The Spirit Counsel - Part Four

in #shortstory6 years ago

As Avia & Phaelan stood to witness the amazing growth of this young couple, they both were humbled by the request.  Phaelan stepped forward and graciously accepted the medicine bundle and immediately turned it over to Avia.  He then put his hand over his heart as tears started to flow down his cheeks.  

"Thank you Tom and Chloe.  Your gift has a tremendous amount of love and energy as it came from your heart and even involved some personal sacrifice as well.  We are deeply touched and humbled with your request for help as you asked in an honourable way.  We accept your request and will help you in the best manner we know as we allow spirit to guide the process.  Your intent to build a home fire here for yourselves, whether it is for a few days or a life time, will require some work, more than what you may realize.  You have done a lot of work already which is wonderful.  Please remember that we are merely stewards of this land.  We are honoured that you would ask us, but there are many spiritual beings here that we need to talk to in order to gain the consent you are looking for.  Perhaps we should meet with them and talk this over."

Phaelan then gestured to the young couple to join them as he took Avia's hand and they started to walk towards the lake.  Tom and Chloe looked at each other with mixed emotions.  They were glad that their medicine bundle was accepted, but they were unsure of what else it required in order for them to build a shelter.  What more could possibly be required of them?  Tom shrugged his shoulders as he was not sure what Phaelan was talking about.  He looked at Chloe and held out his hand.  

"We are all in right?" as he smiled at her.  She grabbed his hand as they turned to follow Phaelan and Avia.

"All in", she said


Tom was familiar with the path as he used it to find the lake last night.  But Phaelan and Avia took them a bit further to a point in the shore where it turned sharply and lead them out to an island.  The waves of the lake lapping up against the sand bar that connected the island to the shore.  Why had he not seen this the night before?  He thought it was absolutely beautiful.  

When they arrived at the island they noticed the ring of stones and drift wood circling the fire, which was burning cleanly with little smoke to see.  Tom and Chloe looked at one another as they both thought to themselves, wondering who started the fire.  Phaelan and Avia took their place around the fire and invited the young couple to join them.  Phaelan then spoke with a soft voice.

"This is our sacred circle.  While we wait for the others to join us, we want to share with you some of our views so that you can comprehend the scope of your request."  He then turned to Avia and nodded his head.  Avia pulled her medicine bundle that she had tied around her waist and held it in her hands.  

"The air that you breath is shared with all life on this planet.  The moment you breath in, you borrow it for a short moment before you must then release it back out.  When the air is in your lungs you make an exchange.  We draw oxygen into our bodies and push carbon dioxide out into the air.  This exchange is a ceremony.  Every breath we take is sacred as all life shares the air.  Do you comprehend what I speak of?"

Chloe knew right away as this story had been told to her by her parents.  "Yes!  My parents used to tell me this when I was young.  I remember them also telling me that every heart beat was a ceremony too.  That my heart served two purposes.  The first was a conduit to allow spirit to express itself through my body.  The secondary purpose to then move energy through my vessel.  Every heart beat was to be cherished as it is a reminder of how our bodies are merely borrowed for the short time we have here on Mother Earth.  "

"Well done Chloe." Avia said.  "You are right.  The air that we breath is one part of it.  We also all share the water, land and fire of the sun.  These main components are shared with all life on this planet.  Our bodies are machines that are designed to move energy.  If at any time we block that flow of energy we will get sick.  Do you remember the stories of the great war and why it was fought?"

"My parents told me that story as well", Chloe said with some sadness and pain in her words.  She knew it was not an easy story, but it was important.  "I recall them saying that prior to the war, people did not see themselves as being a part of Mother Earth or the land.  They worked hard to separate themselves from it all.  I also remember them saying something about owning the land.  Although I don't remember the details."

"Well," Avia said, "ownership is about blocking the flow.  If the flow of energy is all around us and we decide to take some of that energy and store it so that nobody else can use it, what have we done?"

Tom piped up as he could postulate the outcome of that scenario.  "I would imagine that we would block the flow."  His face then lit up as if he had a revelation.  "Oh wait!  Ownership is when people store energy for themselves so that nobody else can use it.  But doesn't that cause problems for everyone?"  

Phaelan nodded his head as he began to respond the the question.  "Yes it does.  If we allow the flow of energy then the energy serves everyone within the cycle.  If one individual within that cycle then stores the energy so that nobody else could use it, the others wither away and starve.  Fear and greed governed the model where energy needed to be stored.  Faith, love, respect and trust governs the model that we live in now.  The great war was fought as a result of a few people storing so much energy, that billions of others fought back as they were in poverty as a result of their own participation and the greed of others.  Billions of people died.  Their model said it was okay to own land, air, water, plants and animals.  Everything was owned.  This froze the flow of energy and everything got sick."  

