Theodore and the Queen Bee | a little suspense story about smartcashsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #smartcash7 years ago


Theodore was rightfully proud that of all the cryptocurrency experts that populated the Ruined City, the infamous inventor had invited only him to come to the Winter Manor to present his hard won expertise. In exchange, the inventor has promised to show him a “marvel of modern technology”.

He was dressed impeccably when the autocar came for him. It was self-driving so he didn’t need to bother with small talk. Instead he used the time to brush up on the information packets he had prepared of the most popular currencies, the ones with the largest marketcaps or communities. He had a few particular gems he was excited to wax poetic on. He had even indulged his passionate assistant and brought along specifications for a few projects that he himself wasn’t familiar with: Smartcash, Steem, among others. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and even though only Theodore himself had been requested, the boy River did good work and would get a thrill out of his contribution being included in some small way.

After all, this inventor was a person of much intrigue and mystery. It was rumoured that he had survived the initial fall of the Ruined City and wanted to restore what was now a place of crumbling buildings and despair to its former glory.

As the car wound round the hills and climbed mountain roads with sharp precision, Theodore could glance down and see the buildings, the greenery, and imagine what a metropolis it had once been. A flourishing seat of magical and creative talent. But now, where had magic gotten them? He shook his head.

While he appreciated the old ways of mysticism and wonder, he had to admit that he was enlivened more by the new world that was coming: a pinnacle of technological advancement. When once the strongest sorcerers held sway, now the more advanced machinery and impeccable code would decide the fate of his people. This pleased him greatly.

Granted there was the manufacturing cost and filth that came with technology, robotics, and the rise of the computing machines but really… once they’d ironed out all the kinks they would be left with something greater than before. Something that would never succumb to greed and corruption like their predecessors had suffered.

It might seem strange then, that he was so excited to meet someone who hailed from a mythic past, but in his time, the inventor had been an oddity- a person who valued technology over magic. And he had survived the great catastrophes that had leveled the city to continue his work, work that was now so desperately needed. Yes, Theodore greatly admired this person whose vision was so far ahead of its time. And now, Theodore had been invited personally to be a part of some project, some creation that he had no doubt would propel them all solidly into a glorious future.

The car stopped at the gates of the Winter Manor and Theodore got out.

One of the peculiarities of moving some chaotically from a past infused with magic and a future engineered with technology is that sometimes one fell situations that seemed to contrast each other curiously. Theodore considered this has he watched the self-driving autocar roll away and then turned to face the gates, which loomed large above him, obscuring any possibility of peeking inside. The air was sweltering, even as the sun was going down, but he knew despite the tropical climate he would find out here, once he passed through into the Manor gates it would be such a cold as one rarely saw on the island. He had been warned that the Manor was a little pocket universe under the control of its master and influenced by that master’s desires. Theodore shook his head again. To think such pocket worlds used to be so common a way of life. How one earth could his ancestors have navigated such a chaotic era?

He prepared himself, donned scarf and mitts, picked up his briefcase and bravely stepped forward to knock. After a moment, the gates swung open and he barely had time to wonder if it was magic or technology that made it so before they shut right behind him.

Inside the pocket world, everything glistened with white. Theodore let out a slow breath, marveling. He’d never seen snow before as it didn’t occur naturally on the island. He knew other places had whole seasons of it and still it seemed more fantasy than reality as he walked through the quiet, icy garden up to the door of the grand house. It was large and startling, with an imposing kind of architecture but golden light lit the windows and he tried to find the glow of them comforting against the blue shadows of the snowy yard. Again he knocked.

The door opened and he found himself staring face to face with a young woman with uncannily dark eyes.

“Ah, Theodore,” she murmured, tilting her head to the side. “We’ve been expecting you.”

He paused for a moment, trying to assess her identity.

“A pleasure to meet you…?” he let the sentence trail off as a question.

