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RE: Can you hear me now...???

in #silvergoldstackers5 months ago

Hi @pocket-change :)

I have come to realise that whilst many people often don't voice or their opinions on something which has been shared, it does not necessarily mean that they have not paid attention to it or even taken heed of the advice or opinion given.

My writing genre is somewhat different to yours from what I can tell. I write mostly about my own personal journey in life and often the psychology or emotional aspects of it all. The often lack of engagement (especially when feeling low) often used to get to me, until I just processed the fact that I was writing for me, not for anyone else... but that if even one person read what I had written and it made a positive difference in their day / week / life then that was good enough.

That aside, and like I said... I do it for me now.

but thats just my side of things.

I do hear what you are saying and to be honest, whilst I don't believe I live in a naieve little bubble - I actually intentionally steer myself away from most of the "stuff" of "this world" because I find most of it all so damn depressing. For me, I have just decided to make the most of whatever days and time I have here - within reason.

My family talks about this topic OFTEN, so I suppose I get my info from them. I hear them and I know they are making sense... so I retain that information, but keep on walking. I sometimes find that they can all become a little overbearing and obsessive about the whole matter - and I do get why, but really speaking... there is only so much we can do to be informed and prepared for whatever, whenever - but more than that... for me personally, I choose not to let it consume my every moment.

But I am like a bit of a wildflower really, so probably the wrong person to be commenting here anyway haha!

Nonetheless, I just thought you might like to know that people do read... even if they often don't say anything :)

Hope you had a good evening with your friends and an even better Wednesday! :)


Thanks or stopping by with your words of wisdom... Yes, I had a great time shooting pool with Friends... I appreciate everything you wrote... Thanks again...

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