Day 5 : 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: A Smiling House

This day’s writing prompt for the 5 minute freewrite by @improv and @mariannewest is a smiling house and I here go with my entry for the 5th day’s prompt.


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Today I am extremely happy because today I am right in front of a smiling house. Yes, a smiling house- a house that smiles at me each time I look at it. A house that makes me smile every time I glance at it. And a house that makes me feel happier from within the moment I think of it. This is the house my husband, my son and I have built together with our love, passion, hard work, patience and money. For a long time, I have worked like crazy to be able to build my own house with my husband and for a long time, I deprived myself of all the comforts I could enjoy just because I was busy working hard to earn more and save more to reach this point.

There were times when all the savings went to something else like when we decided to put our son into school, we had to break our savings and a lot of it went into his tuition fee and then we decided to change our car, we had to sacrifice our savings again. Time and again, we had to take out bits and pieces from our savings dedicated to build our house to manage some unforeseen money related emergencies and needs.

We also had lots of fights throughout this journey- my husband and I, I mean. There were times when we disagreed on things, when we didn’t nurture loving feelings for one another and when we felt like distancing ourselves from one another but nonetheless we kept going. Our son kept us together and our desire to be better helped us out. Finally, after all the effort and turmoil, we have now reached the point where we can say ‘Yes, we did it and made our own house.’

While my son didn’t contribute any money in this house, his effort is nonetheless remarkable. He was patient with us when we weren’t too patient with him; he was supportive of me when he wanted my attention but knew mommy had to work; and he understood when he felt daddy needed a break of his incessant nagging. He is a wonderful kid and without his love and support, we would have never reached this point. I thank my Allah for blessing us with a smiling house and a smiling family.

This is what I believe I will feel and think of when one day we will have a house of our own. Hope you enjoyed it. Love,




Insha Allah - you will have that house one day. In the meantime, you and your family are that house of smiles :) Thank you for playing :)

Marianne, you are a true blessing really. Never knew I could find such nice people online <3 <3

Awww, Thank you!

Looks like "sponge bob" house to me 😁

Haha it does. Just googled a few photos and took one I found the cutest :D

It is cute though 😊

Haha yes it is not like my dream house but cute. Thank you for stopping by :)

Great seeing you here. Thank you :D

Great seeing you here. Thank you :D

You are a beautiful family, thank you @sharoonyasir for the positive energy that your spread through your post :-)

Aww thank you so much for this lovely comment :)

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