“Juliet,” she replied, gesturing for him to enter. “We haven’t met before but I was given your particulars.”

Theodore frowned and looked around, a little confused as he entered the door.

“I was told I would be meeting Mr….?” Again his sentence trailed off as an elegantly dressed young man with strangely pale hair joined them by the door.

“Ah yes, come Theodore. So pleased to have you here at last,” the young man said in a soft voice. He reached out to shake Theodore’s hand. “Thank you for agreeing to my invitation.”

“So you must be the inventor,” Theodore said with relief, shaking the young man’s hand vigorously. “But my word, you look so young!”

The young man tilted his head, much the same as Juliet had, and smiled.

“A carry over from our mystic past,” he whispered conspiratorially. “Once our people aged much slower than they do now. Perhaps one day we’ll regain the knack.”

He clapped Theodore on the back as if they had been friends for years and Theodore found he rather liked this personable man.

“So then, what do you think of her?” the inventor asked, turning to Juliet. “As I have promised, she is a marvel isn’t she?”

“,” Theodore responded with some confusion. “Is she a colleague of yours?”

The inventor laughed, a husky quiet sound that seemed like it should come from someone much older. The effect was mildly unsettling.

“She is my greatest achievement,” the inventor responded, holding out his hand for Juliet’s and kissing it lightly. “She is completely mechanical being, created in my lab.”

Theodore turned to stare at Juliet in shock as she smiled serenely at him, her black eyes giving her an unsettlingly direct yet unreadable stare.

“My goodness…” Theodore whispered. “You mean.. She isn’t alive?”

“Well, I’m a little fuzzy on the definitions you see,” the inventor responded, tapping his nose thoughtfully. “I wouldn’t say she’s isn’t alive. But she was built, not born.”

In a strangely slow and compelling movement, Juliet pulled her hair to rest on one shoulder, revealing the side of her neck. With her fingers, she pressed what seemed to be an unremarkable part of skin and a small compartment on her neck opened, revealing wires and lights within. Theodore froze, mesmerized and a bit disturbed. She reached out to squeeze him hand and her fingers were strangely hot. He tried not to stare as she re-closed the compartment beneath her ear.

“But how can such a thing be possible?”

“Many things are possible in this new world of ours,” Juliet said, her voice echoing with a strange buzz beneath it. Theodore nodded, assuming the sound was some sort of technical malfunction. Strangely, that made him feel a bit better. A slight imperfection made her existence seem more… believable.

“And you, my new friend, will help us with one such vision,” the inventor interrupted, steering him towards a cozy study with a roaring fire and a large wooden table that had been polished until it gleamed in the firelight. Theodore relieved himself of his coat and accessories.

“This is quite a fine house.” he commented.

“Yes,” replied the inventor. “My host is quite gracious to provide me a place to do my work. And you must forgive me but I am impatient to begin.”

With an air of one expecting to be obeyed, the man took a seat and waited expectantly. Theodore took a moment to realize that he was expected to begin his presentation. He placed his briefcase on the table and began unpacking his documents.

“Honestly, he can be so rude,” Juliet said suddenly, smiling a bit. “Theodore, would you care for something to eat? To drink perhaps?”

“No, no. It’s an honour to be here and I am also eager to get started,” Theodore replied. Though he really could have used a drink, he wanted to impress his host by being ready to work. After all, despite the casual behaviour and youthful appearance of the inventor Theodore could see that he had a startlingly brilliant mind. After all, who could have conceived of an artificially created person that looked and seemed so real? Juliet truly was a marvel. A question occurred to him.

“If I may ask… Do you eat? Or drink?”

She took a seat next to the inventor and shook her head.

“No, I do not take in sustenance that way.”

“Oh,” he replied. He didn’t want to come across as rude but he was desperate to ask more questions. What did she take in as sustenance? Did she sleep? Did she run programs like the computing machines or was her mind self-directed like a person’s? He occupied himself by arranging the documents and then paused, realizing he had no idea what to present.

