flowers of Venezuela

in #slothicorn6 years ago (edited)

Hello steemit community my name is Douglas Carvajal @doracar Today I want to share with you some illustrations created as a way to pay homage to two iconic inflorescences of my country.

Hola comunidad steemit mi nombre es Douglas Carvajal @doracar Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes unas ilustraciones creados como una forma de darle un homenaje a dos inflorescencias icónicas de mi país.


  • Paper
  • Chalk cake
  • Pencil
  • Markers


  • Papel
  • Pastel de tiza
  • Lápiz
  • marcadores



Seeing him in person is a magical experience, that bright yellow, when I saw him I asked myself:
Will it be a camera capable of capturing this spectrum of light? And immediately I thought about how privileged I am, in the events that precede this flowering we need: That someone (a person or insect) or the wind impulse deposit a seed in the right place with the necessary nutrients for its development, that the future tree grows overcoming the multiple difficulties, adapting to the natural dew of the climate for that way to lay their roots deep in the earth and push your cup to the top, absorb the sun's rays and other processes that these beings execute in their development. Until that long awaited date arrives that summer solstice day. In which you feel ready to abandon your green leaves and dress in yellow. It takes such a perfect synchrony of events. It is a delight to witness the beautiful flowering.

Verlo en persona es una experiencia mágica, ese amarillo tan brillante, al verlo me pregunté: ¿una cámara sera capaz de capturar este espectro de luz?Y enseguida pensé en lo privilegiado que soy, en los acontecimientos que anteceden a esta floración se necesita: Que alguien(una persona o insecto) o el impulso de el viento deposite una semilla en el lugar correcto con los nutrientes necesarios para su desarrollo, que el futuro árbol crezca sobreponiéndose a las múltiples dificultades, adaptándose al rocío natural de el clima para de esa forma sentar sus raíces en lo profundo de la tierra e impulsar su copa a lo alto, absorber los rayos de el sol y otros tantos procesos que ejecutan estos seres en su desarrollo.Hasta que llega tan esperada fecha ese día del solsticio de verano. En el que se siente preparado para abandonar sus Verdes hojas y vestirse de amarillo. Se necesita tan perfecta sincronía de acontecimientos.Es un deleite presenciar ta hermosa floración.






This orchid is an illustration of the flower that opened that day in my grandmother's garden, my father inspired to see it became one with the purpose of expressing it on paper, with strokes of chalk he shaped it and in my opinion he could Capture the essence of your beauty.

Esta orquídea es una ilustración de la flor que abrió aquel dia en el jardín de mi Abuela,mi padre inspirado al verla se hizo uno con el propósito de plasmarla en papel,con trazos de tiza le dio forma y en mi opinión pudo capturar la esencia de su belleza.

I read a while ago that happiness is on the road, not destiny. Now I know that being attentive and perceptive to those little things that for a long time were eluded, there is true happiness, A music, A bud about to bloom, the smile of a child or the bliss of a sunset, perhaps to It is the voice of your partner, or the barking of your dog. It is like that. Every moment of life hides a little happiness. Tell me, what makes you happy? I invite you to leave it down in the comments box.

hace un tiempo leí que la felicidad esta en el camino no en el destino . Ahora se que estando atento y perceptivo a esas pequeñas cosas que por mucho tiempo fuero eludidas, allí se halla la verdadera felicidad,Una música,Un capullo a punto de florecer,la sonrisa de un niño o la dicha de un atardecer,tal vez para ti sea la voz de tu pareja, o el ladrido de tu perro.SI, es asi .Cada momento de la vida esconde un poco de felicidad.Dime¿Que te hace feliz? te invito a dejarlo abajo en la caja de comentarios.

Done in 15 minutes timed.
Hecho en 15 minutos cronometrados.

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I love these flowers. It gives me an idea for a theme for next week.

Great, what will it be? ... Draw your national flower?

Yes, that will be for one day next week :)

Yes !, I guessed right, (although it was quite obvious). hahaha :D @deemarshall

hermoso trabajo,saludos

Gracias :D, me alegra que te gustase

I enjoyed reading about your experience viewing this yellow tree and your grandmother's garden. You are so talented to capture the beauty of these places.

thanks, is a pleasure dee

Such beautiful writing @doracar, it’s beautiful how you describe things. Do you ever do writing contests? If you don’t , you should friend. You’ve got talent there! The drawings are just beautiful, I’m so glad you entered your artwork into @deemarshall’s Steemit Art Centre, and I hope you continue with that. She just started this gallery, and she really needs continual artwork in it to get it growing. You can enter two a week. Wonderful work Doug, blessings!

Thank you, abuelita, I have not yet participated in any writing contest. Do you really believe that? (I will always remember this comment), Look at my profile picture That was the expression I had when reading your comment. If I understand, @deemarshall this week I will also prepare a publication for: Steemit Art Center. Blessings for both, abuelita, thank you

@doracar, I wouldn’t say anything to you that I don’t feel in my heart, I always tell the truth I promise you! You have a poetic way of writing that is so beautiful! You exspess yourself incredibly well, can you speak English? Because if you are using a translation App or something, you really no what your doing. I haven’t learned how to do that yet, so I just simply ask my friends here, to translate their speech to English if they can, and so far they have. I never even ran a computer until about six months ago. My husband taught me how to run one, l mostly taught myself how to draw on it. And I’ve learned a little bit through tutorials. I’d love to see more of your artwork, I’ve show in this gallery old pictures of some of my artwork hanging up in my house. They don’t have to be brand new friend ❣️Bless you

I understand, I believe in you granny, your words are another reason to keep writing. I can perceive the affection with which he expresses himself, my English is very basic, the google translator helps me a lot, I understand he is new in the world of computers ... I came to think he was more veteran, based on the way in which she makes her drawings and how she uses the platform, applause for her husband, how good he taught you. Do not they have to be new? I understand ,Yesterday I made a collage for a contest, today I asked Dee: are the collage welcome? Hope so .

This is the collage:

Thanks for the info , A hug.

Hi @doracar, I don’t know if @deemarhsall excepts photos doracar or not, you will have to ask her, I know she doesn’t in artstorm. These trees are beautiful, gorgeous collage friend, I love it❣️

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