New favorite piece. Just finished.

in #slothicorn6 years ago (edited)

I know I know, to an artist each piece is the new favorite, that being said, I really feel like I am beginning to come into my own switching from mostly a traditional artist, to digital media. It is a different way of using my hands, and the transition has been really fun. I still mainly "paint" with my fingers but it is definitely a different experience and learning the heaviness and lightness to use with the tips of my fingers(I don't have a stylus yet) compared to pens, pencils and brushes. I am a mom of a four year old, and this app has opened the world of art back up to me after a small hiatus of a few years finding it hard to manage the time to create. Late at night in bed after everyone is asleep is my greatest opportunity and I am too tired to stand in a studio so this app is working!
Here is the piece I made last night.

I love her I really do. Anyone who has been following my work, probably notices that this is a slightly different direction where I am using a more realistic skin tones and colors in the piece in general. This was deliberate, as I wanted to see how close to realism I could come with my current abilities that I am becoming more confidant with. I am pleased with the result!
Those on Steemit would not be familiar with my drawings as I have posted very little of those yet, but the shading I did with the tiny bubbles through out the piece really feels good as it is definitely an offshoot of my natural style.artflow_201805071104_kindlephoto-41407620.jpg
Here is my Process. I picked a muse from the internet.078322c82b74aba0759799c80c03e5ef.jpg
I used her For only the barest of outlines, all of the colors, shading, and textures are hand painted and filled in.artflow_201805062112_kindlephoto-277189347.jpgartflow_201805062123_kindlephoto-277441379.jpg
I usually start with the eyes as they bring the piece to life very quickly and spur on my creativity.


I am finding shading with digital media tools far more satisfying an experience then traditional as I pick a brush and gently spray on exactly what I want, if it is not the exact location I can easily change it. Traditionally I always made my "mistakes" a part of my piece and admittedly it became a beautuful part of my style and I have not let that go. Some mistakes I embrace.
The fun bubble shading has started here, and has given me an idea I hope to create in the next few nights completely made with a real picture of a bubble.

Here is the finished piece once again, without the chin done, I actually can't decide which way I like it. .artflow_201805062111_kindlephoto-277168837.jpg

I love this lady so much I have already almost finished two more of her, one purple skinned version and more comic book style and one more pink and green alieny that I am working on with my daughter.

Thank you for visiting!

all rights reserved @mimulusamsterdam

some of my previous work


edit: I was one of the 3 artist's awarded a 100% upvote for this piece by Slothicorn! Thank you so much Slothi!

link to curation


Wow!!! Thank you Thank you!!! yay!

I really dig this. The sense of illumination is gorgeous.

oooh Thankyou!!! Sometimes the majick just comes on out to play. This one makes me happy, I'm glad you appreciate it too.

I love her eyes and realistic shadows- just beautiful!

Thank you Lauren!!

Wow! I've got just one word to describe these designs which is Awesome!

Thank you so much!

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Thank you artzone! :))

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