Can you hear me now...???

Pool Night....jpg

I'm so glad I'm still about to go out, have a Drink, Laugh and Play Pool with friends and New Players...

And yes, I made some pretty incredible shots while I was there...

I like watching as much as I like playing...

That's part of my weekly fun with friends...

Now, here I am writing another Blog that most people will never read...

I suppose I can write until I'm blue in the face, and what good has it done so far...???

Not all, but some People are still Cashing in their Common U.S. Coinage as if nothing I write made one bit of difference...

So, what good has all my time and effort, been to anyone...???

When the Switch is Flipped, how many of you will have any U.S. Coinage...???

If a person is earning 25 Fiat Dollars now, it will be Reset to 25 Cents per hour in Sound Money...

Our Common U.S. Coinage "will be" Sound Money on the other side of the U.S. Monetary Correction, so what are you waiting for...???

We're going to be on the other side of the Reset very soon...

How many of you have taken me seriously...???

It's possible that some of you are more prepared than others, but I know you're all going to wish you paid more attention to what I've been writing...

As soon as I get my 7 year Badge, I'm very tempted to say goodbye to all of you...

I may look in to see what's going on from time to time, but I'm tired of writing and not making a difference...

I've been Collecting Coins since I first started to stuff Coins in my Teddy Bear...

I had my First Piggy Bank when I started School in the First Grade...

Sure, I made plenty of mistakes with money along the way...

I've been known to pass out Silver Dollars to a few lucky kids coming to the door and saying Trick or Treat...

It was very random, but I've been known to do things like that...

None of that matters now...

What matters now, is letting people know what I see heading our way...

We will return to "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins in the Very Near Future...

We're going to need to be able to "make change" for those Silver and Gold Coins...

It's all very obvious to me, so why isn't it obvious to everyone else...???

Fiat Currencies will soon be Crashing all over the World, and that's a Fact...

Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, tell me that Congress has the Power to Coin Money and "Regulate" the "Value" thereof...

Guess what's about to happen in the Very Near Future...???

I have good reason to believe "We the People" will be issuing a New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...

I suggest you do your own research, and yes I'm a little upset right now...

I can't take writing about this much longer...

I suppose it's the lack of comments that gets to me the most...

It's going to turn into a World Wide Monetary Reset, and from what I see, it needs to happen soon...

I know that "We the People" have been preparing for decades, but I'm not all that sure about what other Countries have been doing to prepare...

The main point I'm trying to make is that, time is running out and very few people seem to be taking me seriously...

I even write about the Special Deals the U.S. Treasury will be offering for our 90% Silver and Gold Coins, but who's really paying attention...???

I know it takes about 14 of our 90% Silver Dimes to equal One Ounce of Silver,...

I figure the U.S. Treasury will offer us a One Ounce $10 Silver Coin for just 10 of our 90% Silver Dimes, not 14 Dimes...

I know why they will be so willing to offer these Special Deals...

What's important to know, is that time is running out, if you want to take advantage of what I've been writing about...

What I came up with was the answer to a Simple Math Problem, that any 4th Grader in School would agree with...

The Reset could happen today or tomorrow, for all I know...

My question to you is, "are you prepared" for what's heading our way...???

Let me know, if you actually read down this far...

I can't wait to see some replies...


I see a lot of elegance in the place, I have taken you seriously, what happens is that it is not easy to accept what you say taking into account the technological advances in which the Blockchain is becoming more and more relevant.

A lot of elegance...??? I edited that picture, so no one could tell where I was Start thinking Electronic Coinage, using the Quantum Financial System, by means of Space Link... Keep in mind that Cryptocurrencies are not Stable enough to be a Monetary Tool... Cryptocurrencies are Commodities, not really a Monetary Tool... Would a Carpenter use a Measuring Stick that Changes daily, to build a House...???

hahahaha, it would never occur to me to say that you were playing pool, that table and so on is just a complement to the place and the drink something else to complement it hahahaha

Never dwell in the regret of your mistakes. All are in the past and the past is the past. They didn't define you. We should be optimistic about what the future has to hold ahead

It wasn't my mistake that I've been writing about... The mistakes were made in the 1790's... I've been writing about Fixing our Mistakes.. We're almost there, so prepare the best you can...

I used to think like you do - that no one reads my posts so why should I bother writing. A friend told me that I should write for myself, that I should write because I want to. People might read, might like or maybe not. If they benefit from the posts, good, if not that's their loss. So now, I just write and not worry about whether people like my post or give my posts a vote. You are, at least, getting a 'decent' return from your posts - unlike mine which is rather pathetic. :-)

When I first started, I was lucky to get two cents and a I have come a long way in just about 7 years... I'm just getting tired of writing about the same topic for so long... I've been trying to look at it from every possible angle, and explain it, in as many ways as possible... I hope there are those who believe what I write, but it's so hard to tell...

You have come a long way indeed. I am still not able to give a decent vote. lol
Maybe you can give you your favourite topic a rest and write something else for a change. Like you said, you can only write so much on the same topic before people are finding it repetitive. You can revisit the topic once in a while.

I'm on a We have plenty of people posting about other topics... This is "the" most important topic, that I feel obligated to write about...

Hi @pocket-change :)

I have come to realise that whilst many people often don't voice or their opinions on something which has been shared, it does not necessarily mean that they have not paid attention to it or even taken heed of the advice or opinion given.

My writing genre is somewhat different to yours from what I can tell. I write mostly about my own personal journey in life and often the psychology or emotional aspects of it all. The often lack of engagement (especially when feeling low) often used to get to me, until I just processed the fact that I was writing for me, not for anyone else... but that if even one person read what I had written and it made a positive difference in their day / week / life then that was good enough.

That aside, and like I said... I do it for me now.

but thats just my side of things.

I do hear what you are saying and to be honest, whilst I don't believe I live in a naieve little bubble - I actually intentionally steer myself away from most of the "stuff" of "this world" because I find most of it all so damn depressing. For me, I have just decided to make the most of whatever days and time I have here - within reason.

My family talks about this topic OFTEN, so I suppose I get my info from them. I hear them and I know they are making sense... so I retain that information, but keep on walking. I sometimes find that they can all become a little overbearing and obsessive about the whole matter - and I do get why, but really speaking... there is only so much we can do to be informed and prepared for whatever, whenever - but more than that... for me personally, I choose not to let it consume my every moment.

But I am like a bit of a wildflower really, so probably the wrong person to be commenting here anyway haha!

Nonetheless, I just thought you might like to know that people do read... even if they often don't say anything :)

Hope you had a good evening with your friends and an even better Wednesday! :)

Thanks or stopping by with your words of wisdom... Yes, I had a great time shooting pool with Friends... I appreciate everything you wrote... Thanks again...

My dear friend. Don't be bothered. You might actually think nobody is paying attention to you but the truth is they are really paying attention to you. I am one of your biggest fan

I sure hope you're right... Sometimes it's very hard to tell... I wish there was a Viewer Count that showed how many people clicked on my posts... It's so hard to tell... Thanks for stopping by with your kind words...

Yea at first it might actually be so hard to tell but I strongly believe as time goes on it will actually reveal itself. I am so sure of that certainly. So sure of that actually

"If a person is earning 25 Fiat Dollars now, it will be Reset to 25 Cents per hour in Sound Money.."

That actually seems not to good looking at it.

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