Introduce myself to Slothicorn

in #slothicorn6 years ago (edited)

( Howzit ) Hullo from the @losthippie I suppose the name needs explanation, born in the sixties the decade of love, I grew up in various homes from a very young age. Therefore the losthippie, Art and Photography was something I could cling to and express my feelings.

This is my Icon.


divider 2.jpg

Here are some samples from my 3D work, which has become my latest passion to create something unique and colourful .I use Daz Studio, Cinema 4D, Bryce, Blender and various smaller programs.


female face.jpg

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Photography is something to take a walk and loose oneself to the beauty and wonder of creation, to capture that moment and share. The camera I use is a Canon EOS 1000D with a variety of lenses.

baby elephant.jpg


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Because I enjoy those two mediums I combine them to make art. I mainly use Photoshop and various other photo manipulation programs.

dane poptrait.jpg


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Lastly I like to also play around with fractal, using Mandlebulb3D, Jwildfire and Chaotica.


open mind1.jpg

divider 2.jpg

How does slothicorn support artists? For more info Check these links.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.@losthippie

divider 2.jpg

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Beautiful artwork sir.
Welcome to steemit sir.
wish you success in you journey and hope you find yourself.
Please you can visit @derangedvision for photo contests or goto the contest tag to join in any ongoing photocontest to get yourself an audience.
Join me on #dynamicsteemians discordserver to meet steemians around the world, learn, get support and also make friends.
Click image to get redirected.

Steemit is more about community and growth not just money.
Welcome once again to steemit.

Thank you very much I will definetly go and check those links.

you are welcome hippie

Welcome to Steemit losthippie. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! You can also earn Steem by gaming now! Search for Steemgar if that's more your thing. Welcome to the blockchain! :)

Thanks, thats a lot to go and check out, will do so.

Great talent displayed here @losthippie, love the variety of your work. And your banners are really cool too! You must put stuff in the marketplace!

Thanks @leighleigh will go check it out, glad you like the banners.

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Thanks again for your support and help, great community to share art.

You just planted 0.44 tree(s)!

Thanks to @leighleigh

We have planted already 7319.53 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 22143.68
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

Cool thats very lekker (nice), green world is a better world.

Thanks for the vote, I like what you are trying to do for artists.

I appreciate your talent. Welcome here..

Thanks, great platform to share one's art.


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