Will Social Justice Warriors Learn Anything From Joy Reid's Fall?

in #sjw6 years ago

 The Joy Reid homophobic blog controversy is hopefully teaching #SJW|s a "Live by the Sword / Die by the Sword" lesson about virtue-signalling, outrage cycles over words, and gotchas.

It's Reid and her co-ideologues who've weaponized neuroticism, political correctness, and offense-taking to such a terrifying extent.Reid's childish and ridiculous lie about "hacking" is one obviously born of fear.

In a gentler, more forgiving, more empathetic world, Reid might not have felt scared into telling such an embarrassing lie, but it's exactly Social Justice Warriors like her who work to deprive us of such a world. 


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Without a doubt

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