How To Begin Your Journey To Self Discovery.

in #smalltalk8 years ago

Learn to discover your true self and watch everything start to fall in place for you effortlessly.

Finding yourself takes deliberate efforts. You don't just wander around then stumble on it. You have to want to find yourself. The act/process of WANTING to find yourself is important because if you don't and then go ahead to stumble on it while wondering around, it won't be of any use to you because you have no idea you need it. 

This can be likened to a tourist without a guide or navigational device. The possibility of going round in circles in search of a particular place is very high. 

It's a simple rule of life; when you don't know, you don't know! 

The amazing thing however is that the moment you stop to find out and ask the right questions, you begin your journey to the land of self discovery. 

The idea I had starting out on Steemit varies from what i'm turning out to be gradually. 

I am by no means an expert but here are my thoughts.

How to begin journey to self discovery. 

Definitely not an exhaustive list but should be enough fuel to get your engines running and push you to want to discover yourself.

Be ready to ask. 

On your own you have been going in circles. Now you have noticed this and you want it to change. It's true no one person knows it all but there are people around you that know just enough to move you to the next level. Seek out these people and ask them, with all the genuineness you can muster. Questions like "what do you think of me?", "In what ways do I annoy you?", and much deeper ones can help you begin to discover your true self.

Be ready to listen. 

When you ask people genuinely, they will answer you. So with this in mind, it is only normal that you prepare yourself to listen to everyone. Listening here does not mean following whatever they say. It just means allowing them express themselves while you take note of everything. You should try not to discard anything at this point. Not every response will be positive. Remember you're trying to get to know yourself and you'll need to understand how other people view you.

Be open to opinions. 

This can be tricky as you will tend to receive loads of them. Positive and negative. The funny thing is that you'll find many of them will be contradictory. This means some people could tell you to go left because that's the best route while some others will tell you that going right is definitely the better option. Even those you respect the most and hold in very high esteem can go wrong sometimes so it's a very tricky one to handle. 


It is important to note that even when you know the right route to take, a smooth journey is still not guaranteed! There could be delays such as traffic or a flat tire or maybe overheating in the engine compartment. 

This things happen in life. The difference this time is that you know where you're going, you have a very vivid dream in mind, and nothing can stop you. 

SmallTalk is on its journey to self discovery thanks to the interactions with many amazing folks out here and especially @cathercissism . Thank you for a lovely start to this journey. 

As always, let's keep the conversation going. I look forward to reading your COMMENTS and interacting with you. Upvote ONLY if you enjoyed reading. Resteem to HELP OTHERS see it.

Just in case you're wondering what my story is, I have a first draft of it as my introductory post here. You can get an idea from there and support 😊


A very beautiful article of rather important and crucial thoughts at this point in human history. Thank you so much for being part of this revolution of the mind and help bring about, once more, the oneness of consciousness to our world. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

You're welcome. Glad you enjoyed reading it.

Very good post! I'm on my journey to self discovery right now!

Oh great!
Hoping you'll share the experience with us sometime soon. I look forward to reading it!

Another important consideration when trying to realize yourself is to try to disagree respectfully when you do disagree with another. This is very difficult to do.

Very good point! Some opinions might sound so crazy we get tempted to lose our cool so it's always nice to remember to stay respectful.
It seems anything outside the status quo is always very hard to do 😃

One must tell them self to disagree with the opinion, not with the person! Indeed its tempting to let emotion get the best of you, learning to reign in those emotions is one of lifes challenges.

I am terrible at listening to criticism, especially from my wife. I know I should work on that!

Acknowledging this is a step in the right direction. Nobody is perfect but we can always strive to be better; and we should always strive to be.
Don't forget to figure out where you'd need help and then ask for all the help you need!
No man is an island; that's what they say.

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