
Oh my God,

And when this idea starts coming to fruition I will be all over that shit like mold on old bread!

Yup. The Shift needs this.

Great idea and can't wait to hear more in the future x

like mold on old bread

What a beautiful picture you are drawing here. ;)


Seriously, somebody needs to monetize spirituality and metaphysics, higher conscious elevation, triggering flow...

Then I can literally tell my Dad that I have a job and YES IT IS CONTEMPLATING MY OWN NAVAL PERCHED ON TOP OF A MOUNTAIN because the world now has a REAL DEMAND FOR THAT

Hahaha, we'd be killing so many birds with one stone... Could tell the disbelievers, skeptics, and other old-farts that we're taking over this shit...

We'll have to get machines and robots to do a lot of work for us but all in all I think this is the future direction of the world ;)

Yep, let's make this happen. If you like you can join our Discord channel for further discussions and input. This is a community project through and thorugh.

This has to be one of the best initiatives I've heard about in a long long time and although in it's embryonic stage, I also feel it has been incredibly well thought through! It's certainly the type of thing I've been searching for and thinking about for a number of years now .. there is a mood of change in the air and the time/momentum is right! I feel we could all be surfing on a beautiful and profound esoteric crypto wave far sooner than we may imagine. Count me in my friend!

Honestly, if this thing manifests into reality we will have a tool that can change the world through higher knowledge.

I very much believe so, and I have a really good feeling about the whole concept.

@flauwy count me in mate, I love the idea. I use my steem a.k.a. since I truly believe that blockchain early adopoters could be messiah for the distribution of a new form of abundance which will set to rest the old greedy world.
A few days ago I was even receiving some "signs" in the form of Beetles, turned out that it was related to the God Kephre from Eyptp, check my post on that matter if you want to see more.

Your idea looks great, I am a former raHma member, meditate since I was 16 and had a lof of not-yet scientifically explained experiences in my life. I am also a "law of attraction" practiotioner, and looking back from where I come, I am a living proof that it works.

I follow some of your work, did not know you were up to this, so, again count me in mate! I am Spanish native speaker and these topics are quite popular down south, since people is not that afraid to speak about them.

I will also contact you through Disscord. Cheers, and all the best!

Thanks man, that sounds awesome that you already do so well and direct your thoughts! I am working on that and it is a constant progress over time. :)

I have created a Discord channel for further discussions:

Agreed. My own work is not just integrating esoteric knowledge into a coherent whole but to also link it to those sciences that can help underpin the theoretical background, such as biophysics and neuroscience etc.

Information like that will be very welcome on the new platform!

@flauwy count me in mate, I love the idea. I use my steem a.k.a. since I truly believe that blockchain early adopoters could be messiah for the distribution of a new form of abundance which will set to rest the old greedy world.
A few days ago I was even receiving some "signs" in the form of Beetles, turned out that it was related to the God Kephre from Eyptp, check my post on that matter if you want to see more.

Your idea looks great, I am a former raHma member, meditate since I was 16 and had a lof of not-yet scientifically explained experiences in my life. I am also a "law of attraction" practiotioner, and looking back from where I come, I am a living proof that it works.

I follow some of your work, did not know you were up to this, so, again count me in mate! I am Spanish native speaker and these topics are quite popular down south, since people is not that afraid to speak about them.

I will also contact you through Disscord. Cheers, and all the best!

Thanks for sharing this with us. I really think you will be a great addition. I will push this forward with all of your help. :)

Interesting project! I've sent you a private message on Discord.

Man o man. My brain is churning now. Glad you brought this idea to my attention. I hopped on discord and gave an intro.

Thanks for joining the team Earl. I know you just very shortly but I am already super happy that I do!

Hi @flauwy, this might also be another good place to post the Discord group and promote your eSMT:

Thanks for bringing that to my attention!

This is a great project, and I agree with what you said.

Researching this type of thing can be difficult, and I know this first hand. I spent 10-15 hours a day for years and feel like I wasted so much time.

Also, SMT’s are going to be awesome for Steem! I just found out about them and I am very excited!!!

How can I help you out with your project?

Thanks for expressing your support. Come and join our Discord channel:

What an Awesome Idea! I work in the Holistic World with Sound Healers, Crystals, Energy Workers & Herbalists. Can’t wait to talk to you about it.

Awesome, I will certainly need your connections and support. I created a Discord channel for everyone who offered their interest. See you there soon.

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