Chloe then realized that her parents saw the same issues as they worked hard to remove themselves from those systems.  She remembered how much work they did just to stand up and confront the amount of violence that people engaged in at the time.  She heard stories of how people would fight over all the resources because it was not allowed to flow properly.  Poverty was the result.  No wonder people fought back.  It was all starting to fit together for her now.  She still had questions though.  

"Phaelan, most people still live that way even after the war."

"Yes, you are right.  Most people have no idea that their own behaviours is what causes the energy to stop flowing.  They blame others and build systems to govern all of the energy that they stored up.  They don't know how to live any differently.  That is why we are so happy that you are here.  You are interested in reconnecting in a way few find possible."

Avia then asked a pointed question to the two of them.  "Do you own your body?"

Tom looked down to the ground for a moment to reflect on the question while Chloe looked at him searching her own heart for a response.  Tom looked back up and met her eyes across the circle.  "No, I don't think we do.  If what you are saying is true, then I must conclude that my body is energy as well.  Except I'm merely borrowing it for a short time.  When I am done with it, I must return it to the circle so that the energy can be used by others.  I guess that would also be the same for the others as well."  He then paused to reflect a moment on what he said.  He remembered his experience with the chicken and her eggs.  "If that is true, then when I ate the eggs from the chicken this morning, I was using her energy.  That would be why it was so important that I ask for permission first before I use it.  She worked hard to be in the flow of energy and if I just took her eggs, I would disrupt that flow.  But we all need to eat or we die."

Avia smiled and said "Yes, we all need energy.  The plants and animals all live within that cycle.  We however, are held to a higher standard.  We are in training as our level of consciousness is higher and Creator has a very specific purpose for us to fulfill."

Chloe blurted out with excitement.  "Stewardship.  Your talking about stewardship!"

Avia laughed.  "Very good.  So does that mean we can own everything and do what ever we want or is there something deeper involved with that responsibility?"

Tom knew full well that the answer was deeper than he considered before their arrival.  "I would have to say that stewardship involves living our lives so that everyone can be connected to the flow of energy, not just a few of us.  But that involves more than just people, that includes all the plants and animals too.  Right?"

At that point he heard a voice coming from the branches overhead.  "You got it brother."  It was not a voice he had heard before.  He looked up into the trees but only saw branches, leaves and an eagle perched on the branch.  He looked back down to Phaelan and Avia, who just stared at him and smiled.  He looked back up into the tree again.  At that moment, the eagle spread his wings and flew down to the fire, just as he had done the day before.  

Tom jumped back, startled at the brazen courage of the bird.  Chloe joined him as she was not sure what was happening either.  Avia stood up as she heard the eagle speak as well.  Tom, Chloe, I want to introduce you to the ambassador to the Winged Confederacy.  You may address him as Ambassador Eagle.  

Ambassador Eagle then bowed to Tom and Chloe as the young couple bowed back with hesitation and without breaking eye contact.  They were both still too stunned to hear a bird talking to them.  Avia gestured for them to return to their seats as she sat down herself.  When the both sat down, Avia wanted to explain a few more things to them.

"When you asked us to build a home fire, we were not the only ones that you had to ask.  There are others and we felt it important to introduce them to you.  Ambassador, care to add anything to our discussions?"  

Ambassador Eagle turned to Tom specifically.  "Tom, the chickens you talked to this morning are members of the Winged Confederacy.  As such, you honoured our members by asking for permission to eat the eggs instead of just taking them.  Our purpose in life is to ensure the flow of energy and to live within that flow.  We are also dedicated to helping you with your own spiritual growth and to be in service to you as you work hard to be in that flow and to help us all prosper.  As Ambassador to the Winged Confederacy, I want to thank you for honouring us.  We are happy with your progress and growth.  How may I serve you?"

Tom had no idea how to answer his question, so he turned to Phaelan and Avia for some guidance.  Avia noticed the non-verbal request for help.  She turned to her feathered friend.  "Ambassador Eagle, would you kindly send a message to the other Ambassadors and Stewards to come join the Spirit Counsel in one hour for the purposes of responding to the request of our guests to establish a home fire?"  The ambassador bowed his head and jumped into the air as he opened his wings and took flight with all the power and grace his vessel could express.  

