Maddox Chapel Cemetery

in #shortstory6 years ago (edited)


Reginald Maddox had been a Methodist itinerant preacher when he decided to settle down in the village to become a farmer. Three years after he and the villagers had completed their beloved chapel, Reverend Maddox died from a heart attack while burying a Confederate soldier, who, unbeknownst to him, had not been shot by Yankees. Private Plunck had instead been trapped and killed by men in his own regiment for raping and murdering young girls.


The villagers totally abandoned Maddox Chapel after several parishioners had noticed unexplainable lights at night, and girls told their parents they were being followed to the outhouse by a man without a face. Though the villagers drifted to other places of worship, they still buried their loved ones in the cemetery with their kin. However, they never set foot in the graveyard at night.


Billy Marshall lived on the outskirts of the village in a run-down trailer with his parents and sisters. One night he and his two buddies decided to drop some acid and trip inside the abandoned chapel. They spray painted a pentagram on the floor and circled it with red candles.

As they stared at the flames and chanted praises to Satan, the LSD really kicked in for Billy, and a faceless man appeared in the middle of the circle.

"Are you seeing this?" Billy asked his friends, but Chris was laughing too hard and Ricky was entranced by the melted wax that felt like warm flesh to his fingertips.

"What do you desire most in this here world?" the faceless man asked him in a rusty old twang.

The answer was not hard for Billy. "A nice big house. Oh, and also...."

"You only get one wish," the faceless man interrupted.

"Um, OK." He looked to his friends, but they were far away in their own minds.

"I got one condition: You gotta give me your daughter."

Billy laughed. He didn't have a daughter. "Sure, you can have her."

The faceless man reached out his hand to the edge of the circle, and as Billy shook it, a cold jolt went through his arm and the faceless man disappeared. Billy laughed.

"This acid is rockin' my world, y'all. Where's the jambox at? I wanna hear some Ozzy."


Billy was in the middle of having sex with his daughter's 18-year-old friend when the phone rang. It was the police. Billy answered it because he'd had some money missing out of the petty cash.

Jennifer, who was grateful for the job Billy gave her after graduation and had always been jealous of the Marshalls' fancy house by the river, watched her lover as he asked what sounded like horrific questions.

"Ashley is dead," he said after he hung up. "Shot at school. He got her."

"Who got her? Billy, what's happening?"

Billy heard the sound of the TV being turned on and screaming as he walked to the garage. He unpacked his nine millimeter and began to load it.

Naked, wild-eyed Jennifer found him. "Billy, you gotta take me to the school! Please. My little sister is there. Billy? What are you doing?"

"I got to protect Ashley," he said before he put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

Billy's wife found him about an hour later, faceless.


After decades of vandalism and broken locks, the villagers finally cemented up Maddox Chapel for good and started putting their loved ones to rest in other cemeteries. On Halloween night, the teenagers climbed the fence and roamed the graveyard in their costumes, scaring each other with tales of strange lights, faceless men in the shadows, and ghosts of girls who died in a school shooting before they were born.


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