“Uh, if I may,” he said. “If I were to know the purpose of this meeting, I could better present the information I’ve brought.”

“Oh yes, of course! Juliet’s right. I can be terribly rude,” the inventor said, sitting back in his chair with a frown. “You, of course, cannot advise unless you know what you are advising about.”

The inventor stood up suddenly and began pacing.

“A city,” he said finally.

“” Theodore repeated, bewildered.

“A smart city,” the inventor clarified. He looked at Theodore expectantly, obviously eager for a reaction. Theodore felt himself begin to sweat.

“A… smart city. Uh… I’m afraid I don’t…”

“A city in which the needs of the population are handled autonomously by technology, ensuring the safety and happiness of the citizens,” Juliet interrupted smoothly. Theodore felt very grateful she was there to translate for him. Her consideration of him was extremely…. human. And then he absorbed what she had said. The enormity of it staggered him for a moment.

“That would be…..” He was at a loss for words.

“Astounding,” she supplied. “Yes. It would be. Perhaps even more astounding than an artificial being with her own intelligence.”

She smiled at him, a kind of smile that invited camaraderie and he smiled in return. He was quite amazed that her intelligence extended to not only humour, but a kind of self-deprecating humour that invited intimacy.

“Yes indeed. Quite astounding,” he agreed. “To create such a thing would be the greatest achievement since before the Ruin.”

“Yes, yes!” the inventor agreed, standing up and starting to pace. Theodore blinked in surprise at the man’s unpredictable behaviour and glanced at Juliet, who smiled indulgently and shrugged her shoulders.

“Imagine it. A city that provides food, housing, healthcare, whatever the citizens need. An elegant system of survive to combat the squalor most of the population finds themselves in. It would be a marvel and we need your help to make it a reality,” the inventor said, clasping Theodore’s hands suddenly in his own. The man truly was a genius, Theodore thought to himself. Genius and strangeness often went hand in hand. Theodore cleared his throat and reclaimed his hands from his exuberant host.

“But how could such a thing be possible?”

“With the startling advances in computing technology, anything is possible,” the inventor replied. “Remember, we aren’t approaching such things from a blank slate. Even before the city fell, when magic was at its height, some of us dreamed of technology equalizing the world. Such plans have existed from long before now. But now they are not solely a dream, they are a necessity for survival. They will ease the suffering of thousands of citizens. It will change our world again, and for the better this time.”

Despite himself, Theodore was moved by this man’s passion.

“How may I be of service?” he asked, straightening his shoulders.

“Money,” the inventor replied.


“Currency,” Juliet clarified. “We need to decide on a currency. Something to help facilitate an exchange of goods and services, as well as provide a basic income.”

“What is a basic income?”

“A basic income is provided to all citizens who choose to claim it,” Juliet explained. “This will help us create an economy to build the city on top of. We distribute a basic income in our chosen currency for those who want to join the city and have resources available to purchase for that currency. I’m oversimplifying it of course for brevity.”

“Why not just give things away?” Theodore asked.

“It wouldn’t work the same way,” Juliet replied sadly. “If we aren’t exchanging, we have no guarantee that we will have enough resources to provide for everyone. People may take more than they need, they may not agree to contracts to provide something in return. Our world has become one of mistrust and having a medium of exchange helps smooth over many complications.”

“We’ve already done all that theory work, my friend,” the inventor said impatiently. “You are here to help us decide on the best currency for our needs.”

Theodore nodded slowly and shuffled his papers around.

“Yes, yes of course,” he murmured as his mind tried to catch up with the vision they had so briefly sketched for him. He gathered himself and recovered his usual pride. Yes of course. This was exactly what he had dreamed, a noble purpose for his intellect and study. He proceeded to hand over his documents to the inventor gravely, but the man shook his head and smiling, gestured to Juliet. Theodore blinked as Juliet took the documents from him.

