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RE: Just Because You Happen to be GOOD at Something Doesn't Mean you Necessarily LIKE it!

in #skills7 years ago

I think we should just keep doing whatever we like and enjoy doing whether we are good at it or not.

First, because with practice come expertise, and eventually we will be good at whatever we decided to do.

Second, because we avoid burnouts in the long term. If we enjoy doing something we will be happy working on it, instead if we don’t enjoy eventually it will be very tedious to keep doing it.


Your point about burning out is particularly well taken.

I became a technical writer in the IT industry because I "wanted to write." And it was the only way I could do that, and still make a living. So that's where I went. But it was basically BS because I wasn't "creating" a damn thing, just putting words on paper, according to someone else's instructions. It became VERY tedious, and I quit.

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