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RE: Mucha inspired Singularity Spring Painting and Making a new Veg garden

in #slothicorn6 years ago

That does look like it would be a difficult place to grow a garden. But if anyone can do it, I have faith in you. Seems the ocean and all it's buddies, as you say, would give it a constant buffeteure. Hardy plants needed for sure. And I can relate to the post hole digger, I put in a long fence this late fall/early winter, and need to put in more. Such exercise, such joy.
(I saw a great utube video of a guy sucking his post holes clean with a shop vac. I think I'm going to try that. I think he actually did the WHOLE hole that way. Might be hard on the vac though. Hmmm).


It's hard to describe the satisfaction of a good exhaustion and a feeling of pride after a day of digging post holes and putting up fence. It is the structure and bones of our gardens and it just feels good. It is not unlike the feeling I have after finishing an involved painting, though I am not as dirty with that now, as it is digital. (Though once I had the mess of paint and the smell of turpenoid/mineral spirits at the end of a big painting)

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