
Great interview roundtable with Bix and Clif!

I hope silver stays low a bit longer. I want to keep accumulating ! When it moves it'll go fast. I like your insights jsnip4, thank you

Maybe if this Noble company stops dumping Ag, price will rise some.

I just realized that you have never done an #introduceyourself post or verified that this is really you!

People will be hesitant to vote for you until you are verified.

He is verified by linking to his steemit account from his youtube.

Yes he is.
And displaying that link in an introduceyourself post is a good idea.

Oh wait! You mean that he already did it. I just went to Youtube and it is there now.
I looked earlier and there was no mention of Steemit at Youtube.
So that means that he saw these messages. Great!

I seriously doubt any of this man's followers- who've been following him for years on youtube are going need him to verify himself.

I follow him on Youtube and listen to him regularly.
But anybody could have created this Steemit page and be claiming to be him.
It has happened here before. For example someone claiming to be a certain artist, and posting that artist's paintings, and raking in lots of rewards, only to be found out to be a fraud.
I want to make sure that I'm voting for the REAL @jsnip4
There are many people, especially people with high Steem Power, who simply won't vote until they know that it is real.

Sent jsnip4 a reminder to get over here and introduce he has a link for his page here...

Thanks @tashi
I really hope that he does!

Just ask him to sing a tune youll know if its him, very entertaining . Been watching him for about a year on youtube one of the first go to places when i turn on laptop

well... maybe. who can't agree...

Good to see you here Joe. Upvoted and followed. When are you getting Clif High back on? Check my blog out at @tremendospercy

Glad to see you here. I've been following you for at least a year on youtube- but didn't have a youtube subscription (I don't have a youtube account) and never listened to the commercials. Thanks for all the free info- I'm sure there must be more like me- so now you can finally get paid from us-


DOctor Doom, Jsnip4, hey man, i emailed Clif, i need your help, he isnt answering. PLEASE call me tomorrow at 11am or 11:30 484 eight 66 5576 thanknyou soooo much call as early as you want if you have work, please call anytime

It seems like it is taking more and more for them to keep slamming down gold and silver. They are running out of steam.

The price will continue to be manipulated until "the powers that be" can no longer paper short the market.
What has really been revealed that proves they can't short the price any longer?
The market can't function until they abolish the fed. They can just print money and purchase short contracts.
Don't misunderstand me.
Get your metal.
But this thing could be over or it could go another several years.

Yo snip, one day we will be able to whip those bankers like jesus.....

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