Tom and Chloe's minds were still swimming as they struggled to reconcile what they just witnessed.  To help ease their minds, Phaelan stepped in with a question.

"If you want to live here, does it make sense now that your request would impact not only us, but all the plants and animals as well?"

Tom found the question compelling and had to admit that what Phaelan was asking was indeed true.  He was struggling to make the shift from the old way of thinking to this new world view that he was learning.  If he wanted to live here, he would have to acknowledge that all the others had to be consulted as well.  It was tough though to think that a chicken had a say in what he does or does not do.  He could use his superior intellect and power to force his will on that chicken.  What could the chicken do?  Not much.  

Phaelan could see the thought process and decided to help Tom fix the paradox he was facing.  "Tom, prior to the wars, many people believed in 'God'.  What is 'God'?"

Tom thought about the question for a while.  "Well, some people believed he created the heavens and the Earth.  He was a spiritual being I guess."

"Okay then.  If he was a spiritual being, could we conclude then that spirit created this physical realm?" 

"Sure.  That makes sense to me.  I can see that."  Tom had a pretty good idea where Phaelan was going with this now.  

"Many religions talked about loving God with all their hearts, soul and minds.  They also claimed that everything was created by God.  Let's pretend that were true for a moment.  If God is Spirit and Spirit created everything here, why would we try to own it?  How are we expressing love to God if we are trying to enslave the essence of God so that we can claim ownership of God?"

Tom's eyes open wide.  Okay, maybe he did not know where this was going.  

Avia could see the gesture on Tom's face.  She knew this would help him.  She looked over towards Phaelan and he nodded to her that she could take over the teachings.  "Many of the governments and religions of the world failed during the war because spirit reassured itself during that period.  Call it God, Creator or what ever term you choose, the spiritual energy must flow and when it gets blocked it will burst forth and free itself.  Spirit is free and cannot be contained or enslaved.  Despite thousands of years of effort to enslave, own or even control spirit, it has always ended in disaster.  We are all called to find harmony with spirit and allow the flow of that spiritual energy to pass through us at all times.  We are ambassadors of the Two Legged Cartel because we decided to live within the flow of spiritual energy.  We surrendered to it and work hard to support and encourage that flow with all life on this planet.  That has allowed our conscious awareness to grow considerable, see more than we have ever been able to see before and hear more too.  When that happened, we opened ourselves up to then communicate with all the other spiritual beings here on this planet.  It was a humbling and scary experience at first.  But we surrendered to the process and have learned a great deal as we communicate and work with the others around us."

As Avia was finishing her sentence, Ambassador Eagle circled the island and landed on the branch of the tree.  Avia stood up.

"Ahhhh.  Good.  They have arrived."

Tom and Chloe turned around to see what was going on.  On the shores of the island the could see hundreds of fish swimming up to the shore.  Walking down the sand bar towards the island was a delegation from the  nêhiyawin camp across the lake.  They were dressed in their ceremonial regalia and looked absolutely magnificent.  Behind them were representatives from the other tribes that lived around the lake as well.  They too were wearing their traditional ceremonial clothing to represent their own ancestor and heritage.  It appeared that at least 3 or 4 different groups were being represented.  The sky filled with birds as they circled the camp, many of whom took up positions on the surface of the water or in the branches of the trees.  The delegation from the Two Legged Cartel approached the circle and stopped.  The elder chief then spoke.

"We are honoured to receive the call to your Spirit Counsel and we have humbly answered the call.  We offer you some tobacco and ask for your consent to join the circle."

Phaelan and Avia then stood up.  When Tom and Chloe witnessed them rise, the quickly followed suit.  Phaelan addressed the delegation.  "We are humbled and joyful that you chose to join us.  Please come and sit in our circle as brothers and sisters and equals."  They then all bowed to one another out of respect and filled the circle around the fire.  The Spirit Counsel was formed once again.

Phaelan stood up once again to say a prayer.  "Creator, we all recognize that we share the air, water, earth and sun, no matter who we are.  We all dedicate our lives to ensure the flow of spiritual energy continues with peace, freedom and respect for one another.  We have learned how to live peacefully with one another as an expression of love our ourselves, each other and you.  We thank Mother Earth for providing us a platform to learn these lessons so that we may all grow and flourish.  Spirit and flesh being as one.  Thank you."

When Phaelan sad down, Avia looked around the circle.  "Thank you all for answering the call.  We are humbled by your willingness to address the request of our guests Tom and Chloe.  They have requested permission to join us by building a home fire.  As we dedicate ourselves to non-violence and peace, it is only fitting to get consent from all of you first, before we accept their request."  She then sat down so that others could speak their peace.

