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RE: An Almost Interesting Week in Pictures

This comment is very late, I have no idea where it went. Or didn't go, as the case may be. The mysteries of life, or myself ( :
So good to see you back on the site. It's been a quiet summer all-around. I think folks are busy and maybe some a bit tired after 1-2 years of posting and voting and all. Taking lots of breaks from the action. I'm hoping things will pick up lateron. I know I will. Ideas are piling up faster than I donknowwhat.

I like this series. Reminds me a bit of what @winstonalden does in B-town. I agree with @kristyglas, maybe it should become a 'thing'.

That license plate is pretty funny. Pretty sure I'd be one of the 'almost'-ers. Nice ride though. Never seen one in real life.


Yeah, steemit burnout is fairly common, especially in this stage of its development. Like any activity it can become tedious if we let it. You are a content generating machine, though, totally unfazed. Although I have become less active on the site, I am still very interested to see what it's got in store in the coming months.

Winston Alden was a definite inspiration for this budding series. He does it better, hands down. He's hitting the streets with his feet, whereas I'm behind the windshield mostly.

Nice ride though. Never seen one in real life.

Oh yeah? That was my first Evora sighting too. If there's one thing Dallas has it's expensive foreign cars. Drooling over cars is a secret guilty pleasure of mine, so that's one thing I can say I like about this city. Thank you for dropping a line! Take care.

Oh I missed this - I'm such a jerk about keeping up with comments and mentions. I think your pictures are fantastic. It's great to see another part of the world, so different from my daily route. That shady alley looks especially intriguing. I wonder where it leads?

Was someone really driving that Lotus around without a license plate? The law really is enforced differently in Texas!

Thank you very kindly for dropping in, no worries on the delay time. Yes, paradoxically, there is something fascinating about seeing the normie aspects of a person's life. Must be some one of the keys to humanity or something.

Yeah, Dallas is in another realm of IDGAF. (I think) the law says a new owner is supposed to display a temporary paper plate for 45 days or some such time frame, but this Lotus driver didn't even have that. I'm shrugging and shaking my head with you.

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