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RE: Is it Sleep Paralysis or Demon attack????!!!

in #sleep2 years ago

I have been experiencing SP from around the age 12 to about age 32. I am currently 36 years old. every experience has been a nightmare. it wasn't untill the very end of my stretch of experiences did I actually look into it, believe it or not lol I had no Idea where or how to begin asking about it. for the most part I always considered it a demonic attack since I was always restricted from moving, shouting, anything. AND. the I was always to get right out of it when I franticly and slowly slur out the name Jesus. it's soooooo hard to say his name but when I do it all goes away and I am out of this torment.. Always came out like "j...jjj.....jj.j..jjj.j.jjjeee jeeeess jeeessuuUUSSS!!" I have geen born again Christian about 5 years ago and I continued to get them. honestly the second to last time it happened was at the end of a day where I was asked to clense two different homes of evil spirits. (cast away the demons) I have been tormented by demons for years as a child. I can always feel them if the are around, which helps me chase them around the house till they leave.. well. that night after I chased out demons in two homes, i went into the SP and just like every other experience, there is always such an evil presence near by or such and evil feeling atmosphere w/e even if I don't see anything that time. but this time I was laying on my couch, facing away from the back rest and looking across my living room. there was this two foot tall shadow little demon that scurried across my floor, hopped up on the back of my couch, ran all the way down it to where my head was resting and leaned down on me with his little demon face showing his rows of tiny sharp white teeth just growling at me in the high pitch crackle growl. i assumed satan sent him to scare me from serving my God. I actually took encouragement from this experience in that the devil found me as a threat and tried to stop me. sure didnt tho. I will add pic of the demon I saw. actually found something similar to what I saw and I edited to be more like actual. anways... LEARNED SOMETHING HUGE!! stumbled upon researching astroprojecting and I FOUND OUT!!! GET THIS.. SP that we all experience is actually the first stage of astroprojecting.. which makes sense for the evil experiences and entities. because we are vessels. spirit filled vessels. astroprojecting is the closest thing we can get to emptying this vessel except death. and these demons want life again. they want that vessel... anyway I learned a little excersise to do or technique to use to complete the astroprojection process.. it went like.. when the SP occures. imagine that there is a rope just hanging above you. attempt to grab that rope and pull yourself up.. so I felt the SP coming on as I was attempting to go to sleep and immediately the feeling of that experience was different. I was ready and kinda excited to try this.. so its happening.. i imagine that rope.. I start to pull and before I knew it (worked like a charm) I was about completely out of my body except I noticed my feel were still attatched to my body.. maybe I was standing on solid ground in the Lord.. but as soon as I took notice to that (FLOOP) i fell back into my body.. and SINCE THAT ATTEMPT I have not had another SP experience... like... NOW???!! after all these years and all this terror NOW??!! now that i know what I was able to do NOW? also I have been sleeping on a lazy boy since because I have an extrememly bad back from my military service and I believe sleeping in this posture also played a role in my no longer SP.. most times were also while sleeping on a couch did I experience this..

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