An ordinary day in the FUTURE

in #smt7 years ago (edited)


Hey, wake up!

It is 8:23 AM. "It's time to wake up!" - I hear it every morning. I still remember the days when I had to organize and set everything myself. With tears in my eyes I recall those times because I miss my youngness. But would I want to go back in time? Definitely not - nowadays everything is easier and better organized. Now I have almost a complete smart house. It's amazing how big progress we have made!

So I waked up, Ilona (that's how I call smart home software used in my house) offered me morning workout instead of my usual evening gym. I trust her infinitely, artificial intelligence is rarely wrong. I do not eat breakfast now, so I start the day with coffee. I go into the kitchen and the coffee is already ready. So I sit on a relaxing smart chair and take my laptop. I could use smart glasses, but I'm a conservative. Whenever I drink coffee in the morning, I browse Steemit, where I follow my favorite bloggers, mostly writing about science, technology and programming. This morning wasn't different.

After reading all posts, it was time to hit the gym. A year ago I built it at home, it obviously is connected with the smart house software. Thanks to this, Ilona can help me in training, she is my motivator, tells me what I'm doing wrong and, of course, she controls the number of series, repetitions, the time between them and tells me what the next exercise is. I was born in times when such a thing was done by a real person called a "personal trainer". From my experience, I have to say that "smart coach" is better and long-term cheaper.

Time to work

It is 11:12 AM. Thanks to Ilona, I work only about 5 hours a day. Still a few years ago I worked at least 8 hours, and I was able to do less than now in 5 hours. Productivity, as it turns out, can be increased ;)

I'm a programmer, at the moment I'm working on an application for exchanging stupid photos for a few seconds (something like Snapchat from 2017). Of course, it will be integrated with Smart Media Token, without it, it is not even worth to create this type of application - nobody wants to use applications that do not reward you with tokens...

Fortunately, today's programming is much simpler than it was in my youth - components.steem has so many reusable components that developing frontends nowadays is incredibly easy. Connecting everything with the SMT is also really simple. Does anyone remember the chaos of frontend technologies from the 10's?

My passion is the reason I still work. I do not have to worry about finances - I discovered Steem early - my account was set up in May 2017. Recently, despite Ilona's warnings, I decided to try a month without work. I couldn't stand it - creating wonderful things is an inherent part of my life.

After work, it's time for pleasure...

It's 4:31 PM. I finished work, the food had been already ordered 30 minutes earlier by Ilona, so I went to the dining room to eat it. While eating, I watched a movie on netflix.steem, the last time Ilona chose really good movie, so I was excited. This one wasn't worse - I rated it 9/10 and I wrote a short review on the imdb.steem platform. I'm wondering how this time my review will be evaluated by other users, the last one received 65 IMDb tokens, quite a lot for such a short review!

It's the time to watch my favorite stream on streams.steem, I'm talking, of course, about MarsGuy's stream. If you have not seen it yet - I highly recommend you to do so. A guy streams his daily life on Mars. The only thing that interferes with communication with him is a big delay - in the end, electromagnetic radiation takes some time to overcome the road from Mars to Earth. Whenever I watch it, I'm sad because I want to be there. I think that the fact that I did not fly, even though I could, was my biggest mistake. The civilization built on Mars is much better (Musk's Postulates do the job). Now it is not so easy to get there, the selection is so hard. I can not say that my life is bad, but I feel that Mars is a place where I should spend at least part of my life.

It's 20:00 PM - time for the most serious part of my day. This is the time when I deal with politics. Of course, I start by reading the collection of news from the country and the world prepared by my favorite creator on Steemit. After reading, I go to the subpage of my state on government.steem, where I check what politicians I do vote for have done for mine country. One of them did something that I couldn't forgive him - I removed my vote and I recommend to others to do the same so he won't have that much voting power. I admire people who themselves read all the bill drafts and vote for the corresponding ones. It takes a lot of time, and the government.steem/poland curation rewards are set quite low. By the way, I am terribly upset about why so far only 85% of states have chosen this management system, after all, it is much better, fairer and more efficient than the old democracy!

What's waiting for me tomorrow?

It's 22:04 PM, I go to the bedroom where Ilona tells me what I have planned for tomorrow. It turns out I'm going to be in Shanghai tomorrow, where a very interesting conference will take place - "How Smart Media Tokens changed our world". In order to get there from New York it takes a bit over an hour - half an hour to reach the rocket launcher and 39 minutes to fly. Everything is exactly calculated by Ilona.

Today is the anniversary of Elon Musk's historic speech, so Ilona guessed that she wanted to see it again like I do every year:

While watching, I remembered how many people did not believe in Elona Musk in 2017 and his plan to colonize Mars and rocket traveling from one place on Earth to another. I wonder what would happen if I came to them from the future and told what humanity has achieved...

I wrote this post because I was inspired by recent events (Smart Media Tokens, Elon Musk's speech). Let me know if you liked it ;)

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gif made by @foundation


That was a great story! You are very talented and I look forward to more from your blogs.

Nice fiction, especially the colonizing Mars bit.
Ask yourself this, how does a spacecraft propel itself in the vacuum of space?

Thanks ;) I think the answer is simple - it depends on the spacecraft ;D

Does such system and spacecraft exist?

This is my vision of the future, but I'm sure you can already build a system which works similarly to one I wrote about. About spacecraft (you mean spacecraft to travel from one place on Earth to other?) - it is just an Elon Musk's idea, but I'm sure it is doable and he will at least try to make it ;)

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