Ambassador Eagle cleared his throat and decided to speak first.  "I've been watching Tom and Chloe and saw how willing they were to learn a new way of life.  Their willingness to improve themselves and their relationship with one another is the foundation of a strong steward.  What impressed me most was Tom's willingness to humble himself before a chicken and member of the Winged Confederacy.  Humbleness is a trait that we find in them both.  We have members who are willing to surrender their vessels to ensure the survival of theirs so that they can continue their own spiritual growth.  We honour those who are sacrificed for Tom and Chloe."

Chloe smiled as she turned to Tom to pat him on the back.  It seemed to her that the first vote was a major one for them.  But they would need a bunch more before their request would be granted.  Avia thanked Ambassador Eagle and then turned to Ambassador Oak, representative of the Plant Nation Consortium.

"Thank you Ambassador Avia."  said Ambassador Oak.  Tom and Chloe looked up at the tree that they assumed was just another tree.  To see the spirit of the tree and be able to hear it speak gave them a whole new appreciation for something that most people view as furniture or fire wood.  Ambassador Oak continued.  "The Plant Nation Consortium, while having been ignored and abused by these two and many others, are excited to see their willingness to see past their own bias and peer into the spirit of our members.  The testimony of Ambassador Eagle and over hearing the conversations they have had over the past few hours, gives us great hope for a renewed relationship.  We have experienced a wonderful relationship with Ambassador Phaelan and Ambassador Avia for many years as we all joined together to form this Spirit Counsel based on their work.  I trust them explicitly and we have faith that Tom and Chloe will learn how to have a healthy relationship with our members.  As an expression of support for their request, we have members who are willing and able to sacrifice their vessels to go towards their home, furniture and for heat so that they can survive the cold winters.  We vote yes for there request."

Tom was stunned at the show of support but more importantly the leap of faith that the Plant Nation Consortium showed.  Then the weight of what was said started to sink in.  He started to realize just how much he took for granted and how dependent he really was on all these other spiritual beings.  He literally could not survive if it were not for the trees and animals.   He looked up into the tree and mouthed the words 'Thank you!"  Just as he looked back down, he noticed a grizzly bear somber into the circle.  

"Please forgive my tardiness." said Ambassador Bear, representative of the Four Legged Alliance.  "I was detained for a short period as the Plant Nation Consortium had a bunch of berries distract me on my journey.  

Ambassador Oak spoke up quickly.  "Objection to the accusation by my esteemed Ambassador from the Four Legged Alliance.  But despite his belly, the berries have been provided for the benefit of himself and many others.  A service the Plant Nation Consortium is more than happy to provide.  No sense blaming others for his own distractions."

Ambassador Bear acknowledged the objection with the wave of his paw.  "We can settle this later, perhaps with a nice back scratch.  As for our new friends here and the purpose of this gathering, I just want to say that we are also willing and able to help.  However, we will need some help in doing so.  If Tom and Chloe want us to participate, we will need food, water and health care in exchange for our efforts.  Any work that takes away from our own capacity to fend for ourselves will have to be compensated.  Depending upon who they call for, some levels of protection will also be required as some of us are predators and some are pray.  It is our nature to hunt one another.  So they will need to learn our ways and communicate with us should they need us here in spirit rather than as animals.  A direct request must be made to the specific individuals that they need help from, otherwise nature will take its course."

Tom and Chloe looked at one another in amazement as a big huge grizzly bear laid out the terms and conditions of their help.  If it was not for the sun beating down on their shoulders and the strain on their necks as they kept looking around at what was going on, it would have all seemed like a dream.  

Tom stood up to address Ambassador Bear.  "I am moved by your terms and conditions sir.  We will honour them should we ever call upon a member of the Four Legged Alliance."  As Tom sat back down beside Chloe, Avia called upon the ambassador of the Fin Water League.

All eyes turned to the lake as Ambassador Sturgeon poked his head out of the water.  "Dear Ambassadors, Stewards and distinguished guests."  His formal speech began like he was speaking at the old UN that had once existed years ago.  

Ambassador Eagle interrupted him, "Oh, give it a rest and just get on with it." he said as he rolled his eyes.

Ambassador Sturgeon looked up at his heckler in the tree and continued on with his speech.  "The Fin Water League would like to acknowledge the efforts of the one called Tom.  His willingness to ask permission to even draw water from the lake, upon which is our home, showed respect and courage.  In return, we would like to support their efforts to build a home fire and also make another offer.  Some of our members have expressed a willingness to offer their vessels to help feed Tom and Chloe.  We trust that Phaelan and Avia will help them in their efforts to ensure that we prosper just as much as they do.  Thank you for your time and for listening to concerns of the Fin Water League."

