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RE: Just Because You Happen to be GOOD at Something Doesn't Mean you Necessarily LIKE it!

in #skills7 years ago

I really, really interesting post.

I have spent most of my life selling - in one form or other.
I'm really good at it. (not blowing my own trumpet at it is a talent I'm not proud of it.)

While I can enjoy doing it, IF I believe in what i'm selling.

But...sooner or later (for me anyway), I find myself compromising my principles, in the name of the sell. Closing the deal.

It is so annoying, as this had led to a cycle of success, compromise, and ultimately disappointment in my self.

And for some reason, being great at the sell , people think you are great at management, which I truly hate, and isn't suited to me long term.

Self employment seems the best option for me...

thought provoking post though, really good!


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it, or got something from it.

Seems we have walked very similar paths... mine led to self-employment in fairly short order simply because I really suck badly at sticking to things I don't believe in. I also don't have a lot of ambition, in the sense that I am no good at just "grin and bear it."

On a positive level (I suppose) it's great because it means that I get very "engaged" in those projects I really believe in, but it also means I tend to bomb out when I get disillusioned with them.

let's not go into business together, eh? lol

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