“Between you and I, her mind is far more geared towards finding what we need,” the inventor said conspiratorially. Theodore nodded and started to launch into his carefully rehearsed presentation but the inventor held a finger to his lips, indicating a need for silence, and then sat back in his chair and waited. Theodore decided to clean his glasses vigorously, struggling to understand how he felt about an artificial being making such a huge decision without even a presentation to help!

He watched her frown at the papers, shifting through them at a rate he found personally a little offensive. Here were documents displaying cutting edge technology that could change this broken, ruined world they lived in. How could she flip through them like so many snapshots? How could she be digesting the incredible potential of..

“This one,” Juliet said, interrupting his thoughts as she pulled out a portfolio with gold and black on the title page. Her excitement seemed to give her voice that strange reverberation he couldn’t quite place once again.

“Pardon me?” Theodore said, adjusting his glasses. He walked over to her side of the table to see what she held. He frowned.

“That one… Oh, yes.. Smartcash. I must admit that I myself didn’t pick this one….” he said, adjusting his tie. “This was a pick from my assistant, River. I’m not quite as familiar with this one as some of the other, larger projects.”

She didn’t seem to be listening to him, simply flipping through the pages slowly but too quick to be reading them surely? He rocked back on his heels, a little uncomfortable. This was indeed a strange visit. But he was the expert after all. He had to prove his usefulness!

“Perhaps you would like to hear about one of the other proposals I’ve brought… Bitcoin, the original perhaps? Ethereum? Counterparty? All of these projects exist in a fascinating sphere together, which one must become familiar with to truly appreciate their value.”

She ignored him and pushed the document across the table to the inventor.

“This here,” she said excitedly, tapping the page. “Notice the distribution? 80% to community proposals. Large incentive for citizen engagement.”

The inventor, who has been surprisingly silent while she searched, smiled a secretive smile but Theodore thought he detected a hint of approval. He started to sweat. Why was he sent for if they weren’t going to listen to his expertise? He lept to interrupt, desperate to prove his intellect and competence, especially in the face of this artificial human.

“Yes! Quite a remarkable addition. In fact, if the lady would allow me to present Dash, which also has a similar proposal system and much higher current market value.”

He hurried to find the desired document and hand it over to direct her attention but she didn’t look at him or the papers in his outstretched hand. He deflated a bit and tried to appeal meaningfully to the inventor with his eyes, but they both ignored him. He racked his brain, trying to think of what his assistant had told him about Smartcash.

“And of course,” he continued smoothly, as he remembered. “Dash also shares the holding incentive by rewarding those who hold the currency with a portion of the block rewards.”

“Yes,” she agreed, acknowledging him finally and taking the Dash proposal. He puffed out a bit.

“Though by your own admission, it’s currently trading at a much higher price which makes it more difficult to get into the hands of the thousands of citizens who are destitute,” she continued, flipping through the document before setting it aside to return to the Smartcash one.

“Our goal, you see,” the inventor interrupted smoothly,”is to find something that can help us transform the Ruined City but we only have finite resources to start with. A strong community incentive with a presently smaller market value is ideal, hitting the right balance between potential and accessibility.”

Theodore frowned for a moment, confused. Juliet look up at him with those uncannily dark eyes and folded her hands under her chin.

“Our current resources will stretch farther if we pick something with a smaller market value. We’ll be able to help more citizens get involved and start seeing the benefits of the Smartrewards system,” she explained, that strange buzz in her voice returning as her eyes lit up. “It will excite and engage them more to see their rewards rather than having to work up to holding an amount of money they may never see in their lifetime. It’s very promising.”

“Unfortunately,” Theodore sighed, cleaning his glasses again in defeat. “As I’ve said I’m not an expert in this project. I would have to do some work to get up to date and be able to best advise you.”

“No need,” the inventor interrupted in that same smooth manner. “You said your assistant is passionate about this project?”

