doing something right.

Yes to see garters snakes around.