in #smoothies8 years ago (edited)


GOJII WHAT ?? I said 

"GOJII BERRIES -Super food!  good for your immune system, full of vitamins ( C & A i found out later) good source of iron, oh and you can put them in those smoothies you like making" this was the conversation I had with my mum, who had discovered this ' super dooper ' magical fruit and was sitting there eating them like raisins!

That  was over 5 years ago and since then I have added them to my smoothies, and everday cooking as they are very versitile and  low in calories.  This is why some  'dieters' keep these little miriacles  as healthy snacks as they give off slow releasing enegy , helping you to feel fuller for longer.  Goji berries are availabe for good health food stores/ supermarkets or you can grow your own in a planter- will thrive in cooler climates apparently.

Preparing Goji berries for a smoothie 

2 Tablespoons of  dried Goji berries - soak in  1 tablespoon of water for approx 15 minutes until  soft

Other Ingredients - makes for 2 glasses

1 cup of strawberries

1cup of  rasberries

1 banana 

Softened Goji Berries

2 Tablespoon of honey ( organic if possible) - alter to your own taste 

Almond milk- to base line

 Add Ice - if you want a cold shake 

Place all ingredients into your blender and blend until smooth

Pour into glasses and ENJOY :)


If you like my posts on smoothies and healthy foods then please feel free to follow me, new friends always welcomed along with any comments or suggestions..


Absolutely great! Goji Berries are one of my personal favorites!

you can grow them.... I've never tried too , but apparently they are easy to grow .

I've got some growing right now, but they are still young.
Here's the link

i love goji berries unfortunately, I can't gorge on them because they are nightshade fruits - they could bring my RSI back. :(

Nice smoothie but I like them in tea best, I think I heard that this is the best way to get their benefits.

Sounds like a powerful trink!
I just sent a tweet out on it.

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