Slothicorn Crypto Chart Art Contest - "Exhale" - Based on EOS Chart

There's a contest running until June 15 where the winner will take out 50 SBD and 5 EOS. All you need to do is create a piece of art work using a crypto chart as inspiration. This is something that I've been toying with recently, with a different "art" idea in my mind focusing on heartbeat / cardiogram type iconography.

Let's start at the ending, and work our way back to the start...

The final piece: (Click for full Res!)

How its made

Probably Trademarked

A crypto chart is almost the same, so that will be starting point!

Screenshot from Coin-Market Cap, showing the trajectory of EOS since day 1 of the crowdsale until now.

The first thing I've done with the image is add a glitch type effect, through manipulation of layers above the original in Photoshop.

This visual effect is achieved by turning off certain channels on certain layers and then offsetting the images. It's more striking with actual images, and not just graphs, but I like where I'm going with this. Next, I'm off to PixaBay; to get some royalty free images of "dawn".

I didn't find anything particularly interesting with clouds, and sunsets, but I found this fiery little reflection of a sunset, which I'll be using as a base for my next trick.

This is overlaid with the Hard Mix blending mode applied, followed by a layer mask. The resulting mask means the volume at the bottom is now glitchy waves, which I'm going to call "Elliots" with a tongue in cheek jab at a certain steemian.

I don't want this image to look like Technical Analysis at all, I want to focus on the prosperity, generosity, and success of the EOS Token Crowd Sale in my interpretation of this single chart. At the same time, I want to poke some fun at technical analysis, which I've started to do by using waves.

What's next? Candles. They help you see in the dark.

They're also very pretty, especially when in candelabras. (I wonder if they're called that because bras hold things... and candles are held in candelabras?) There's no good pics of candlebras that fit my concept on pixabay, so I choose to use this one. It is a striking image on its own, and also looks to involve water. The religious themes also match the whole "Church of Larimer", holy Trinity type memes that combine the glory of BTS, Steem, and EOS.

The candles, the Water, and the volume, as well as a bit of glitch styling. I want to fill the negative space in the right hand corner. Instead of filling that space, I've gone and duplicated the candle layers, and added the EOS logo.

I like how the first group of candles, blurred, look like a group of people wandering toward the EOS logo. I'm going to make it ... more righteous, using this image of a sunset.

I want to continue with the nature theme by adding some dramatic growth, by the way of trees, or roots, to fill in, or overlay, some of the remaining space as an additional textural element to express the deep roots EOS has in the community.

I settle on this image of roots as my element. The layers are starting to get out of control, but I think I'm doing okay...

Moments like this call for plenty of free RAM, and luckilly, my system has it in droves. It means I can continue to go nuts with unorganised layers.

That's a good thing, because that is exactly what I am about to do.

One of my favorite pieces of software is something called particle illusion. It lets you create custom particle effects, and use ones from templates. That's what I'm going to add to the final image, and the top left hand corner. Some sparks, some more trendlines, some more blending.

Actually, as I type this, I think ... no - I'm going to take some snips of the image and work them back in over the top to fill that empty space that once held the tracking for where the mouse had once hovered.

The finishing touch...

The QR code links back to my steemit blog, and the erc20 contract address for EOS is listed.

And the final piece: (Click for full Res!)


Great inspiration for an art piece, and this one is gorgeous. I like the ethereal and tie-dye effects

I wasn't going for ethereal, but in reflection; I can definitely see it. A lot of my work goes for that thematically, with a focus onnthe fragility of existence.

I'm glad you enjoyed the work. :)

I love it man. I’m a big fan of crypto art and trying to find the right piece for my apartment at the moment ;)

Thanks! Its my first attempt at something crypto themed. It felt done, even though there was still more ideas flowing!

Thank you for your entry! You have been upvoted by @slothicorn :)

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