SmartSteem Curation Manipulation Test (Part 1)

in #smartsteem6 years ago (edited)


So I've used @smartsteem to buy upvotes for a few of my posts and it seems like a wash. Unsurprisingly, you'll make about as much as you put in, or a little less. I really don't see the point of using the service unless you are willing to pump up a post high enough to make the trending page. Even then, you risk angering the Steem gods and getting flagged. However, it may have one more use that I'd like to test out.

I might not be able to profit much from @smartmarket, but perhaps I can use it to support my supporters. I think I can use upvote services to manipulate curation reward payouts. If I wait for my followers to upvote my post first and then buy votes after that, they may receive a good amount of artificial curation reward while I break even. In turn, this would also leech curation rewards away from people selling their votes. Win-Win.

My understanding of how curation works is quite limited. I'd like to test it out with this post and future posts. If I can get an upvote from say @krnel and @taskmaster4450 or even @wesleybos or @troglodactyl I think that would be enough to measure how curation gets spread around a little better.

Part 2 of this test will come in a week when everyone gets paid out. I'll be able to measure where all the curation went and see if this manipulation is worth it. If this post doesn't get enough upvotes I'll simply have to wait until one of my posts does. I'm going to have to test multiple posts regardless. I figure I'll have to track one post that was $2 before the pump, $4, $6, $10... whatever I can get.

EDIT: I've been paid out but the option to edit post remains.


You experience with the bid bot matches what @zoidsoft posted the other day.

He did the calculations and determined that not only were bid bots not worth it, that they also slowed down the redistribution from the larger accounts to the smaller ones.

@zoidsoft is a smart dude I threw him a follow and some votes.

it would be interesting to see the outcome of this test.. smartsteem promises 2x or more returns. i wonder how true that is.

It's very true. I put in 10 SBD and got more than $20 reward. The problem is that once you take away 25% curation and then split the reward half SBD half SP you've still potentially lost a little bit.

yeah, that is a "sunk" cost.. i wonder if the vote-sellers have curation rewards as part of their incentive.

I am in for test. Hope it helps.

It's going to be hard to figure out but I'll come up with something.

It might help if you would do three similar posts at the same time.. and people should be voting for each respective post at the same time..
then you can use smart steem on post 1, booster on post 2 and none on post three to compare the results...

there are so many thing i have to track... when did they vote? what order were the votes in? how much did they vote for. I should think about making a bot for this.

I received 0.021 SP for my vote...
at the time of voting I believe my voting power was around 1.5 cents..
so my return at that times price would be 0.021*3.00 steem price = 6.3 cents..
so its a factor 4 return.. that s the highest I have seen on steemit so far!
I believe promising fixed upvotes after 24 h later or so could be a major motivation for people to more actively vote on your posts!

Thanks for the followup. I noted the curation everyone received but I didn't note how much their vote was worth. I'll do a detailed post of what I learned soonish.

I do know that @taskmaster4450 got more curation than @bhuz even though his vote was smaller. The same is true for @hr1 vs @mctiller

I'm surprised this isn't more of a thing... it seems pretty easy to manipulate curation rewards.

I am playing around with pretty much everything that is offered here on steem.. returns (kickbacks) on poker or those picture posting bots are usually 60% to 70% of your vote.. compared to 400% at this test.. so questions is now more: out of your perspective: did the bot vote pay for itself? if yes this could be the thing.. but probably this is already exploited by the circular voting big whales...

I'll be using @smartmarket to pump this post for 10 SBD tomorrow. Get your votes in before then!

Yeah i used smartmarket before did come through with a few coins worth of crypto

One aspect (regardless if you make profit or not) to use services like smartsteem is to promote your posts...if you have more/higher votes, more people will probably see it...

Yeah but that aspect is very binary. You either get on the trending page or you don't. If you tag your post with subjects that are flooded like "steemit" "steem" etc you won't get visibility unless you're up to like $100.

Okay, yes, that's one good point.
But it still can be used as a way of promoting your post :)

Yeah, but this is very bad for business. When bid-bots are outdated and eliminated the "Promoted" tab will come back in a big way and burn a bunch of SBDs. High SBD value makes the platform worth a lot more.

But has the promote-function of steemit itself ever be used/did it make sense?
I'm not here long enough to know about that

It's being used right now. If bid-bots weren't around it would be used a lot more.

Okay, thanks! :)

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