After he was finished a bunch of the fish around Ambassador Sturgeon started slapping the surface of the water as if they were applauding his speech.  Chloe could not help but think that the plants and animals were acting like children themselves.  Perhaps they were, spiritual children learning how to get along themselves. 

Avia then stood up and thanked Ambassador Sturgeon for his lovely speech.  She then turned to the logs sitting near the fire.  "Ambassador Beetle, care to say a few words?"

Ambassador Beetle then spoke with a surprisingly boisterous voice.  "Thank you Ambassador Avia.  It is rare for the Belly Crawling Guild to be acknowledge as we are often shunned and ridiculed.  So we appreciate any chance we can get to have our voice heard.  It may surprise you to know that our guild makes up all the insects, so we are actually a guild of immense size and power.  I've heard from the bees and they are willing to help Tom and Chloe with honey if they need it.  As for the Winged Confederacy, back off!  We out number you a billion to one."

Before Ambassador Eagle could respond to the threat from Ambassador Beetle, Avia stood up and thanked the Ambassador for his support towards Tom and Chloe.  She then turned to the Single Celled Conglomerate.  "Ambassador Bacteria, I offer you the opportunity to speak to the request of Tom and Chloe."

Chloe leaned forward as she was very curious as to how a single celled organism could communicate.  Suddenly she could see some flashes of light in the soil around the fire.  As they got warmed up the flashes started forming symbols.  Phaelan then translated for the group.  "Thank you Ambassador Avia.  We have not felt threatened by these people.  We offer culture for cheese and other forms of food.  We are also willing to help with their own vessels as our conglomerate already resides within each of them.  We support their request.  All we ask is that all members of this counsel remember that we will be of service to all as we will be the ones to decompose your vessels when they die.  We look forward to be of service to you all."

Avia thanked the Ambassador Bacteria and then offered the stewards an opportunity to speak.  

The Chief from the nêhiyawin camp stood up to speak.  "This land has been stewarded by our ancestors for thousands of years.  Our brother Phaelan and sister Avia have demonstrated by example that they are able and willing to be stewards of this land.  They show respect to all life.  They know the cycles of Mother Earth and work hard to stay in the flow.  They have honoured us and our ways.  They created their own ceremonies rather than trying to assimilate ours and created this Spirit Circle to help with their work.  Despite all the trauma and violence of the colonial ways, we have found a way to decolonize and reconcile our relationships.  We did it through hard work, walking the path and forgiveness.  We only ask that there be no secrets.  If we can be honest with one another, then we consent.  There is one individual in this circle that has not been fully honest with the group.  We welcome her to stand and speak her peace."

He then sat down, turned and looked directly at Chloe who was still in awe of how quickly the Spirit Counsel formed before her eyes and everything that was shared.  As all eyes turned to her, she could feel her heart skip a beat and then accelerate.  Her face turned red as she realized all the attention was on her.  Panic started to set it as she struggled to figure out what secret he was referring to.  She searched her mind for some sort of hint.  Finding nothing there, she turned to her heart.  What was he talking about.  She looked over at him again and saw him smirk as he nodded at her.  She then busted out in laughter as she realized what he was talking about.  The Chief and whole group started laughing as well, except Tom.  He looked around wondering what was so funny as everyone was laughing except him.  What was going on?  


A beautiful continuation of Tom and Chloe's journey.

God is Spirit and Spirit created everything here, why would we try to own it?

A lesson that still needs to be learned by the masses before we can begin our journey towards healing and peace.

The air that you breath is shared with all life on this planet. The moment you breath in, you borrow it for a short moment before you must then release it back out.

This struck me. Nothing says we're all interconnected more than having this at the back of our minds

A beautiful continuation of Tom and Chloe's journey.

God is Spirit and Spirit created everything here, why would we try to own it?

A lesson that still needs to be learned by the masses before we can begin our journey towards healing and peace.

Another great chapter With many lessons. We really do not own our bodies, let alone can we really stake a claim to ownership of anything here on land. What we can do is simply partake and share as equals

Wow that was a little more then a short story lol but the first half that i read was interesting 🧡 i like the sturgeon character im imagining a half human half fish like creature. 🐟🧡

lol. It is on the longer side of a short story. How about we call it a medium story instead. No novel though. Perhaps that is next. Thanks for reading and providing feedback. I appreciate that very much.

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