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RE: Just Because You Happen to be GOOD at Something Doesn't Mean you Necessarily LIKE it!

in #skills7 years ago

I loathe being in a leadership roles. I’m a leave me the heck alone and I’ll just get stuff done; including, everyone else’s stuff if they can’t be bothered to do a proper job in time.

In the past I’ve gotten out of such a role because my answer always was “well actually, I been thinking about leaving for a while now. Since you brought up my future here it’s a perfect time to talk about my departure, and what steps I can take to help you find my replacement.”

Simply turning it down leads people into think you just need some “encouragement,” and “confidence.” Where they want help you be the best version of yourself that you can be. By that they must mean being miserable.

Irony these days is there no escaping it.


I hear you on that one. And therein lies one of the core reasons I "failed at Korporate Amerika." I had zero interest in "leadership" and turned down any and all such requests...

Part of the way our system is "broken" (in my opinion) is that we ascribe no value of status to having a "skill." All the value flows towards leadership. You can be the best programmer-woodcarver-teacher-cabdriver on the planet, but unless you want to LEAD, you clearly lack ambition and are a slacker. Which is a great shame, as it actually reduces the true "worth" of a lot of people.

It's "what we value" that's messed up, in this equation.

In large companies they also seem to have this fear where if they don’t promote people who have been around a number of years into management roles even if they are horrible at it they will lose that employee.

Which plays into the value you point to that they place on leadership roles. Once a skilled employee reaches the hard cap for salary for that job most time the only option is promote them into management so we can pay them more. They already know they can’t pay them more from a salary point of view since it won’t get approved. Sure they will offer them a while other benefits like: vacation, recognition, bonus, and education fund.

It’s always interesting how red tape in a company can really be its death nail. It sure is one broken equation.

Company lifetimes are decreasing.
It used to be that a company lasted about sixty years.. it's about twenty...
on average..

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