Chibi Steem 5sbd commission - OPEN

in #slothicorn6 years ago

Chibi commissions for 5sbd.

Why am I doing this? Because im on my last 100steems to get my kidney surgery!
So if you'd like to support me.. Im selling these kind of drawings for 5sbd or more if you like.

Just message me via Twitter -

Or leave a message here <3

Thankyou ;e;

"This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License."


It was brought to our attention that there was someone who needed a little bit of help, a little bit of love.

In behalf of the community I'm here to do our part...

Better days will come!!!


I'm here also because @helpie put out the call. Since my VP isn't great, and while I wish it were more, I've transferred $1 SBD to your account. Lots of good health juju coming your way too!


Best wishes to you. Thank you for all that you do!!

Brilliant anime style art you are creating there, hopes and prayers are with you to reach your goal, much love in your direction :)

This is such a beautiful drawing! It looks so cute and magical. I wish you reach your goal and praying for your health.

Best wishes for you!

Upvoted! I see you've got a lot of amazing folks in your corner – I'm certain you'll reach your goal.

i know you'll reach your goal! Hope all goes well <3 many blessings!

It has really touched me that you are raising this money with your art. I am sending payment, re-steeming, and wishing you well.

Be well.

Our thoughts are with you.

I'm sure you'll reach the goal in no time! my best wishes too ! Pechiche

Thankyou so much! @helpie! ;ww; Im so moved! This fills me up with more energy to keep on drawing! <3

Tienes mi voto y mi apoyo saludos

Beautiful!!I I hope you can get your surgery soon and best of luck with it when you do! I wish they could bill you so you could go ahead and get it and pay later! Although, I dont know what country you are in- but I am hopeful of a future where everyone can get the medical attention they need on this planet with or without the money. I am a star trek kinda gal, hoping for a better future for the etire universe.

Wonderful work as usual!

Good luck @Drawingly, hope to be able to send you something soon with what we are gathering from @inyoursteem that we are starting very slowly but certainly. All the best! =)

You're an angel @jnmarteau <3 Thankyou so much!

<3 take care, would be glad to count on you as mentor at the globalschool sharing your incredible talent and passion with our students somedays, would be really awesome, but in order to make that happening, we want you in a good health! With a lot of love, Jean

All the best for the surgery bro

I'd like you to draw one for my friend @agnikana .

Assuming you have the time? I'll get her to somehow get you a picture for reference.

Yay, stalking up I found her Discord, I'll add her.

Of course! <3

Do you mind if I pay 10 Steem instead? It's easier for me, as I already have the Steem. I would need to trade to get SBD.

Sure! No problem! <3 When you're ready, just send over the reference and Ill note you down on my little list <3 Thankyou so much! ;w;

@agnikana tried to add you on discord to send you a picture for reference. I'll message her to send a reference photo to you.

Got it! I already added her! <3 Thankyou!

ohh, I may take you up on this offer!!

Whenever you like dear!<3

I would like to take you up on this offer! Do you perhaps use Discord? If yes I would like a chat!

You can contact me at: Drawingly#0896 <3 Im there!
And sure!

Hi! Someone (I hope they forgive me for not remembering who, but I've been swamped lately) suggested you might be interested in my contest to create a header for my weekly project curating the best and worst content related to Steemit's LGBT+ community. I have 20 SBD for the winning design and will, of course, credit the artist every time I use the graphic. It is on my page, and I will share the link to the post here with your permission.

I saw the contest! Though, I am not good at all at graphic design. ;_; I actually suck at it... aaaaa :c
But thanks though! <3

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