The Wheels keep right on Spinning...

in #silvergoldstackers3 years ago (edited)

I'll be out tonight, trying to Run the Pool Tables...

I'm not bad for a Guy who has Quadruple Vision...

Most of you don't know this, but my Father was an Alien...

It's probably why I have such a Big Head...

It's very hard for me to find a Hat that Fits my Head...


I'll be out having fun tonight...

Masks are no longer required where I live...

We were Forced to Wear Masks that didn't work...

Now, they say we can take the Masks off if we got the Shot in the Arm...

I've hearing terrible things about what might happen to everyone who got the Shot in the Arm...

It's some pretty Scary Stuff Folks...

I won't write what I've been hearing, so you better do your own Research...

By the way...

If you did get the Shot in the Arm, there's a Chance that Blood Transfusions will never be looked at the same...

Very Scary things going on Folks...

Let me know what's going on where you live...

What good is all the Silver and Gold in the World, if we're Buried, Six Feet Under...???

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

June 9, 2021... 16.1 Hollywood Time...


Good morning! My Grandfather was an alien too- that is why I am so eccentric- I never have followed the crowd. I am a independent, critical thinker who loves to drive other “normals” crazy (or I used to).

As an ICU nurse, I am seeing that in real time right now about the blood transfusions, that is a definite risk.

Had a family member donate their own blood for a transfusion on my patient due to the risk of vaccinated blood contamination.

It all seemed very odd to me, that we were pretty much Forced to wear Masks that don't work, and then we're told that we need to be Vaccinated to take them off... Very odd indeed... By the way... My Father was a Legal Alien from
June 10, 2021... 15.3 Hollywood Time...

My grand father was from Germany

My New Garden Rooms are really starting to take shape now... I'm slow, but I usually spend a few hours every morning...
June 10, 2021... 18.1 Hollywood Time...

My grand father was from Germany

I come from a Very Long Line of Human Beings... I'm a Continuation of the Spark of Human Life, handed down through my Family Tree... I sometimes think of myself as a Single Leaf on my Family Tree... One day, I'll Fall off the Tree, but the Tree will Live on...
June 11, 2021... 4.0 Hollywood Time...

Good morning! My Grandfather was an alien too- that is why I am so eccentric- I never have followed the crowd. I am a independent, critical thinker who loves to drive other “normals” crazy (or I used to).

As an ICU nurse, I am seeing that in real time right now about the blood transfusions, that is a definite risk.

Had a family member donate their own blood for a transfusion on my patient due to the risk of vaccinated blood contamination.

We were told to wear Masks that didn't work... Now, we're being told we need to take a Shot in the Arm, in order to Remove the Masks that didn't work in the First Place...
June 11, 2021... 4.4 Hollywood Time...

Exactly. I am pondering if the next step might be taken: those who have been vaccinated might be “chipped?” Would be scary if “chip readers” or something came out next for the public?

If our Enemy wins the Battle, most of us won't be around much longer...
June 11, 2021... 15.9 Hollywood Time...

Love and Light have won; this is just the aftermath: evil is fighting a losing rear guard battle.

Wait and see what happens, when Evil has to Start paying Taxes on everything they Own...
June 12, 2021... 14.9 Hollywood Time...

Hopefully evil will run out of money soon!

They have plenty of assets...
June 14, 2021... 22.9 Hollywood Time...

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