The most Undervalued Asset on the Planet..!! SILVER = $18.08 oz. Daily Chart. Remains STRONG BULLISH & UNDERVALUED.

in #silver7 years ago


In case you missed the alert earlier today SILVER remains Strong & Bullish.

Thanks again for reading.



I've been stacking silver for years.
The silver market has been rigged for a good long time and the the price has been suppressed every time it starts to rise. The naked shorting by the likes of J.P. Morgan and others clobbers silver every time it starts to break out. The bright side of this is the prices remain low and I can acquire more of it. I don't believe the price suppression can continue for very much longer so I'm getting it at these prices wile I can.

Silver Prices have been shorted artificially to keep silver low to the benefit of electronics. Effectively what they have been doing is paying a small derivative premium to keep the price down and reap the gains on the profit of electronics. It's not rocket science. However, this was always going to hit a brick wall and this wall has been hit now. Stephen

Silver is like the super metal. It does everything.

  • Very conductive
  • Highly reflective
  • Anti-bacterial, fungi and virus (Disinfectant)
  • Beneficial for overall health (Colloidal Silver)
  • Limited in supply (Can be used as money)

I'm sure I lift out a ton of stuff but that's my short list.

Would you consider Colloidal silver a heavy metal? Do you think it would have adverse effects just like Aluminium and Mercury? I have taken Colloidal Silver and Ia m also very anti-heavy metals and have been doing detoxification programs for some time. Thoughts?

Do you think it would have adverse effects ....


You cannot overdose on colloidal silver. When people have taken more than the recommended amount it has only been beneficial to their health and not detrimental. Here's a good book to read on this subject:

Of course, you need to make sure your colloidal silver is properly made. I personally make my own because it's super easy.

What do you recommend for a ppm? I have 30ppm for mine and just had some in response to this. :)

5ppm does everything you need it to do. I usually wait for my water meter to read 8-10ppm due to 3% inaccuracy.

I drank my colloidal silver today as well :)

The only adverse effect of too much silver is it turns you......Blue <.<

It also keeps when you bury it ;-}

Absolutely. See my early reply I have just posted explaining why Silver is so low at the moment. Thanks. Stephen

Amen to this!!

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