“Well yes.. He practically begged me to include it in my presentation today,” Theodore replied, a little sullen.

“Perfect. Send for him.”

The inventor handed Theodore an electronic scroll, a small communication device. Theodore nodded and sent the message to his assistant, requesting he join him post haste. He handed the scroll back and sat, feeling quite deflated and unimportant. He had the strange feeling of being caught up in wave he couldn’t control.

“Your help has been invaluable,” Juliet flattered him. He frowned, listening. That strange buzz when she talked had grown disconcerting. He had originally assumed it was a malfunction of her vocal systems, but the inventor seemed unconcerned about it, offering no comment or explanation.

“Please don’t be wroth with me,” she said, smiling at him. “I have to admit I did some homework before you arrived and I was quite drawn to the Smartcash project from the beginning, though you stated a fine case for the others in your documents.”

“Oh?” he perked up under her compliments. “Why is that?”

“I rather like the hive imagery,” she whispered conspiratorially to him, her voice continuing to buzz unsettlingly. He felt strangely disturbed for a moment. Was it a trick of the low lights or did her eyes seem all black, not just the pupil? Was it a design error?

“Well… I am pleased that you have found something to suit… Despite my expertise not really being required,” he responded, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Oh no,” Juliet replied. “Your intellect is quite necessary. Your assistant will do nicely for introducing us to the Smartcash platform and its current community that we would like to befriend, but your visit here also served another purpose. Like the project, I believe very much in the power of a hive mind.”

“A hive mind? I’m not sure I’m familiar with that concept…” Theodore replied. He felt a surge of… what was it? Foreboding? He glanced around the room. Why hadn’t he noticed how dark it was in here before? How closed off? When had the fire gone out?

“Pardon me, but could we open a window?” he asked, pulling at his collar. “I could do with some air.”

“Of course Theodore,” she murmured, standing and walking to the window. She turned back to look at him as she opened it slowly. “My thoughts exactly.”

There it was again. He would have to speak to the inventor once he had him alone about that strange buzzing and the design flaw of her eyes. Surely they were malfunctions that were easily fixed. And if such obvious malfunctions existed, he could hardly blame the poor creature for missing the depth of his insight into the cryptocurrency world. He felt validated and was about to thank her when he noticed a cloud of small black creatures buzzing as they entered through the window. He stood abruptly and his chair fell back hitting the floor. He barely had time to regret this entire venture before they swarmed him.

“I don’t know why Theodore sent for you,” Velvet said, staring moodily out the window. “I’m the apprentice, not you. You’re just the assistant.”

“I guess we’ll find out,” River replied, giving her an easy grin. He was excited to have been invited to help flesh out the presentation.

“It seems odd though,” Velvet mused. “I wonder why we haven’t heard from him since? And why would he send a message from someone else’s scroll, not his own?”

“I’m sure it’s nothing,” River replied. “You know Theodore. He’s probably foaming at the mouth now, ranting and raving about the benefits of this crypto project versus that one. He probably hasn’t even checked his own scroll since he got there. You know how ambitious he is.”

Velvet frowned at him but nodded slowly.

River sat back in his chair with a contented sigh, excited to be included in such an important project. Rumour had it that the inventor had created a marvel of modern technology and he couldn’t wait to see it with his own eyes.

** END **

If you would like to learn more about SmartCash please visit


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wow big story it was a good read very creative and original thank you

if this is what you consider a "little story" I'd be interested in your definition of an epic. hahaha. Very intriguing story, thank you for sharing. I love Smartcash! I'm waiting for it to explode. ;-)

Thank you lol. :)

Yeah, it'll be interesting to see what 2018 holds for it. It's such an interesting project.

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Very interesting story about crypto and SmartCash!

Haha your tale of the crypto world. Quite a sarcastic, cynic view though however well written. Love the title

That's an interesting perspective.. Hmm... I was hoping Theodore might get across the hopefulness of technology in the face of other failures.

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