SHOW OFF YOUR ANIMAL PICTURES - @photogames contest #showoffsaturday

in #showoffsaturday7 years ago

7 Steem Prize Pool!

Show Off Saturday - Share an ANIMAL picture!

Rules for today's Show Off Saturday below.

But first... You still have plenty of time to play both "Fix It Friday" and our special event, “Fundraiser Friday”!


I'm gonna do this introduction post a bit differently I'm gonna find 6 images to share as well. Put them up here on this blog and then say who I would have shared them with so you get an idea of how it's played. You can do the same thing and make a blog post but don't forget to paste the picture into the comments of each photostar. And most of all put one in the comments below for me to possibly nominate.

Show Off Saturday
This one would be for @caseygrimley i feel like because he lives close to this island that he can appreciate the grandeur of the buffalo that are there. He's probably gone out there and shoot them from time to time and maybe understands that a picture like this is pretty solid. Maybe also because I picture him loving silhouettes and nice sunsets. Obviously @aweber would have been a solid bet since it's pandering to that he just posted a buffalo shot for the wednesday game.

Show Off Saturday
I would have given this one to @gabyoraa and partly because it's pandering to the cliche that women love babies... and she has shown that she posts pictures of babies so It's worth a shot.

Show Off Saturday
This one to @derekkind because i think it's obvious that he loves great magestic scenes and he also likes the random and obscure and a good laugh and these guys are kinda funny looking but awesome.

Show Off Saturday
I would have probably given this to myself... because I want to be wowed by your photo skills, editing tricks are good for a laugh and that can win a nomination but give me great solid photography skills and a beautiful scene any day. I want to say "wow she knows what she's doing" or "he sees the world a little differently"

Show Off Saturday
@asgarth is from italy why not share a magestic animal which isn't found in Europe. Also happens to be one of my favorite images so that's probably good enough reason right there.

Show Off Saturday
And this one to @aweber because it's his spirit animal? hahaha Just kidding you all know that Andrew is my favorite and I tease him to show that I care.


For Show Off Saturday we would like you to share your best animal photos, mammals or birds, whether it’s wildlife, your own pets, or that squirrel that keeps breaking into your birdfeeder.

  1. Choose a picture (it must be your own) that relates to the theme.
  2. Post a picture in the comments section of a "Photo Star" Competitor’s post
  3. Each Photo Star will nominate 2 of the images for the final round of voting.
    Final round is done amongst all Photo Stars.
  4. You can share a different picture for each PhotoStar (Optional).
    This increases your chances of a win, however only one Win/Prize per game.
  5. Deadline is Monday at 6PM EST / 11PM UTC.
  6. @PhotoGames will do a results post.
    The Photo Star will usually share their nominations in the comments.
  7. Photo Stars win points based on how their nominations place after voting.


1st place = 3 Steem
2nd place = 2 Steem
3rd place = 1 Steem
4th/5th = .5 Steem each


  • Remember that you’re appealing to the Photo Star who posted the photo. So think about what they would like and remember they're trying to pick the image they think will win overall.


Go to these profiles to find their posts for #ShowOffSaturday


Introduction to The Photo Games Post.


I took your cool post about #showoffsaturday to heart and made one of my own with each of the six pictures.

This one is for you as it shows the beauty of an ordinary chicken (from Uncle Jack's) with some great detail and bokeh.

Optional Text

REGAL portrait!

Photo by Dmytro Korol
Click image to view in full screen

OHhhh we thinking about a repeat of last week?

Yes please! ))

so skinny ! :-o

How about this cute fairy wren? They are very hard to photograph because they are so jumpy. I am very happy I managed to get this shot during a walk one day in Canberra, Australia.


Wouuu i love this photo congrats

Thanks. Glad you like it!

The pics you´re showcasing are awesome. I only have a little curious squirrel, shot this morning at the park.


Haha i love his ears!

So cute jijiji

I love all your photos but the snake... I REALLY dislike snakes!!!
But here's my girls...


I like this photo. There's something about it that made me stop and stare hahaha

Pretty photo! I love the color and the light/dark contrasts

Thank you!! I don't have too many with any sort of background so this it was : )
We were high in the mountains and up in the clouds this day, at times it became so thick we could barely see the road in front of us. It was all so green and lush and these cows were funny... they were quite intrigued by us being there but the conditions did make for a lovely photo.

Awesome photo full of details

And here is my my lizards : )


My cat just loved hiding from me behind the curtains. Little did he know that with the bright sun, I could clearly see him there. I never intended on creating the negative of this, but by accident, I found that this really worked for me.

It's like an X-ray machine!

of a spineless cat ;)

Very original!!!!

Awwwwww soooo cute my god

I love the cats its my animal favorite

I don't do so much animal photography but I found this in my archive

I like it, the light is great coming in on it!

Thanks so much!

Looks really good when you view it larger.

It's one of my favorites :)

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