
Ah you are really hitting the sweet spots for me. If there is one thing I love more than sci-fi it is all things Lovecraftian. My own RPGs (I run pen and paper role playing games - am a "Dungeon Master" if you speak D&D) always include both sci-fi elements and a healthy dose of secrets too terrible for mortal man to comprehend and elder things from beyond space and time which care naught for human ambition.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

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Thanks for being an original and creative content creator! You rock!

Ahh! Thank-you!

Ditto on the Lovecraft; anything Cthulhu has me captivated, and it's sci-fi to boot so it's all the more awesome when you get deep into the Mythos.

You drew the attention of the Old Ones with that description of the eldritch tome! Good read, I'll be lurking waiting for more...

Haha, glad you enjoyed it!

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